Left 4 Dead (1) appropriately named

They still have that deal, but it went up in price. It would now be $37.5 each before tax.

Fyi, gamestop will have l4d2 on sale for $29.99 on black friday.........
i know iam impatience

but i just bought dragon age origins for $23 from g2play.net
its the ea downloader or digital download verison
I don't mind at all I bought L4D when it was 50% off and for the amount of hours I got out of it, I got my moneys worth.

dido, when i first bought it on sale, i think for $29? i played it for a few hours then got sick of it, but now over the last month i have been playing it for hours on end and now love the game (was getting sick of tf2)

I can drop $50 at the bar easily for 2-3 hours of fun, so the game has kept me out of trouble.
I think most of the L4D1 haters really never got the chance to experience it the right way. When playing with a group of friends, and not just random strangers, it's amazingly fun even if you're playing the same maps over and over again. When I first bought it, I tried first person out for about 10 minutes, hated it, and quit playing. Then a buddy online asked me to play w/him and I gave it another shake and probably spent a good 300 hours on it in the last several months. For myself, complaining that I didn't get my money's worth would be pretty ridiculous; as I've paid a lot more and played a lot less.

I'll admit when I first heard of the sequel so soon, I was kind of miffed, as I was hoping Valve would release another map pack. Once I started seeing some of the gameplay from L4D2 though, my opinion started changing. Calling this an expansion simply doesn't do it justice. Would I have loved to have gotten it for free? Well who wouldn't, but I can't imagine a company simply handing out something that they have clearly invested a TON of time in for nothing. I paid $33.75 for it, which is extremely reasonable given the $50 price tag on most new games.

If you hate it, that's fine...but for pete's sake stop with the EMO whiny "we was robbed" mantra. As always, if you don't like it, vote with your wallet.
L4D2 is great and the OP is truly looking a gift horse in the mouth. I am truly perplexed at the lack of people playing L4D2..I guess the MW2 boycotters have better things to do....like play MW2..Gay!
I don't mind at all I bought L4D when it was 50% off and for the amount of hours I got out of it, I got my moneys worth.


I have spent quite a bit more on games that I have played quite a bit less.

L4D2 is great and the OP is truly looking a gift horse in the mouth. I am truly perplexed at the lack of people playing L4D2..I guess the MW2 boycotters have better things to do....like play MW2..Gay!


Well, we all knew that was going to happen.
When L4D first came out I thought it looked good, but the content didn't stack up to the price so I decided to wait for it to go on sale. A few months later I had it for 50% off and was completely happy with the purchase. When did it become common practice to expect free stuff after release to the point that you factor it in to your initial purchase? Seems kinda dumb to me. I guess TF2 did this, but it is far from the norm.
All kidding aside I might pick it up when it's $19.99. What is the "Realism mode"?
All kidding aside I might pick it up when it's $19.99. What is the "Realism mode"?

It makes the game a little harder for the survivors... your team mates and items/ammo do not 'glow' like they do in the normal game so you have to be a bit more aware about your surroundings and communication is important. Zombies take a little more damage, and headshots are recommended to kill them. A single hit from a witch will kill you. And if you die, you will not respawn in a closet later in that level. There might be other differences, but these are the ones I know of.
the demo would not run for me. it would do the cinematic, then freeze my system. gonna try newer video drivers to see if that works. Im thinking about gamestop on BF but my hopes are not high, pc games are barely stocked and you rarely see more than one or two copies of new releases if your lucky. At least the 4 or so gamestops in my area are like this.
I have spent quite a bit more on games that I have played quite a bit less.

Absolutely. I put many hours into L4D after I got it, and I definitely think I got my money's worth. Even if they hadn't put out any extra content I would've been happy. As many people have said, a lot of companies/games don't give you any free content.

It seems that people have been spoiled by free content. Now they expect everything to be free, and that's just not feasible. L4D2 sounds like a fairly significant upgrade over the original. I may have to pick it up at some point, whenever I can tear myself away from the PS3.
I think people expected way too much. Also, we don't know that they aren't releasing any more new content. We also don't know what kind of work they are doing to bring the 2 games together, I remember them saying they had some theories on how to combine the communities and game play. I say wait and see. The game was still worth the money in my opinion.

