LCD Window for a Mystique 632


Limp Gawd
Aug 7, 2006
So, I am a little new to modding but I have some GREAT ideas, or I should restate that as I THINK I have some great ideas. One of which is an LCD mod. I have a 15 inch TFT screen that I have dismantled. I was origionally going to perform the Metku Mods "TransTFT" Mod on - - but as I started installing my ThermalTake BigWater SE water cooling system I was, as you say, INSPIRED!

All of the tubing and the liquid is green UV reactive, cool, fine, I will install a UV tube in the very bottom of the case - YAY GLOWIE!. Then I thought about it as I looked at the window in my case, I HATE WINDOWS! If I wanted to look into my case - I would just take off the side panel. But, I always wondered what it would look like to see the inside of the case while it was on and closed, ya know, see all the creepy little pc gnomes working the day away. Anyway I looked over at the other side of the room and saw the bare tft panel sitting there and got my idea. I will mount the TFT into the side of the case - get a bare unwindowed side panel for the case - and then dremel out the area needed - and install the panel. Install all the inner workings into the case panel and cover it with a piece of acrylic so as to ensure no damage to the screen when I take the panel off. I will then mount a decent webcame - 1024x768 res in the area underneath the hard drives in the front bottom of the case - looking up at the PSU at the TOP back of the case, all of the Tubes glowing and all the wiring nice and tucked away - a polished chrome interior, yes, in my mind - this looks amazing. I was wondering if anyone has ever attempted this kind of mod or if I am truly and amazingly origional in this?
For those of you who have yet to see the Mystique 632, check it out here - 632 - I definately think the whole HAL9000 image will come through quite clear with a black case with the orange dot in the middle - and then the screen to the right. Give me input guys - what would you guys do - the web cam or something else. I ALWAYS have music playing so I could set up a winamp vis - idk - help me out fellas!
A problem with mounting LCD's in cases is that the EMI that comes out of them kills HD's.
Never thought about that :(
Is there a way to shield them? I am planning on keeping the origional shielding attached to the panel - just not the plastic case. All of the metal shielding will be painted black like on the Metku Mods page. I am quite adimant about making this work and would appreciate all the help I can get from you guys.


Wait, you want the screen to display the inside of the case? Like a window? Seems like it would be a hell of a lot cooler to just use that as your monitor. Would save desk space and would rock going to LANs.

Well, it would be hooked up as a secondary display so in all honesty - you could still use it as a main display if I was at a lan. Your idea is a good one. But at home, when I have all of my things set up and looking all nice, I would MUCH rather use my home monitor than the 15 inch TFT that is in the side of my case lol.
I think you will be okay on shielding, I would keep backups of your data just in case though.
I think it will be cool. Then take a picture of the wall behind your regular monitor and use that as your wallpaper to keep the theme going.

Look for a wide angle - fish eye lens cam and then post some pics.
Trust me - pics will be posted on every step of the process. I am just waiting on the case to come in stock so that begin the mod.
Pick up some dremel cutting disks if you don't already have at least 5 in your kit. Those will cut nice like butter thru metal. (well, almost like butter, heh)

I'll use these style cutoff/grind disks to refine the errors out of the cut if I mess up a little or have burred areas.

Then get some of these... they'll sand a smoother finish after everything is cut and ground down. They wear out kinda quick on metal though, I think they're for wood. lol.

After that, you can throw some molding on what you just cut out to give a nicer look.
I plan on cutting the area behind the hard drive cage out. I then plan on putting the HD's in backwords basically so that all the cables are hidden. I want to make a bracket and mound 90 degree molex and sata connectors in it so that i can quite literally have a makeshift hotswap for each drive - just click the tabs and pull - it will look clean and be efficient. I dont want an actual hotswap bay because they are generally ugly.
Little update - I am no longer going for the black alien look with my new set up. This is for a few reasons.

A. I have a pretty sick idea for the silver case.
B. It's hard as s**t to find all orange accessories.
C. It's wicked easy to find blue and silver things (except bezels for drives - but I am just going to stealth them)
D. I am an impatient little s**t and I am sick of waiting for the black case to come out - so silver and blue it is.


Anyway - I am naming this modding project.

The Industrial Angel

If any of you have any "heavenly" ideas, they would be greatly appreciated.

I am debating on if I am going to go through with the LCD mod on this one as I don't want it to be too gaudy. As you can see I went with the lack of a window on the case - pretty much cause I couldnt find a case with a window that I liked. I am going to install one, It just has to be the right one ya know?

I am going to need to chrome the interior as I am still going for somewhat of an industrial look. So I will need some pointers on how to chrome the metal frame inside. I want shine!

If anyone has any ideas whatsoever - please let me know.