Left 4 Dead - Stupidest Teammate Stories

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Jun 15, 2004
Given the nature of the Left 4 Dead, and the ridiculously stupid things I have seen people due in the game, I thought I would create a thread for people to tell their stories about the stupidest teammates they have had to deal with. Hopefully the stories will be a little humorous, and a little cathartic, as we release the tension and frustration we feel towards those guys that ruined our near-perfect run. No names though please, this isn't about getting down on specific people, just telling how stupid anonymous strangers happen to be.

Here is my story to get things going....

I joined a quick-match Versus game since I didn't have enough time to play a full campaign. I ended up spawning as a survivor at the beginning of the second level of Blood Harvest. The team I was with seemed reasonably competent, mostly stayed close together, and we had no problem getting to the alarm door without taking much damage. Once at the door I suggested we stand in the back of the room and just shoot whatever came at us from there. Two of the players joined me at that spot and the third person, who was playing Zoey, went over to open the alarm door. However, instead of running back to the group Zoey ran out the door and up the stairs to the little room directly over our heads. The SECOND she started heading that way I was yelling into the Microphone "Where are you going Zoey. Get back here. Don't separate from the team." Once she got up above us I was so upset I yelled "What the HELL do think you are doing?" into the microphone. Fortunately for me she got pounced by a hunter halfway through my statement, proving my point that she should have stayed with the team. After she got pounced I calmly stated "You are dead, there is no way for us to get to you." (Though I now realize we MIGHT have been able to shoot him through the floor.) Then I focused on my game. We all got wiped out though because the boomer managed to hit one of us and keep the horde going long enough for the hunter to finish off Zoey and help the other hunter and smoker grab all three of us at one time.

It was so frustrating because it was so intensely unnecessary.
I am quite partial to red Jell-O as well, though I have eaten green Jell-O occasionally for variety.
from what i've noticed the dumbest teammates are usually the ones trying to lead everyone.

i too like green jell-O
I am always confused because pudding is called jell-O, in which case, chocolate is my favorite flavor. especially if you don't mix it quite well enough and it is kind of chunky.
What's with the Jell-O hate? There's nothing wrong with Jello-O
Jello Pudding pops were teh best although it wasn't real jello. So I vote Jello with Malibu Coconut rum.
I happen to have the sort of bad luck that leads to me being teamed-up with French and German players. As though this wasn't bad enough, I tent to be teamed-up with stupid French and German players, who are basically doubly French or German. The whole game is dedicated to trying to shepherd them around, getting them to reload their weapons or healing them whilst they stand there cluelessly with a medipack in their hands, bumping into walls and shooting team-mates.

Fucking mongoloids.
I always end up with a Rambo. He/she runs on ahead while everyone else is fighting a horde, healing, up, getting ammo etc. Then proceeds, of course, to get pounced by a hunter, snared by a smoker, trigger a tank, or startle a witch. We are too far away to help. So they some how feel the need to scream for help over the mic, and tell us how badly everybody but them sucks at the game.

Then there is the guy who grabs the hunting rifle and head shots his team mates while they are still inside the safe room. Telling us it was because we "stole all his kills". I bet he was actually surprised when he was vote banned.

I guess those count more as asshattery then as funny.

Here is a slightly funny one. On the final of No Mercy in versus had a straggler get attacked by a tank on the end run to the chopper. The tank actually knocked our straggler 20 or 30 feet into the chopper for the win. Thank you tank. ;)
from what i've noticed the dumbest teammates are usually the ones trying to lead everyone.

i too like green jell-O



Nothing ruins my experience more than someone scolding others as survivors like someone's mother or the loud guy in the movie theater watching a horror film.

It's a fucking computer game with absolutely no permanance or real penalties for losing. Chill.
I always end up with a Rambo. He/she runs on ahead while everyone else is fighting a horde, healing, up, getting ammo etc. Then proceeds, of course, to get pounced by a hunter, snared by a smoker, trigger a tank, or startle a witch. We are too far away to help. So they some how feel the need to scream for help over the mic, and tell us how badly everybody but them sucks at the game.

