Left 4 Dead


Jun 22, 2005

4-player co-op PC game, likely to be on the Source engine seeing how Valve was credited. It's developed by Turtle Rock studios, apparently these guys helped make the Source versions of counterstrike maps. http://www.turtlerockstudios.com/

Survival horror apparently.

I really hope we'll be seeing more co-op PC games coming out. I wonder how good this'll be considering that these guys have only worked on counter-strike and that game got popular based off Gooseman's foundation really. This appears to be their first real game.
Saw this a while ago. There's even a subforum on the Steam Forums for it. Looks to be a great game, there was a thread on one of the halflife2 websites about it. There was an article in a PC Gamer magazine too (don't know which one) that had a lot of info, and there are scans.
If you are interested in a somewhat similar experience for "free", there are various zombie-mods in Counter-Strike and CS:S built on the same or similar principles (In fact Left 4 Dead and these mods were both inspired by the same mods from 2003, lots of T's with knives against a few CT's armed for bear)....

One mod has zombie-bots running around the map trying to knife players. The bots can only be killed with headshots and there are usually more of them than of you.

One mod has one player become a zombie about 30 seconds into the round and then he has to knife other players to infect them, and so on until everyone is infected. You can build barricades using the physics in CS:S in this one, which can make things interesting. The zombies have tons of health, but can be killed eventually. Depending on the server they either stay dead for the round or respawn as regular humans with a pistol.
If you are interested in a somewhat similar experience for "free", there are various zombie-mods in Counter-Strike and CS:S built on the same or similar principles (In fact Left 4 Dead and these mods were both inspired by the same mods from 2003, lots of T's with knives against a few CT's armed for bear)....

One mod has zombie-bots running around the map trying to knife players. The bots can only be killed with headshots and there are usually more of them than of you.

One mod has one player become a zombie about 30 seconds into the round and then he has to knife other players to infect them, and so on until everyone is infected. You can build barricades using the physics in CS:S in this one, which can make things interesting. The zombies have tons of health, but can be killed eventually. Depending on the server they either stay dead for the round or respawn as regular humans with a pistol.

That sounds so fun. How does one find these servers? Do they show up in the regular in game browser for CS:S? Do you have to download anything first?
I played the server mod that spawned the zombie crowds, pretty fun until everybody just jumped up on the garbage bins and shot the crowd that gathered below. This game will have to have at least some ranged baddies to keep players from settling in safe zones like that.

The whole zombie crowd thing in multiplayer is tough because of the pathfinding problems, they'll probably have to just design the maps to fit the pathfinding rather than the other way around or they'll end up with similar safe zones.
That sounds so fun. How does one find these servers? Do they show up in the regular in game browser for CS:S? Do you have to download anything first?

You can find them in the regular browser, I usually just sort alphabetically then go down to the Z section, look for one with a low ping and start playing.
I played the server mod that spawned the zombie crowds, pretty fun until everybody just jumped up on the garbage bins and shot the crowd that gathered below. This game will have to have at least some ranged baddies to keep players from settling in safe zones like that.

The whole zombie crowd thing in multiplayer is tough because of the pathfinding problems, they'll probably have to just design the maps to fit the pathfinding rather than the other way around or they'll end up with similar safe zones.

On some servers it automatically detects when you are in a "camping" area and causes you to drop your gun after about 5 seconds. After another 10 or so it then slaps you causing damage and knocking you back a long ways. The game is a lot more fun on such servers.

I play on one called something like zombie????zissou (can't recall the middle part, just go to the Z's and look for one ending in Zissou), as Muffler. It is a very good server with decent maps and no camping. I pretty much only play this server and another one with gungame on it when I am in the mood for something different.