LG 34" 3440x1440 monitor - 34UM94 - $849 w/free shipping


More [H]uman than Human
Aug 7, 2004
Update 2: The drop is over and the order with LG has been placed. 184 monitors were sold through this group buy. There are already [strike=1]142[/s] 600 people requesting another drop, so it could very well happen again at some point.

Update: Thanks to the support of the community, over 100 people have committed to purchasing this display so the new price is $849.99 w/free shipping.


Trying to get a last round of support for this monitor before the deadline. If 7 more people will purchase, 50 of us will get this monitor for $899 with free shipping.

This monitor is identical to the much-talked-about LG 34UM95 that's receiving awesome reviews right now, except the 34UM94 comes with 3 years of warranty vs. the 1 year warranty of the 34UM95. The UM94 is from LG's "Pro" or Commercial line.

These monitors are constantly sold out everywhere and the lowest price you'll find is $999 (B&H had an $899 preorder price but have since increased it). Before anyone complains, yes these aren't expected to ship until late August but you're getting 3x the warranty as the UM95 *if* you can even find one. Not only that, but the early batches of the 34UM95 had some issues and it's expected that LG is delaying shipment of these to fix some of the early issues and possibly apply the newest firmware.
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Why could you not have posted this last week? I just spent allot of money on things I could have held off on as I have been wanting a ultrawide for some time now but never saw any good deals.....I hate you.

Drop has been extended until August 7th.
Lowest price is now $849 instead of $879. The $879 price will now be unlocked at 75 units sold vs. 100 units sold. 100 units sold unlocks the $849 price.
Ship date has been extended to early September. I'm pretty impatient but even I am alright with waiting for this, as there's a chance the price will go lower as more people buy in, plus it gives LG more time to ensure that these are free of the issues that the initial batches of the 34UM95 had.
I'm in for one. glad it was extended! Instant ramen for a couple weeks is no problem.
Tempting but dat anti-glare.

Also I am planning on getting a 144hz ROG display ><
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The anti glare is incredibly nice. It essentially looks like a glossy display with no reflection, IMO. There is no discernible coating to muddy things up.
Yup, people are saying the AG coating on this monitor is non-obtrusive and one of the best yet.
Tempting but dat anti-glare.

Also I am planning on getting a 144hz ROG display ><

I had one of the 95's for a week, and I usually HATE anti-glare, as I can see the rainbow effect and loss of PQ, but the coating on these monitors is very minor and barely noticeable.
I had one of the 95's for a week, and....

You decided to take it back?

A few things are heavily tempting me about this deal:
-3yr warranty for a monitor targeted at business vs consumer (still not sure why it matters)
-Satisfy my craving for eyefinity gaming without the hassle of having 3 discrete displays.
-It looks like it'd be a fun monitor to own, and I really want to experience 21:9 firsthand.

The things telling me to wait are:
-Wait for DP 1.2a displays to start hitting the streets.
-Wait for large, high ppi 21:9 displays to normalize in price so I can pay 2/3 or 1/2 for the equivalent or better gear.
-Freesync/Gsyns etc......
-Korean alternatives on ebay (eventually)
-Uncertainty about LG quality control on these monitors.
-40"+ 21x9 Would really stroke my goat (3734x1600 res :D)

I'm seriously 50/50. Part of me wants to risk it and see if LG has corrected the issues with these monitors. The other side just wants to save some money and see where the dust settles. I think if I was 100% confident in the QC on these displays, I would have already hit the buy button.
I am very tempted to sell my Overlords for one of these...but I don't know if I can handle going from 96hz-120hz back to 60hz
You decided to take it back?

A few things are heavily tempting me about this deal:
-3yr warranty for a monitor targeted at business vs consumer (still not sure why it matters)
-Satisfy my craving for eyefinity gaming without the hassle of having 3 discrete displays.
-It looks like it'd be a fun monitor to own, and I really want to experience 21:9 firsthand.

