LF s939 Mobo


Apr 14, 2005
Ok, so my old mobo is dead, for various reasons. It was way too cheap to begin with, so I'm getting a totally new one. Not gonna upgrade my CPU and ram, so it's gotta be s939.

This is what I had before:
DFI nF4 Ultra-Infinity s939 (NF4-DAGF)

So, I want this to be easily watercooled (NB placement is key, would prefer it not to be directly under the video card), overclock well (more important than arrangement), and be stable for a long time. I have a full tower case, so size isn't much of an issue. Would be nice to keep the price down, but w/e.

Um, I don't really care if it's SLI or not, don't especially need SLI, but who knows.

As much access to PCI slots as possible is a plus (which is also why I'm considering SLI, so that my video card doesn't take up a PCI slot).

Suggestions? I was thinking ASUS, but how are Abit and eVGA in these categories? DFI is sorta meh for me, the stability problems I had with this board has turned me off them, but if the lanparty is really that much better at OCing than the ASUS, etc ones, I'll get that one.
A8N32-SLI is one of the best boards you can buy for s939.