learning php/mysql


Limp Gawd
Jun 7, 2006
I have decided I would like to learn php/mysql. I have been wanting to learn for a while but have been putting it off. What is a good book to learn from? I have no web programming/design experience just networking skills so something not to complicated but something I still can use to get going at pretty good speed. Also I would prefer to get it through barnes and nobles or borders so I can just go pick it up at a store so I do not have to wait. Thanks for any input.
I am thinking of setting up a blog using wordpress so that why I am looking into php/mysql should I look into css first or learn it after? Sorry for the randomness I am just starting out and want to learn the right things.

that would be the best way to learn I'd say.

You can learn a lot from just reading the php.net manual on php.

Also, searching via google has PLENTY of tutorials on all of the above subjects.
I know the basics with html so would I need to start over? Also what are some good ways to start? I am trying to get started and keep going. My main objective is to get to where I can create a blog with wordpress and know what I am doing not just copying some template. So whats the best way to get there and what are the best steps as in learning the material.
v6maro's path is a bit misleading; You don't need html or css to learn php. Here's how I'd do it;

Get a book on php; I recommend Wrox's. Excellent coverage of the material. Fiddle with php and mysql for a while ( the book covers both ). Then start coding what you want; This is where you'd pick up html and/or css if that's your choice.
Just use php.net to learn PHP.. it's how I learned.

Start with a very basic function like echo and go from there.


When you start to want to expand your horizons you can read on other functions simply by suffixing the php.net domain with the function name. www.php.net/explode

It's good for taking stabs in the dark too, sometimes you can get similar results for what you're trying to do. With all of the source code examples available on the website you can slowly build your skill level up by searching on functions that exist in the source code.
You might miss out on object oriented programming if you just learn php from php.net however. I agree with XOR != OR, learn php and mysql first, html and css are secondary and not the backbone of a website. Just learn them when you feel a need for them.
I don't know how to say this without sounding preachy; I hope you'll indulge me.

While PHP and databases are related topics because they're commonly used together, I'd urge you to sutdy databases seperately. Databases are a large and vast subject, subject to many subtleties and complexitis. If you don't understand the issues inherent in using a database, you're going to do a terible job of implementing websites that use a database back-end.

As three_sixteen pointed out, there are lots of great tutorials and documentation up at the php.net site.
i started myself something along the lines of..

html -> javascript -> css -> php -> mysql

mysql is how i learned databases for the most part, not having a gui really enforced it as well.

i had already know object oriented programming from learning java, but a book that i started on that i though was pretty good was, "Sams teach yourself apache, php, and mysql" (cant remember if thats the order), and it goes through the basics of each individually and then setting them up together, and using them mostly together but they each have chapters dedicated completly to each section by itself.

as far as db structures, i urge you to make things as heirarchical(sp?) as possible just because those are the easiest imo to understand, but realistically do what works best for the task at hand.
"PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites (second edition) Visual QuickPro Guide" by Larry Ullman. I got mine at Barnes and Noble. They might be on the third edition now, but either way, it is a great book. You certainly can't go wrong with it. It starts pretty basic, and moves along at a great pace with tons of examples.
I have decided I would like to learn php/mysql. I have been wanting to learn for a while but have been putting it off. What is a good book to learn from? I have no web programming/design experience just networking skills so something not to complicated but something I still can use to get going at pretty good speed. Also I would prefer to get it through barnes and nobles or borders so I can just go pick it up at a store so I do not have to wait. Thanks for any input.

I pretty much learned it on my own using examples I could find anywhere and everywhere. I'm still no expert, but I know what I am doing now ;)

I had a bit of background in C though, and already knew HTML, so I picked up on PHP/MySQL quickly, and I was amazed at how useful it was. Definently worth learning IMO.
I am debating 2 books, which one do you think I should get:
-PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites ISBN: 0321336577
-Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache All in One ISBN: 0672328739
you already know i'll pick sams, i have maybe 4 different books by them because i really like how they do their books, they make a fairly good refference once your finished as well. if your gonna pick them up at a local store, then flip through them and see which one you think looks better. i'd pick the one that looks the most clear to follow.
I'm not sure how we can predict which book you like. Everyone learns differently, and we don't know what your tastes or preferences are.