I always, ALWAYS get that guy. "C'mon guys, hurry! You suck so bad at this game! WTF, you let the entire infected team pounce on me! God you're terrible!". Every time. He doesn't care if you're damaged to the point of limping, either. You need to magically go faster.
Here is a slightly funny one. On the final of No Mercy in versus had a straggler get attacked by a tank on the end run to the chopper. The tank actually knocked our straggler 20 or 30 feet into the chopper for the win. Thank you tank. ;)

The question is why isn't this an achievement?
*Both for the skilled tank and for the victim lol.
Given the nature of the Left 4 Dead, and the ridiculously stupid things I have seen people due in the game, I thought I would create a thread for people to tell their stories about the stupidest teammates they have had to deal with. Hopefully the stories will be a little humorous, and a little cathartic, as we release the tension and frustration we feel towards those guys that ruined our near-perfect run. No names though please, this isn't about getting down on specific people, just telling how stupid anonymous strangers happen to be.

Here is my story to get things going....

I joined a quick-match Versus game since I didn't have enough time to play a full campaign. I ended up spawning as a survivor at the beginning of the second level of Blood Harvest. The team I was with seemed reasonably competent, mostly stayed close together, and we had no problem getting to the alarm door without taking much damage. Once at the door I suggested we stand in the back of the room and just shoot whatever came at us from there. Two of the players joined me at that spot and the third person, who was playing Zoey, went over to open the alarm door. However, instead of running back to the group Zoey ran out the door and up the stairs to the little room directly over our heads. The SECOND she started heading that way I was yelling into the Microphone "Where are you going Zoey. Get back here. Don't separate from the team." Once she got up above us I was so upset I yelled "What the HELL do think you are doing?" into the microphone. Fortunately for me she got pounced by a hunter halfway through my statement, proving my point that she should have stayed with the team. After she got pounced I calmly stated "You are dead, there is no way for us to get to you." (Though I now realize we MIGHT have been able to shoot him through the floor.) Then I focused on my game. We all got wiped out though because the boomer managed to hit one of us and keep the horde going long enough for the hunter to finish off Zoey and help the other hunter and smoker grab all three of us at one time.

It was so frustrating because it was so intensely unnecessary.

LOL, you're a perfect example of someone I like to fuck with in a video game. Dude, it's not real! Chill out and stop taking things so serious!
You guys ever notice how the suger-free Jell-O boxes weight like 1/4th as much as the normal Jell-O boxes. I swear to christ they feel empty when I'm looking at them in the grocery isle. I mean, it's good to try and cut back on sugar and all, but I at least want to feel like I'm actually buying a product for my money.

Also, Knox is for [H]ard Jell-O, yo.
LOL, you're a perfect example of someone I like to fuck with in a video game. Dude, it's not real! Chill out and stop taking things so serious!

I may come off as a bit of a jerk, but you have to admit what that guy did was really farking stupid. Besides, I guarantee there are a few dozen L4D players that are much better than they used to be because of me. For instance that same player stuck with the team for the rest of the game and we ended up winning, which would not have been the case if I hadn't taken the time to talk to my team when they screwed up.

I generally get very little immediate verbal response from people when I give advice, but I do get a lot of people actually FOLLOWING my advice after we all die and have to restart the level. One of my most common points of advice is to tell people in expert games to use melee when horde-rushed in a more open area, or any time the aren't POSITIVE they will not cause a Friendly Fire incident. A lot of people not used to playing on expert just don't realize how vital melee is on that difficulty, but I make sure they know if I see they have not yet learned this.

Also, nobody has fucked with me yet, so it sounds to me like you may be the kind of person who has a hard time taking advice and admitting you fucked up. Why would you take it out on ME when you were clearly the one that screwed up?
Hahaha, like I said man, it's just a game. I think you're taking it a little too seriously. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy games sometimes and I do get into them, but I don't get all upset when someone doesn't follow my lead. Talking in the game is what I do best. I enjoy it a lot better when I'm talking to someone, or if I'm playing with a friend.
L4D's critical team-play definitely highlights the psychological side of the player.

E.g. how easily do you take defeat? I don't take it well at all (Versus mode). In a utopian world, you take your licks, but you'd note how you did something wrong. Of course the utopian world is not the real world. Who's gonna be thinking straight after losing?