The things telling me to wait are:
-Wait for DP 1.2a displays to start hitting the streets.
-Wait for large, high ppi 21:9 displays to normalize in price so I can pay 2/3 or 1/2 for the equivalent or better gear.
-Freesync/Gsyns etc......
-Korean alternatives on ebay (eventually)
-Uncertainty about LG quality control on these monitors.
-40"+ 21x9 Would really stroke my goat (3734x1600 res :D)

I'm seriously 50/50. Part of me wants to risk it and see if LG has corrected the issues with these monitors. The other side just wants to save some money and see where the dust settles. I think if I was 100% confident in the QC on these displays, I would have already hit the buy button.

I am in the exact same boat as you..I have a very large sum of money that will be here this coming week and an LCD upgrade has been my main goal..I have been following this display since it was first announced, but the lack of DP 1.2 (and FreeSync) along with the high price are making me have second thoughts. If it were $500, I would have no problem buying it and then upgrading to a newer model with the DP 1.2 and hopefully FS support next year, but at $850~$1000 it is just too much to risk. On the other hand, I really don't want to play display rolutte with one of the cheaper eBay 27" 1440P LCDs for a third of the price of this one. Definitely stuck on what to do:(...
Since i needed another LCD, I actually did go ahead and jump on a Korean 27". The 2B catleaps have dropped in price considerably in the past few months, so I jumped. I considered Qnix, but didn't want matte.

Here's a relevant post on reddit that pretty much has me convinced to wait for then next cylce of products.

UPDATE 2014.07.28

So my repaired monitor has come back to me from Germany today. While the bleed on the right side of the display is fixed, the left side now has extra bleed along the bottom corner :/ :/

Here is a photo showing you guys what it is like [10] .

I'm really unhappy about this and to add to this, the panel had hand smudges where a tech had obviously handled it but not wiped it. The soft wrapping it comes in as well was all scrunched up and the documentation, CD that was in a sleeve from the factory was loose inside the box...

The saving grace is that the LG rep who contacted me last week is sending me a monitor by end of this week and said he'd personally inspect it before it leaves so if that monitor is up to scratch then I guess I have no other choice but to keep this "repaired" one as a spare or something.

A real shame, just when I thought things were looking up.
Keep in mind with this deal that all Massdrop sales are final. You have a 3 year warranty with the manufacturer, but you can't return it. If you don't get what you need from their warranty service you're hosed.
Since i needed another LCD, I actually did go ahead and jump on a Korean 27". The 2B catleaps have dropped in price considerably in the past few months, so I jumped. I considered Qnix, but didn't want matte.

Here's a relevant post on reddit that pretty much has me convinced to wait for then next cylce of products.

Thanks for posting this. I bought mine from a private seller NIB and had the same fingerprints/scrunchy bag stuff. My manual is fine, but I thought the seller opened it without telling me. Not a big deal as long as it works!

The insection explanation makes total sense, given individual calibration. LG could do to hire someone more kind to the small plastic bags, though (women are usually great for fine details like that, just ask Lamborghini and their all-female interior division)
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Since i needed another LCD, I actually did go ahead and jump on a Korean 27". The 2B catleaps have dropped in price considerably in the past few months, so I jumped. I considered Qnix, but didn't want matte.

Here's a relevant post on reddit that pretty much has me convinced to wait for then next cylce of products.

Good move. Until they make a 34" LCD that is just as overclockable as the Catleaps/QNIX/Tempests, I am passing on every release from every manufacturer. Those are the closest things to 120Hz IPS we have.

If they had a 120Hz 34" IPS with Motion Blur Reduction and Ultra-Low Input Lag, price is no object... but it looks like that's going to be a decade from now, with useless 4k and all.
I am very tempted to sell my Overlords for one of these...but I don't know if I can handle going from 96hz-120hz back to 60hz

That's exactly why I kept my Samsung 27" 120hz monitor, but it has been collecting dust since I got my BL3200PT. In fact, I'll likely end up selling it. The smoothness and fluidity was nice, but going back to 60hz is far from unplayable and I had been gaming on that TN so long that I forgot how nice colors are on VA and IPS panels. I can't wait to get the 34UM94 and experience that wide aspect ratio! Ideally I'd want a 3440x1440 with IPS color, VA black levels, and TN response times but that's just not going to happen so you have to make compromises and determine what's most important to your experience.