Ok, fine, that's true in isolation, but it simply doesn't matter. Whether or not more content gets released for L4D1, it's still shattered. Look at its Steam numbers.

They fractured the community (or migrated most of it), so L4D1 is done.
the demo would not run for me. it would do the cinematic, then freeze my system. gonna try newer video drivers to see if that works. Im thinking about gamestop on BF but my hopes are not high, pc games are barely stocked and you rarely see more than one or two copies of new releases if your lucky. At least the 4 or so gamestops in my area are like this.

Personally I thought the demo was pretty crappy; and I really like the full game. It was far to easy, and didn't really show off a lot of the improved features of the game. Really all you saw were the new weapons and better graphics; it didn't do a good job of showing off the new expansive environments.
Ok, fine, that's true in isolation, but it simply doesn't matter. Whether or not more content gets released for L4D1, it's still shattered. Look at its Steam numbers.

They fractured the community (or migrated most of it), so L4D1 is done.

Sadly your right and I wasn't expecting the move to happen so quickly. Not only are the numbers down but I was playing today. On the first server that I was on there was two people idling for quite a while and as soon as one of them came back it turned out to be some kid with a high pitched voice screaming into his crackling mic. On the second server one person was using some of the most blatant hacks that I have ever seem including one that wouldn't allow me to call a vote to kick him. Now that was two in a row, it has just been harder to find a good match. I'm not too sure how versus is doing.

I may have to pick up L4D2 at some point but I'm going to wait for a sale since I'm starting to get into Killing Floor anyways.
L4D & L4D2 play more like a tech demo than an actual game. No thanks.
cant say I dont agree with the original post.

I played the beta for its release and couldnt wait to see more content added. I was pretty disappointed in seeing the lack of content released for it. even throughout the beta, I was always thinking no one wants to be the survivors online, the weapons are so basic, especially for being a zombie game. its like a zombie game with military weapons with a city theme.

I wanted more the entire time and never got it. I wish I didnt give in, I purchased it a few months after beta and only played it for 2-3 weeks.
L4D & L4D2 play more like a tech demo than an actual game. No thanks.

With as much content of varying landscapes/scenery in this goal-based teamwork driven game, you surely have a different definition of tech demo than most.
I played the first game quite a bit.
My kids and I had a ball playing together on line, a great way to spend a hour or two.

This new release is graphically better, no doubt. I have yet to play it, but my daughter(who plays #1 alot) says the gameplay is much better,the difficulty is higher and the game is much more dependant on good teamwork. She likes it.

I might pick it up on Black Friday........maybe Steam will discount it then too???? (doubtful)

I was surprised a Rev.2 came out so quick.....but look at COD......every November like clockwork.
I just wish Valve would get with finishing HL2......I want my Episode 3 sometime before I die, I'm beginning to think Gordon Freeman has disappeared into the vapor.

/thread :cool:

Left 4 Dead 2 does not expand Left 4 Dead 1. If it did, it would be an expansion. Left 4 Dead 2 is its own game. Practically everything about the game is new. Again, if Left 4 Dead 2 simply added melee weapons or new Special Infected to the original Left 4 Dead, I'd agree that it was an expansion pack. But the sheer volume of new content in an all-new set of campaigns and an all-new set of modes more than justifies the status of sequel.

Sure, Left 4 Dead 2 expands upon the idea of Left 4 Dead 1, but that's what all sequels do, you fucking idiot!
ya i bought it for 20 bucks last Tgiving from amazon or whatever holiday it was and amazon had that awesome sale!

i played it for about a month, EVERY day, then got bored. played again this summer for a few weeks. I think it was worth the 20 bucks i spent on it. thanks valve for a cool game.

l4d2 is on my list next, ill buy it for 30 bucks later today, get another few months game time out of it, and be ready for l4d3

ppl bitch too much imo.... pay the 20 - 30 bucks , enjoy it for what it is, and move on.
sigh meeee TOO... imo stop work on TF2 and l4d2 updates for a few months, bring ep 3 up to full speed, and get it out the door already!!!!! its been what? 2 years now? christ, i am sooo ready to pay 30 bucks for that episode!

I played the first game quite a bit.
I just wish Valve would get with finishing HL2......I want my Episode 3 sometime before I die, I'm beginning to think Gordon Freeman has disappeared into the vapor.