I've only played VS a few times, so the one time I get caught by a smoker/hunter combo during a heal, I got pretty pissed. I told everyone I was healing, but they just left me anyway - wtf. OTOH, by the time we got the 5th level of the mission, the team was gelling and we basically won the last two (vs. the first three levels). Of course by that time, the opposing team was dispersing :D
Another one of these ****king, "I'm so L33t, I make no 'mistakes' and other people 'ruin' my 'perfect runs'" threads?

Again, I'll say: it's idiots who have this mentality who ruin the game, not those who make the "mistakes" that so horribly "ruined" you "perfect game". Yes, it's apparent this game is attracting a ass-load of fuck-tards, but they'd be such as yourself, not those who you accost for "****ing up" your game.

Again, I'll say: online gaming is going to shit, because people are going to shit, their attitudes and behaviors worsening at an alarming rate steadily over the years.

It used to be that, people (for the most part) would actually want to work together in online games, and *gasp* have fun while they're attempting to win... and while there would be the occasional ass, or the occasional bitching, whining idiot, there was never such intensely bad attitudes as is so prominent today. Older and younger people, though predominantly the slightly younger generation.

Neither devs nor publishers are ruining online gaming, no matter how bad they might fucking nerf anything with a patch... it's the people playing the games that are ruining online gaming.

Nothing ruins my experience more than someone scolding others as survivors like someone's mother or the loud guy in the movie theater watching a horror film.

It's a fucking computer game with absolutely no permanance or real penalties for losing. Chill.

QFT x1...

Bad enough to have someone mouth-off at you through text as it is, but it's even worse when, now in the age where everyone is using a mic, someone would actually have the balls to verbally fucking tell you off.

So, you know what? I'm 35 with an extremely unusually deep and commanding voice, can have an evil fucking temper and silver tongue... so I hopped on my headset (which I haven't used in years now) and scared the shit out of some punk ****ing kid who decided that I also "ruined the game", and my wife was literally on the floor laughing her ass off, while I'm laughing, yet "nostrils flaring", afterwards. That took care of it. Punk is probably scarred for life, and since he sounded early/mid 20's, that's a long time to carry around that trauma... yes, "LOL" indeed.

I always, ALWAYS get that guy. "C'mon guys, hurry! You suck so bad at this game! WTF, you let the entire infected team pounce on me! God you're terrible!". Every time. He doesn't care if you're damaged to the point of limping, either. You need to magically go faster.

QFT x2...

What? You don't have you L4D magical vial of Healing Mana and just limped around because you were hurt? Pfft, you do suck... ;)

LOL, you're a perfect example of someone I like to fuck with in a video game. Dude, it's not real! Chill out and stop taking things so serious!

QFT x3...

What's even funnier (and worse), is that there are those, such as myself, who happen to have been in the FPS genre since before these idiots were even gaming. I've even competed semi-pro, and in virtually every match in games such as BF/2, CS, TF2, am almost always in the top five within minutes for kills/points, and end in the top three in every match. I have insane reactions, and rarely actually make any real "mistakes".

But in L4D, if something happens... look out... I'm a "n00b" and a "fucking moron" and "ruined the game" because I got snagged by a Smoker while two other people got nabbed by Hunters, and one pounded by a Tank, because *I* was supposed to save them.

Yes, in a four-person game it's a bit more "intimate", and a "mistake" can lead to disaster, depending... but for fucks sake, it's a game, and I think most people in society need to get their heads checked and get a damn grip on reality. It's fun to win, but if you're so psychologically challenged that you cant "take things in stride" and just be an adult and try to make it a good experience for yourself and for others, than you shouldn't be allowed to interact with anyone in the rest of society.

They should put the lot of you on an uninhabited island somewhere away from the rest of the sane individuals of the world. Go sling shit with the rest of the monkeys.

I have to say, unless there's one hell of a game released that's an absolute "must play" online FPS title, the online gaming community is going to deteriorate faster and faster as time goes on, with older adults and more mature people leaving in droves (which has already happened) and the online "community" that's left, will be nothing but screaming, whining little mouthy prepubescent punks... and older, immature punks.

Man, I miss the days when team gaming (such as in the BF/CS series) was fun... getting on Vent with those you knew in a clan, busting balls between friends and enjoying the game... win or lose (those most times we won due to actual good teamwork, and not bitching)... and people had some semblance of fucking sanity.
QFT x3...

