LCD monitor +cigarette smoke?


Aug 6, 2003
i will making the plunge any second now on a dell 19 inch lcd.
shold i even get this monitor, i smoke alot of cigs and will the smoke feck up the screen on the lcd>?

any input appreciated
It would probably cause the plastic sheet in front of the screen itself yellow after time.
What about your lungs man heck thats more important then the monitor.

I know its a bit@h to quit. I use to throw the pack out the window on the way home from work saying I was qutting and buy another pack on the way to work.
i used to have a 15 inch lcd for a year and the cigarette smoke absolutely destroyed the screen.
it was a beige lcd and that shit just turned yellow and the image wasnt as crisp anymore(not sure cig smoke had something to do with this).
this was a couple years back and was just wondering if anything has changed in the lcd game.
hmmm its a tough decsision,
crt+marlboros or lcd+ healthy lungs
Lost many aunts and uncles from smokin' bro' kinda irrelevant but it's best to quit. Both for you and your investments (Cigarettes killed my car too)
I will confess that I am still a smoker. But some years ago I came home one day and when I walked into the house decided I didn't like the smell. It wasn't fair to my non-smoking husband or my cat or my comp or the drapes or anything else. I haven't smoked in the house since. :)
Lethal said:
Don't you know that smoking is....... (wait for it)........ LETHAL? :p

Don't feel bad, I still smoke occasionally too. But never anywhere near the comp or headphone rig.
just dont blow the smoke on teh screen and you should be fine...

I blow bud smoke all over my 2405 all the time, so far so good.
cigarette smoke for anything is not good. I see to much computer problems from just cigarette smoke
Shouldn't be an issue. I smoke cigars while on my computer(smoking one now). Just clean the screen and all surfaces weekly, thats what I do.
Sunni_Phono said:
anyone that smokes cigarettes now-a-days is an idiot.

you try stopping after doing it for 30 years and make that statement... :rolleyes:

to the op: it didn't seem to bother my old one much... my new one is ok too, but i've been off the evil weed for almost 6 months now... and no, it isnt easy... :(
Once I got my corepad (glass mousepad) and 2405FPW I stopped smoking around my PC and thus cut down on the amount I smoke sort of killing two birds with one stone. I will eventually quit.
I've heard that smoking damages all electronics over time, but I have no idea what the timeframes and amount of "damage" is. It's obviously not a good thing.

Beyond that obvious kind of stuff though, I can't stand the idea of people smoking inside of their houses/offices/whatever. The sheer amount of stank that it injects into everything (furniture, plastics, clothing, walls, floors, curtains, books, human skin, your plants (those can help ! ;) )) is just crazy.

Anyhow, if ya gotta do it or have co-habitants that are liable to smoke a lot near your hardware, you could probably do a lot worse than buying yourself a HEPA-filter air cleaner, which might do a lot to draw the bad stuff in the air away from your electronics and deposit it in a filter instead.

(note: HEPA filter air cleaner, HEPA filter! -- not the sharper image stuff that spews ozone gas, that'll just kill ya faster :))
Smoking kills the PC, inside and out, including the monitor, the particles in the smoke will bind to anything it can touch, usually LCD or internal components of a computer, creating a yellowish tint to whatever it touches sometimes building up to cause damage.... remember the particles coming out of that deathstick (cig) are at REALLY high temps... it's like buring a piece of paper infront of your components each time you smoke, something is going to get broken. NO a fan grill will NOT stop smoke from affecting your computer, and NO putting a thin screen over the monitor will not protect it...

Best Idea is to quit, I've been hassaling my mom ever since I was born and she still is oblivious to the fact... Plus, in the next 10 years, society is going to develop more against smoking than it already is today, who know it might even be banned one day (that's if the heirarchies in the cig business get their people out of the lobbies)
yeah, maybe it will be banned, along with anything else you don't like.

encouraging somebody to quit is one thing, but there are a reason we have our liberties in this country, even though those liberties are being walked upon more and more as each day progresses.
Sunni_Phono said:
anyone that smokes cigarettes now-a-days is an idiot.

I agree that if you START smoking that's just stupid. No reason to start it with all we know about it. But if you've been using them for years that's a different matter entirely.
Mysticcal said:
Best Idea is to quit, I've been hassaling my mom ever since I was born and she still is oblivious to the fact... Plus, in the next 10 years, society is going to develop more against smoking than it already is today, who know it might even be banned one day (that's if the heirarchies in the cig business get their people out of the lobbies)

psstttt.... hey... pssttt............YOU SOUND LIKE A NAZI!!!!!!!

Society doesnt like it therefore it shouldbe illegal.......... people like you make me wanna move to canada.
well i wish i could just quit smoking, but i went ahead and ordered the damn lcd anyways.
12 ms should be good for gaming, i asuume.
i cant leave my marlboros yet, a true friend that has always been there for me.
Shadow300z said:
I agree that if you START smoking that's just stupid. No reason to start it with all we know about it. But if you've been using them for years that's a different matter entirely.

some ppl just have weak wills, and succum to things like peer pressure and general depression at an early age and are driven to find things to fit in or calm down. i'd think this would drive teens to either smoke cigs or pot, and though the positive effects of pot weighed with its cons, against the positive effects of cigs weighed with its cons comes out with pot on top, cigs are legal, and pot isn't. so, stupid? maybe. weak willed? most likely.