Left 4 Dead is really starting to suck


Jun 10, 2002
If it isn't servers that disconnect you at a critical moment in the campaign it is players that sign on just to kill everyone on the team. These conditions are starting to become more frequent making game play really frustrating. I have been on the Steam forum, but most feel there is little that can be done about the players that join just to kill everyone. Anyone else having these issues?
Friends only lobby is cool, if you've got the friends to do it. If you don't have enough l4d friends to do that, I'd bet there are some people here who'd be willing to play. Some nettards really do suck. Sometimes you can find a decent public server though.
Friends only lobby is cool, if you've got the friends to do it. If you don't have enough l4d friends to do that, I'd bet there are some people here who'd be willing to play. Some nettards really do suck. Sometimes you can find a decent public server though.

I have friemds, but sometime I am ready to play and they are not.
true that. they sold how many copies. i cant seem to get a decent ping or game during the day.
Whoever said that "shooting zombies" never gets old has not yet killed 21,000 of them yet. Trust me it gets old.
yea, i found game to be pretty repetitive after going through each map once or twice..
we have a L4D hardocp group which might help you at least get decent players most of the time.

group is '[H] Left 4 Dead'
Whoever said that "shooting zombies" never gets old has not yet killed 21,000 of them yet. Trust me it gets old.

true but playing css dust / dust2 for a few years..do not get old for me...

i think the people you play with make it more fun.

i played with a few teens or younger, soo funny on the stuff they come up with. played with a person using zoey, that just laughed every 5 seconds.

i will have to check out the [H] group when im off from my work week . 4 days :)
Whoever said that "shooting zombies" never gets old has not yet killed 21,000 of them yet. Trust me it gets old.

Been playing with my friends (4v4 packed games and we all know eachother) since release and I can say: killing zombies WITH people you know doesn't get old.
That's the problem with a 4 person game. The numbers are too small. The chances of having a douche being able to affect the entire game is much too high.

I hate L4D for the restrictive 4 players. I'd rather play the various other zombie games for source that have up to 32.
L4D needs more of the options TF2 has, such as muting, friendly fire off. How f'king hard is that Valve?
What they need is a way to track douchebaggery. The problem with the game is there is no accountability. People can run around being asses, ruin a game for 7 other people, and then quit and repeat on another server. They need to track players by some kind of rating system. Healing or lifting up a teammate, saving a teammate, finishing a map with everyone alive, etc. etc. would all add points to your ranking. Team killing, rage quitting, suiciding, running away from the team, etc. would give you negative points. Having zero accountability brings out the ball-less asshats; exhibit A - the Internet.
What they need is a way to track douchebaggery. The problem with the game is there is no accountability. People can run around being asses, ruin a game for 7 other people, and then quit and repeat on another server. They need to track players by some kind of rating system. Healing or lifting up a teammate, saving a teammate, finishing a map with everyone alive, etc. etc. would all add points to your ranking. Team killing, rage quitting, suiciding, running away from the team, etc. would give you negative points. Having zero accountability brings out the ball-less asshats; exhibit A - the Internet.

true. i only had the game for a week or so i did have a few of those moments listed above . but most of the people take it serious like myself.
What they need is a way to track douchebaggery. The problem with the game is there is no accountability. People can run around being asses, ruin a game for 7 other people, and then quit and repeat on another server. They need to track players by some kind of rating system. Healing or lifting up a teammate, saving a teammate, finishing a map with everyone alive, etc. etc. would all add points to your ranking. Team killing, rage quitting, suiciding, running away from the team, etc. would give you negative points. Having zero accountability brings out the ball-less asshats; exhibit A - the Internet.