What's even funnier (and worse), is that there are those, such as myself, who happen to have been in the FPS genre since before these idiots were even gaming. I've even competed semi-pro, and in virtually every match in games such as BF/2, CS, TF2, am almost always in the top five within minutes for kills/points, and end in the top three in every match. I have insane reactions, and rarely actually make any real "mistakes".

But in L4D, if something happens... look out... I'm a "n00b" and a "fucking moron" and "ruined the game" because I got snagged by a Smoker while two other people got nabbed by Hunters, and one pounded by a Tank, because *I* was supposed to save them.

Yes, in a four-person game it's a bit more "intimate", and a "mistake" can lead to disaster, depending... but for fucks sake, it's a game, and I think most people in society need to get their heads checked and get a damn grip on reality. It's fun to win, but if you're so psychologically challenged that you cant "take things in stride" and just be an adult and try to make it a good experience for yourself and for others, than you shouldn't be allowed to interact with anyone in the rest of society.

They should put the lot of you on an uninhabited island somewhere away from the rest of the sane individuals of the world. Go sling shit with the rest of the monkeys.

I have to say, unless there's one hell of a game released that's an absolute "must play" online FPS title, the online gaming community is going to deteriorate faster and faster as time goes on, with older adults and more mature people leaving in droves (which has already happened) and the online "community" that's left, will be nothing but screaming, whining little mouthy prepubescent punks... and older, immature punks.

Man, I miss the days when team gaming (such as in the BF/CS series) was fun... getting on Vent with those you knew in a clan, busting balls between friends and enjoying the game... win or lose (those most times we won due to actual good teamwork, and not bitching)... and people had some semblance of fucking sanity.

Yeah I only really have a lot of fun when I'm playing with my friends and we are bull shitting over the mic.
So Im playing on Blood Harvest as Zoey, and we get to the alarm door, and this dude wants us all to camp the room which is totally lame. So I decide to run up the stairs to the room above. Just listening to that dude freak out was totally worth the wipe.
I was taking a piss last night and the restroom window was open.

The neighbor's dog started howling and I thought it was a witch, I was freaking out trying not to look out the window and shine the light on her.
I gotta say the funniest thing I saw was someone jumping off the roof in the beginning of apartment level.

Oh yeah I also had the luck of playing with afk teammates right before big battles.
Just when I was about ready to consider buying L4D...I read this...

Hmm..I think I'll pass on the asshattery...its not so bad in games with 30 people in a server...but when its a team of 4. Ugh.
Well, here you go... another great example of the horrid state of people, that just happened in the last ten minutes...

Had a few minutes, and just now -in the course of ten minutes- was just banned for absolutely nothing from a server. Not just kicked, but banned.

I just joined the game, was on the infected side and was already in 2nd place with my score. Out in the woods, I got stuck between a car and a tree as a Smoker -keeping in mind I already snagged two people- and got shot.


Second-highest score, having only been in for ten minutes... died only my second time, and banned.

I'm sorry, but all I can say about this is: what the fuck!?

This... what just happened just now... is why I'm past the point of tolerance with people and online game. It's just ****ing people, and it's friggin' ludicrous.

Just now... figured I'd jump in a game for a few and try to have a bit of fun for a few minutes... "game over".

Was there really a point to that? It's bad enough if you do it to someone who might happen to have a low score that round. So what? Maybe they're just having a "bad round", grow up. But if you're going to actually ban someone, you'd at least think you'd have a good reason... continual team-killing/damage, continually AFK in the same server, running in circles for no apparent reason... something.

But if you were paying attention to someone's score, at the very least, you don't kick, never mind ban, someone who has the second-highest score, because they just died? Just an example of the senselessness of people's actions.

I bet I know why, too... it's just too obvious:

I didn't have my sound on, but everyone was standing on top of the trailer, and I jumped down to hide behind a tree to snag someone. I'd bet anything there was that "leader" who wanted everyone on top of the trailer the survivors were inside.

I've already seen it a million times. Dimes-to-dollars, that's exactly what just happened. ****ing ridiculous.

Score didn't matter, just want that "leader" wanted, and every other mindless sheep went right along with the vote-ban.
Kicked wasn't enough either. **** my score and the fact I just snagged two people, I just died, so ban me...

