LG 30 Inch 4K Monitor....

I saw that too. sadly no details on the price or release date.
the sharp 32" 4k monitor will be out next month for $5500. (and there is a touch version of it too - which would be hella cool and pointless :) )
it might be fun to play civ 5 on a huge 4k screen :) (civ has been updated for windows 8 touch)
For professional use, god I can't wait for these to become more mainstream and come down in price...
would love to put 3 of them portrait but fear of spending $2000 in gpu to drive them.
I found the 22inch display to be too small on the t221. Also the AG only reduced the clarity for me since i didn't have to fight any glare with my environment.

I hope they go with 30-32" for 4k...140-150ppi is good enough imo.
whats to point of higher resolution in bigger diagonal screens if the PPI doesn't increase, no point on going bigger if the the ppi remains low, that's the charm, size is nothing, res is everything.