I am not sure how accountability would work. Players can just change their handle and start over and continue being disruptive. We have done suicide and team killing in a friends only game when your HP is really low and you want to start the next level with 50HP.
I am not sure how accountability would work. Players can just change their handle and start over and continue being disruptive. We have done suicide and team killing in a friends only game when your HP is really low and you want to start the next level with 50HP.
Accountability by Steam account...you can change the in-game name or Steam account name, but the account you paid for the game with still remains. Unless we're talking pirated L4D.
Yeah sometimes I have to like force myself to play, its still a damn fun game though. It would have been perfect if they had just taken that extra step in adding some extra things and details to the game. 2 to 3 seperate campaigns for one. 4 to 5 different guns as well. One more pistol. More then one SMG. More then one assault rifle. Shotguns are good. Id say add a glock, mp5, ak74, and maybe a hunting shotgun with medium/long range that holds 2 rounds but is powerful and accurate. Or maybe an SKS type rifle. All i know is they could have added a lot to the game.
some people will ban from their server for tk'ing, my suggestion was a VAC ban for anyone who purposely comes in to TK and it's not like they don't know who's played with who, but the line has to be drawn somewhere, that's why i think ten people reporting a steamID purposely tk'ing results in a vac ban, i think that's the best approach imho, i sure as hell wouldn't go in and tk everyone (not saying i do, but if i did i'd be alot less likely to) if it would result in the banning of my steam account.
The one thing really sandbagging that suggestion, Mavvok, is potential for abuse. Unfortunately.
Yeah, we had a guy playing with us last night who suddenly decided to start teamkilling. The best solution is to incapacitate them and then use the laugh voice command repeatedly until they die.

Either that or call a kick vote.
I got Zombie Genocidist and stopped playing... That was like a month or so ago. Just waitin on Valve to throw some more maps in the Versus rotation.
I've never had a bad experience in Left 4 Dead until a couple days ago. I bought it right before the steam deal, but only for 30 dollars so I didn't get screwed. We had this rage quitter that kept on joining back after we kicked him. One time our group was split up and he started to attack me as soon as he joined. I quickly tried to vote to kick him but clicked on the above it by accident, calling a map vote to restart the campaign. The tker accepted and after that everyone quit.
Yeah sometimes I have to like force myself to play, its still a damn fun game though. It would have been perfect if they had just taken that extra step in adding some extra things and details to the game. 2 to 3 seperate campaigns for one. 4 to 5 different guns as well. One more pistol. More then one SMG. More then one assault rifle. Shotguns are good. Id say add a glock, mp5, ak74, and maybe a hunting shotgun with medium/long range that holds 2 rounds but is powerful and accurate. Or maybe an SKS type rifle. All i know is they could have added a lot to the game.

I'm not sure what more guns would really add other than another gun model.
AK is pretty much the same assault rifle.
Hunting rifle is pretty much an SKS with a scope.
I guess something between the Uzi and the assault rifle would be nice though, uzi sucks.

They could get into more details, like slightly different damages and accuracy because of different rounds but as is it, L4D guns aren't about details. They pretty much covered all the bases with what they offer. I guess a nice LAW rocket would be fun just to see a nice gib pile or tank deterrent. Make it so the tank can knock the rocket out of the air and send it swirling around with a nice smoke trail and I'm sold.
i'm still enjoying it despite the problems it has. sure you get your assholes, but then i just join another game in progress...
What really sucks is when your friend and you get stuck with teams with extremely high pingers who usually don't talk or speak English. They usually "disappear" at times as well. So basically it becomes L2D or L3D instead of L4D
L4D is alot of fun, but it is a pain sometime when you pub and the majority chose a bad tactic... or don't bother to help you when you get a smoker :(

also grabbing 4 friends can be tiresome sometimes, let alone finding a server.
The game is still fun tho :D and the haunted mod is just sooo much better - larger rushes, more frequent, you get >=2 boomer,smoker & hunter at a time instead of on their own, the witch is just eeevil, stay away (get within 1m of her and she is startled, stupid strong and stupid powerful and goes after everyone)

but the game is lacking

CHAINSAW!!!!!! even one would be great!

ALthough there is expected to be a new gamemode + new map for it (lighthouse). Its survivor-mode. Last as long as you can, lots of fueltanks and stuff but constant rush and lost-o-special zombies, could be fun (best Valve have can beat 10min and the average is 4min )
I'm also in favor of a melee weapon. It could add a lot of things because it would be a total handicap in some situations...but it could be VERY strong in close quarters levels. Teamwork would be a must if someone chose it.

As far as the game goes, on the 360 everything is still running pretty smoothly online. Everyone's bored of the first set of maps, and I generally find the last set of maps to be a little boring in VS. mode. We really need that DLC badly.
What really sucks is when your friend and you get stuck with teams with extremely high pingers who usually don't talk or speak English. They usually "disappear" at times as well. So basically it becomes L2D or L3D instead of L4D

Heh, L2D + L3D :D
L4D is great if you don't play it out. I never play more than once or twice a week and it's stayed pretty fresh. Mix it up with TF2, CoD4, BF2, and DoW2 and I'm never bored of anything really.
That's the problem with a 4 person game. The numbers are too small. The chances of having a douche being able to affect the entire game is much too high.