I'm sorry... is there anyone out there with a god damned ounce of maturity or sanity?

Just when I was about ready to consider buying L4D...I read this...

Hmm..I think I'll pass on the asshattery...its not so bad in games with 30 people in a server...but when its a team of 4. Ugh.

Yes, do yourself a favor, because if you've an ounce of sanity or maturity, this type of behavior, and other examples I've given in other threads -some seriously screwed-up shit- will drive you to putting your fist through your monitor.

30-man server, maybe not so bad, as I've mentioned. This? Forget it, I'm done.

Trying to enjoy online gaming with people is becoming an exercise in ****ing futility and anger. It's just ridiculous.

I'm not the "complaining type" either. This is just how bad it's been, and it's continuing to get with people.
Just when I was about ready to consider buying L4D...I read this...

Hmm..I think I'll pass on the asshattery...its not so bad in games with 30 people in a server...but when its a team of 4. Ugh.

Don't be scared off. In the 20 or 30 hours I have played that game on line, I have really only ran into a few true asshats that were not vote banned in very short order. I have run into a great many that just do not know how to play this game. But that is as much due to the game being fairly new than anything.

Play a few rounds here and there and find players that are not asshats and add them to your friends list. Makes finding asshat free matches fairly easy and reliable. It is a lot easier to find 3 friends to play with than it is 10 or 15.

Oh, and a mic is extremely beneficial in this game. More so than even TF2, and almost any other multi player fps game I have played.

ChthonicEidolon: I don't think the asshattery has really increased in the last 5 or 6 years, perhaps your tolerance of it has decreased. I know my crotchety old man syndrome has grown rapidly worse since I hit my mid 30's, and my old lady started looking, well, old. ;)
Hahaha, like I said man, it's just a game. I think you're taking it a little too seriously. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy games sometimes and I do get into them, but I don't get all upset when someone doesn't follow my lead. Talking in the game is what I do best. I enjoy it a lot better when I'm talking to someone, or if I'm playing with a friend.

Actually I wasn't upset, I was annoyed. There is a quite a bit of a difference. When I said "yelled" in my story I actually meant something more like "spoke more loudly". It just doesn't come off as well to say "spoke more loudly" in a story as it does to say yelled. It is a bit to wordy.

You have to realize, I didn't actually give a fark whether I lost or won the game, at least not any more than one should. I was just flabbergasted this person who I thought was a decent player was so intensely stupid in that moment.
Another one of these ****king, "I'm so L33t, I make no 'mistakes' and other people 'ruin' my 'perfect runs'" threads?

Again, I'll say: it's idiots who have this mentality who ruin the game, not those who make the "mistakes" that so horribly "ruined" you "perfect game". Yes, it's apparent this game is attracting a ass-load of fuck-tards, but they'd be such as yourself, not those who you accost for "****ing up" your game.

Actually I never said anything like what you are accusing me of. I relayed a simple story, you turned it into something where I supposedly claim to be better than everyone else. I NEVER said I was L33t, or even implied it. I certainly never complained about my game being ruined. I know for a fact I am the "Stupidest Teammate" story of at least one other player in L4D, and a ton of people in other games like Counter-Strike, as probably all of us are.

I created this thread in the hopes people would share some funny stories. You see I think what this guy did was FUNNY. I was trying to express through my rough quotes of myself how I was amazed and flabbergasted by this guys actions. I guess it came off a bit mean sounding, but I simply meant to show how surprised I was.

Again, I'll say: online gaming is going to shit, because people are going to shit, their attitudes and behaviors worsening at an alarming rate steadily over the years.

As I have stated previously, I have helped many other players learn to play better by explaining simple techniques they could use in certain situations. Some thanked me, most just did what I suggested, nobody quit a game that I could tell. That is a GOOD attitude to have. I want them to be better, and not just so I look good, but because I enjoy playing with a good team. Speaking of which...

It used to be that, people (for the most part) would actually want to work together in online games, and *gasp* have fun while they're attempting to win... and while there would be the occasional ass, or the occasional bitching, whining idiot, there was never such intensely bad attitudes as is so prominent today. Older and younger people, though predominantly the slightly younger generation.

