Lets crash a different site!

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Not even AnandTech or Tech Report have their reviews up yet... But, PCPerspective has theirs up.
Happy Birthday Kyle!! We all gave you a broken website as a gift!!

well gaming benchmarks are disappointing.

edit: finally got [H]'s review to load. looks better.
Bulldozer is disappointing. 4.4 ghz maximum overclock? And that power consumption is off the charts.
Bulldozer is disappointing. 4.4 ghz maximum overclock? And that power consumption is off the charts.

I was really expecting better than that after all the hype of 8ghz oc's and what not. So disappointed.
Even @ 4.6GHz BD doesn't seem to be all that in gaming.
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All over the PCPer review.. not look great but not terrible.. random quotes..

while the performance per watt results for the FX-8150 were pretty drab, the performance-per-almighty-dollar looks much better!

Using the Corsair H100 water cooler to keep the Bulldozer die temperatures low, I was able to hit a clock speed of 4.6 GHz with all cores enabled running the voltage at 1.45v.

The 8-cores of the FX-8150 are more than capable of providing a gaming experience on par with the Core i7-2600k, Core i7-965 Nehalem and the 6-core Phenom II X6 1090T.

In the best case, the FX-8150 is competitive with the i7-2600k and better than the i5-2500k, so the pricing is almost justified. However, in many other cases, the FX-8150 has problems keeping up with the i5-2500k as well as the i5-2400. In those instances, the price of the AMD FX part seems quite a bit higher than it has the right to be.
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