Keep in mind with this deal that all Massdrop sales are final. You have a 3 year warranty with the manufacturer, but you can't return it. If you don't get what you need from their warranty service you're hosed.

The story posted above about the LG rep makes me hopeful that their customer service will address any legit issues, but if all else fails your CC company should back your concerns and make things right. And by paying with my Discover card I also got an additional year of warranty extension, so I'll be covered for 4 years.
Reported to moderator for posting something I confirmed 3 would theoretically fit on my credit card.

jesus read the reddit on it. what an awful experience :(
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10 more monitors to go before the price drops to $850. This is a very good thing!
Who pays for shipping if the monitor needs to be sent to LG for a problem??

Shipping with insurance for one of these monitors would be very expensive.
I don't think anyone has officially addressed that yet. I'm guessing it's going to depend on LG's policy. I seem to remember reading that they had been known to do advanced exchanges but even if they didn't I don't see why they wouldn't be willing to send you a prepaid label at least. Aside from that user's experience on Reddit, I've heard that they supposedly have pretty good CS. I also read that Massdrop might provide another level of assistance should there be a problem. But I think Massdrop would only help facilitate an RMA - I wouldn't expect them to cover your shipping costs for sending a monitor back to LG.

Now, I'm not counting on or promising any of that. That question has been asked several times and as far as I know, no one has provided a concrete answer. At the end of the day I would say if you're uncomfortable with the possibility of having to pay return shipping should your monitor have issues, it would be better to wait and pay a little more and try to find a 34UM95 locally.

edit: Also, 98 sold or commmited - only 2 more needed to attain the $849 price.
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New price of $849.99 shipped for anyone who jumps in at this point.

Now to wait!
Looks like Massdrop changed it to "shipping early september"
Update from MD. Let's hope they address backlight bleed/RMA concerns. Maybe there's still hope I'll get in on this.

Hey Everyone! On Friday we compiled all the unanswered questions in this thread into an email and sent it to LG.

Hopefully they will respond with answers shortly and we appreciate your patience in the meantime.
may have to pull the trigger on this...

any idea of when we will see Korean equivalents of this kind?
So this absolutely, 100%, no questions, has the same hardware calibration as the 34UM95? I've been waiting for Costco to restock to exchange (thanks 90 day return period), but if this is the same I might just gamble on the Massdrop instead.
So this absolutely, 100%, no questions, has the same hardware calibration as the 34UM95? I've been waiting for Costco to restock to exchange (thanks 90 day return period), but if this is the same I might just gamble on the Massdrop instead.

It is the same model with 3 year warranty. Also doesnt costco have lifetime warranty for members?
It is the same model with 3 year warranty. Also doesnt costco have lifetime warranty for members?

They used to. Now it is only 90 days to return certain items plus one bonus year of warranty. Still a great place to shop.

Thanks for confirming it is the same. I guess I will order one... saves me 150 dollars over Costco counting sales tax.
Well I broke down and joined. Really hoping this comes compatible with True Color Finder (hardware calibration) as advertised. I noticed that it doesn't ship factory calibrated (unlike the 95), so this is extra important.

Now to hall this bleedy UM95 back to Costco...
They used to. Now it is only 90 days to return certain items plus one bonus year of warranty. Still a great place to shop.

Thanks for confirming it is the same. I guess I will order one... saves me 150 dollars over Costco counting sales tax.

I was going to do the same, but seeing as how the backlight bleed with this monitor is such a gamble, i decided to go the costco route since its much easier to return and deal with costco rather than LG.
I have 4 30" monitors in surround curious of the benefit of this monitor vs what I currently have.
Does anyone know what the input lag is like?

Seriously considering selling my 24" x3 eyefinity setup for this.
The last I read, it was about 1 frame lag at 60hz. But I've heard multiple numbers on this quoted. Mostly everyone has reported that it's good enough for all but the most hardcore FPS twitch reaction type stuff.