My story was about a person who DIDN'T want to work together. I was the one who wanted to do so. I didn't bitch, I didn't whine, I just tried to remind the guy to stay with the team, expressed amazement and disbelief when he did something incredibly stupid and didn't come back after my warnings, and then explained why we couldn't help when he got himself into a certain-to-die situation. I wanted to work as a team, I tried to work as a team, I tried to be nice, and the guy actually worked with my going forward, so obviously he wasn't upset with me.Yes I was frustrated with this other player, but only because, as I pointed out before, it was just about the stupidest thing it is conceivable to do in that situation and I didn't have a clue why he was doing it.

Bad enough to have someone mouth-off at you through text as it is, but it's even worse when, now in the age where everyone is using a mic, someone would actually have the balls to verbally fucking tell you off.

So, you know what? I'm 35 with an extremely unusually deep and commanding voice, can have an evil fucking temper and silver tongue... so I hopped on my headset (which I haven't used in years now) and scared the shit out of some punk ****ing kid who decided that I also "ruined the game", and my wife was literally on the floor laughing her ass off, while I'm laughing, yet "nostrils flaring", afterwards. That took care of it. Punk is probably scarred for life, and since he sounded early/mid 20's, that's a long time to carry around that trauma... yes, "LOL" indeed.

So you go off on me, then you come back and explain how you were a thousand times worse than me on purpose, and thought it was funny too? Nice. Everything you have said to this point is clearly worthless hypocritical crap. I have never in my 10 years of online gaming typed or spoken anything as bad as you claim to have done. So sad.

What's even funnier (and worse), is that there are those, such as myself, who happen to have been in the FPS genre since before these idiots were even gaming. I've even competed semi-pro, and in virtually every match in games such as BF/2, CS, TF2, am almost always in the top five within minutes for kills/points, and end in the top three in every match. I have insane reactions, and rarely actually make any real "mistakes".

Who is the one claiming to be L33t now?

Oh, and I started my FPS gaming with Battlezone, in the arcade, when it was new, and I have been gaming continually ever since, so I doubt you have more FPS experience than I do.

But in L4D, if something happens... look out... I'm a "n00b" and a "fucking moron" and "ruined the game" because I got snagged by a Smoker while two other people got nabbed by Hunters, and one pounded by a Tank, because *I* was supposed to save them.

Funny, I have only had one person in L4D act this way towards me, even when I did fark up. I am thinking it is because I help to build a positive attitude in the group and people I am gaming with quickly learn that I do my best to help the team at all times.

Yes, in a four-person game it's a bit more "intimate", and a "mistake" can lead to disaster, depending... but for fucks sake, it's a game, and I think most people in society need to get their heads checked and get a damn grip on reality. It's fun to win, but if you're so psychologically challenged that you cant "take things in stride" and just be an adult and try to make it a good experience for yourself and for others, than you shouldn't be allowed to interact with anyone in the rest of society.

They should put the lot of you on an uninhabited island somewhere away from the rest of the sane individuals of the world. Go sling shit with the rest of the monkeys.

Again, you have the worst negative attitude possible. I just don't get it.

I have to say, unless there's one hell of a game released that's an absolute "must play" online FPS title, the online gaming community is going to deteriorate faster and faster as time goes on, with older adults and more mature people leaving in droves (which has already happened) and the online "community" that's left, will be nothing but screaming, whining little mouthy prepubescent punks... and older, immature punks.

Man, I miss the days when team gaming (such as in the BF/CS series) was fun... getting on Vent with those you knew in a clan, busting balls between friends and enjoying the game... win or lose (those most times we won due to actual good teamwork, and not bitching)... and people had some semblance of fucking sanity.

Even in pickup games I almost never have problems like the stuff you keep complaining about. Sounds like a personal problem to me.
To the couple of smart-ass, immature responses above:

No, it's not because I was "banned from one server", smart-ass. It's a continual problem of being kicked, banned, accosted or what-have-you that is very prominent in this game. Which, no, has nothing to do with my skills, which happen to be excellent in the FPS genre, which is why I used to be involved in leagues and competitive gaming.

No, it's not a "personal problem", except from the perspective of not enjoying being banned from a server, regardless of having the highest or close kill rate (just to make a point), simply due to the fact that I didn't do what someone else wanted me to do.