Speaking as an author, I'd stay away from Sams. FAR away. I've written for them before, and they treat their writers terribly. The owant to churn out books as fast as possible, often putting an unmanageable number of authors on a title and having them work in parallel -- sacrificing consistency and quality along the way.
I'm not sure how we can predict which book you like. Everyone learns differently, and we don't know what your tastes or preferences are.

Speaking as an author, I'd stay away from Sams. FAR away. I've written for them before, and they treat their writers terribly. The owant to churn out books as fast as possible, often putting an unmanageable number of authors on a title and having them work in parallel -- sacrificing consistency and quality along the way.

just out of curiosity, which ones have you worked on? i've had good experiences with all of mine in all honesty
I think the last title I worked on was "Teach Yourself OLE in 21 days" back in 1995 or so. For that title, I was technical editor -- until I started sending back edits that were twice the size. The manuscript was hopelessly bad; the first chapter said that GUIDs were 128 bytes long instead of 128 bits, for instance ... and it went downhill from there.

They expected me to build and test all the samples with about half a dozen C/C++ compilers; Zortech, Borland, Microsoft, Lattice, and so on -- in both 16- and 32-bit builds, on both 16- and 32-bit versions of Windows.

The whole experience demonstrated to me that they didn't give a rip about quality or accuracy and just wanted to get the titles on the shelves.

Some of Sam's imprimts are much worse; Que, for example. When I was writing for Wrox, we would look at the Sam's titles in horror. Unfortunately, Wrox became largely the same as Que -- with the whole multi-author, maximum-speed model. I think that's what drove them out of business.

Of course, this is a generalization. And if you like their books, feel free to buy 'em. Some of the "Unleashed" series aren't so bad, if you can remember that you won't really "unleash!" anything and instead you'll just learn the basics.
v6maro's path is a bit misleading; You don't need html or css to learn php. Here's how I'd do it;

Get a book on php; I recommend Wrox's. Excellent coverage of the material. Fiddle with php and mysql for a while ( the book covers both ). Then start coding what you want; This is where you'd pick up html and/or css if that's your choice.

I told him to start with basic html because he sounds like a noob with no experience at all. I think it's easier for someone to learn HTML before he starts with PHP for the basic fact that with HTML it's all formatting, no logic.
I told him to start with basic html because he sounds like a noob with no experience at all. I think it's easier for someone to learn HTML before he starts with PHP for the basic fact that with HTML it's all formatting, no logic.

We have differing views; I think php is easier to learn first because it's all logic and no formatting. :)

PHP makes sense. HTML is a cludge that sorta works between browsers.
my advise is always to start slow. its a LOT fo stuff to learn, and a lot of newbies make the wrong assumption that they can learn all of it in a few weeks. this is something that's going to take upwards of 12-24 months to grasp completely.

with that said, start out with xHTML and CSS. learn them both together. there is no point in doing web development if you don't know how to format your pages correctly.

Then take your first tentative steps in client-side programming with javascript. you'll need this later because it's an AJAX world nowadays, so knowing the DOM is going to be essential.

then delve into some PHP and MySQL, but not until you have a very good grasp of the above stuff first!!

you will kind of have to learn PHP/SQL together, because most scripting languages rely on some sort of database back-end to be truly useful. Learn some basic SQL first (creates, selects, inserts, updates, deletes) then before you go any further, get a good grasp on database design (tables, relationships, keys, etc.).
then move into PHP and concentrate on how to make DB connections to run queries and display the results in a webpage.

the best way to tie all this together is by making a little project for yourself. a website that stores all your CD/DVD info is a good start, as it's both interesting and touches on all the important concepts, and is a small enough project to not be too daunting or time consuming.
I have the PHP and MySql for Dynamic websites book. It goes into everything in depth and is a great reference. I already learned databases from taking a database class and PHP from a web development class but the book would work great for someone with little or no experience because it has many great examples and some projects that will teach you the ins and outs of both.
We have differing views; I think php is easier to learn first because it's all logic and no formatting. :)

PHP makes sense. HTML is a cludge that sorta works between browsers.

I agree, somewhat. However, PHP is designed to output HTML to the end user as a result, how can he form html from code if he doesn't even know how to form it in the first place? Kind of like chicken before the egg. HTML is the goal, so start there, then make the page interact with the scripting language.
I picked Sams Teach Yourself HTML and CSS in 24 Hours to start then I will go to a php/mysql