Left 4 Dead Teletubbies Mod

Thats just kick ass! wonder how long it will take to get he lawyers involved to riun all the fun :(
Would have been better if they were all changed over, rather than just a few, still quite funny.
Now I am going ot have the teletubbies theme music in my head just for having seen them.
that mod makes me wanna buy L4D just to install that mod :D
I've heard it screws up the sound for VS (because you can't use the zombies there), doesn't always work right, and from the video, they aren't all telletubbies, which ruins it for me with the other retarded looking zombies.
I was just giggling until I saw them crossing the roof beam on to the next roof and lost it when I heard . .

LA LA!!!!


its creepy as hell when theres no zombies around but you hear theyre teletubby sounds....
Hell yeah it is....I think the Teletubbies freak me out more than hordes of zombies do :eek:

I completely agree.

Having said that, I'm not sure if there's something wrong with me that the teletubbies freak me out more than the blood n guts zombies...
no, teletubbies are damn creepy, it's like taking the horror to a whole nother level. I feel like I want to get this just for the mod too. before it was just like 'meh zombies' but now, these are really scary and worth killing.
LOL This reminded me of when John Candy detonated Barney on stage at a Canadian Comedian Festival. I would love to see a Barney in L4D! :p

Sweet - now they just need to throw a Barney in there somewhere

Awesome mod, btw. :)
Would have been better if they were all changed over, rather than just a few, still quite funny.

nah, the real zombies add context which makes it all the more creepy.

If it were just Teletubbies it'd simply be funny, but as it is, it's nightmarish.
I friggen lost it when he climbed the ladder onto the roof and shot the lone teletubbie and it stumbled off the roof... lmao..

K I'm gonna install this and check it out lol.. If anything I know a friend that would die laughing if he saw this mod. :D