It's a personal problem on their end.

If you see someone is bringing in massive points for the team, they should be the last person(s) you kick, never mind ban, so the reason was obvious as to what happened.

Again, obviously their "personal problem", not mine.

Has nothing to do with "not knowing how to play the game". I've been gaming my entire life, and in the FPS genre since it's inception. I've competed semi-pro in leagues and have always been in the top 5 and 10 of players.

Some real immature people even around here, sorry to see...

Learn how to read and pay attention. Otherwise, you're no better than those of whom I'm speaking in-game. "Because I was banned from one server...", a "personal problem"... get real and learn how to read, kids. As if I'm the only one as well, and these are "rare" occurrences... wake up and take a look around at another thread I (and others) have started on these issues.

I've never had tolerance for this kind of bullshit, and while that's lessened, things have gotten worse, and it's people such as those who make assumptions without intelligence (or simple reading skills, such as in this thread) that attack others with with smart-mouth attitudes that cause problems such as these.
I like the people saying "NO ACTUALLY THE WORST STUPEDEST PPL R TH ONES LEADIN PPL". While this is annoying, it's actually possible to observe a teammate being a clueless fuckup without being the superstar hero leading the charge. I rarely encounter any servers where anyone says anything beyond a typed "gg" at the end of the round, but you still get people milling around, bumping off walls and standing next to you picking their nose whilst a friend's getting raped by a hunter or something.

Saying that people only do that as a reaction to people being overbearing on the mic is an invalid argument: they do it because they're pigshit-thick invalids that can apparently barely manipulate a mouse.
To the couple of smart-ass, immature responses above:

No, it's not because I was "banned from one server", smart-ass. It's a continual problem of being kicked, banned, accosted or what-have-you that is very prominent in this game. Which, no, has nothing to do with my skills, which happen to be excellent in the FPS genre, which is why I used to be involved in leagues and competitive gaming.

No, it's not a "personal problem", except from the perspective of not enjoying being banned from a server, regardless of having the highest or close kill rate (just to make a point), simply due to the fact that I didn't do what someone else wanted me to do.

It's a personal problem on their end.

If you see someone is bringing in massive points for the team, they should be the last person(s) you kick, never mind ban, so the reason was obvious as to what happened.

Again, obviously their "personal problem", not mine.

Has nothing to do with "not knowing how to play the game". I've been gaming my entire life, and in the FPS genre since it's inception. I've competed semi-pro in leagues and have always been in the top 5 and 10 of players.

Some real immature people even around here, sorry to see...

Learn how to read and pay attention. Otherwise, you're no better than those of whom I'm speaking in-game. "Because I was banned from one server...", a "personal problem"... get real and learn how to read, kids. As if I'm the only one as well, and these are "rare" occurrences... wake up and take a look around at another thread I (and others) have started on these issues.

I've never had tolerance for this kind of bullshit, and while that's lessened, things have gotten worse, and it's people such as those who make assumptions without intelligence (or simple reading skills, such as in this thread) that attack others with with smart-mouth attitudes that cause problems such as these.

I wasn't responding to your post about being kicked and banned, and the post I was responding to didn't mention those kinds of things at all. Sounds like YOU need to learn to read and pay attention.

Also, I have played a lot since the game came out and yet I have never been banned or kicked from a L4D game or server. So again, sounds like a personal problem to me, because it is not actually a problem for all, or even most, L4D players.
lols at all you people bitching about left4dead players. its you guys who are the problems. all the whiney bitchy bitches who cant stop finding problems with everything.

im the guy that joins servers with you and tries to get the entire team slaughtered by zombies, im the guy whos not paying attention to anything you are saying and will continue to play as i choose.

im the guy with the server rcon who will ban you so that i can invite friends to play or have someone else join because i dont like the way you choose your weapons.

god if only there was a camera available for l4d that would allow me to see your facial expressions everytime i do something you dont like.

ya'll are funny as a mother fucker!
welp this thread is officially full of fail.

i'm going to go make some yellow jell-O and play left 4 dead.
sometimes when i make red jello, i put it in the fridge and let it get real cold, and then ill just drink it with a spoon when its still all watery and runny. it is so friggin good.
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