I hate L4D for the restrictive 4 players. I'd rather play the various other zombie games for source that have up to 32.


If this game allowed 10v10 or some ridiculous 16v16 it would be an absolute riot. Make zombie waves big enough to where if you are split up they are absolute savage.
I am not sure how accountability would work. Players can just change their handle and start over and continue being disruptive. We have done suicide and team killing in a friends only game when your HP is really low and you want to start the next level with 50HP.

I was actually dwelling on this topic and considered making a thread, but alas I got busy. I've got an idea: if Valve could track what players do for the first moments of live gameplay (team kills, team hits), keep track if they disconnect after the first round in VS and show these total points in the lobby before the game starts, it would be easy to see who the assholes were. They could do the scoring system similar to the way they score TF2 servers:

-15 points when game starts and -5 points when they disconnect. For each additional minute they stay they get +1 point. If they rage quit, they'd probably have a really low score. If they are the assholes who TK once the game starts and disconnect, they would instantly be out 20 points. That would add up, and quick.

Then show their score under their name in the lobby and let users decide if they want them to stay.
play about a game a night about, but only with friends I dislike people so much that going out of my way to play with them seems stupid.

it's as much a social game as a zombie game when playing with friends because of the games simpleness it allows you to talk through most the game.
I just wished there were more themes like a bright and sunny far cry island full of zombies. I've grown tired of it after a few times each map playing with only friends. Hopefully I will give it more love in the future new DLCs and custom maps.
I pretty much exclusively play with friends, never on pubs. With the low number of players, like others have said, the chances of one douche fucking it up are high if you're on a pub. One thing that is fun to do is start a friends-only versus lobby, get 4 friends on one team (survivors or infected, your choice) and then make the lobby public. You'll get another 4 people in no time, and no douches on your own team to mess it up. :cool:

That said, the game still hasn't gotten old for me. I don't play it all that often but when I do, it's great fun. I do get tired of some of the same levels over and over (it seems like we end up playing the first campaign a lot for some reason) but it's satisfying when you beat the whole campaign in one run. The "AI Director" or whatever marketing term they want to apply which basically means, "the enemies swarms come semi-randomly," keeps it fresh, as well. Though it does piss me off that they tend to swarm you, along with all three of the main "special" zombies, all at once, extremely often. It's almost to the point where if you hear a hunter or something, you know the other two (smoker and boomer) are going to be close behind. Kind of cheap, but whatever. I do hate having to restart a chapter when we're close to the end because the AI Director decided to be cheap as hell.

The DLC is coming soon, so we have that to look forward to. Survival mode should be great fun.
L4D is a fun game in theory, but my friend and I are also getting pretty tired of it.

The simple fact is: most people suck at video games, period.

Unfortunately, L4D is designed in a way that requires your entire team to at least be decent, and weak links make the game a chore. There are times when my friend and I can carry our team if they're bad, but this only really happens if the other team is awful (which is often, and which is also not very fun). Other times, it doesn't matter how good two people on a team are if the other two are completely clueless.

The major problem is how broken friends-only lobbies are. The major issues are in the form of unjoinable games which is mostly related to two problems:

1. Create a friends-only lobby, switch to public and have no one join. This can go on for hours with constant remakes and 5+ minute waits as no one joins the game. Or, 1-3 people join but for whatever reason, we're stuck at 5-6 players and never fill the room and thus they leave.

2. Fill the lobby, go into the game, but rage quitting happens (as usual) and for whatever reason, the open slots stay open. This isn't 4am games either, the system is obviously broken and friends-only lobbies need to be looked at. We can have a great game going until 1-2 people quit and those spots are never filled and the game breaks up.

Combine that with the constant rage quitting, garbage random server selection, etc. and the game is often a chore to play. My friend and I can often play for 5-6 hours and never get past the first map or two because of the problems I've listed.

One thing I would like to see to curb rage quitting would be a reputation score, somewhat like Madden, that shows your "Did Not Finish" percentage and allows lobby makers to set lobbies to only allow people with "X% or higher" to join. Sometimes quitting is understandable, especially when others have rage quit, but the community in L4D is a complete joke and after the free weekend recently, it's obvious the game is now filled with children and other idiots who're both awful and suffering from low attention spans.
I tired of L4D really quickly. I'm too old to be shoved in a room with three teenagers with attitude problems.
They really need to get some new maps going. By now everyone knows where all the hiding places are.