Lg g5 burn in


Sep 15, 2011
How can an lcd get burn in? I did a lot of texting today and all night i have had a keyboard burnt into my screen. I have not seen ir on a lcd since the early lcd days. Its worse ir then if you leave a plasma on a desktop for a few hours
How can an lcd get burn in? I did a lot of texting today and all night i have had a keyboard burnt into my screen. I have not seen ir on a lcd since the early lcd days. Its worse ir then if you leave a plasma on a desktop for a few hours

Happens to all LCD eventually. Just a matter of time.
Happens to all LCD eventually. Just a matter of time.
I have never seen a full keyboard 100% readable on the gray screen of [H] on any phone even oled phones before. Ir on the bar at the top yes never on the main screen.

Lol hardfourum .com is visible clear as day if i turn my phone to the side...thats not normal
It'll probably clear out -- persistence, not burn-in. Though... very odd it happened in the first place.
Yeah, I would see temp burn-in all the time on my old Gnex, esp. at lower brightness levels and on gray backgrounds. But it would always fade away after a min or faster if I turned the brightness back up. That was an AMOLED display though, so hopefully yours is doing the same thing and it's just temp burn-in. I would RMA it though if it's permanent and that noticeable, then probably sell it towards a better phone. The G5 was pretty much the biggest disappointment this year out of all the other major OEM flagships. The display was already the worst out of everyone else's too just for the horrible uneven backlight and bleed around the edges on almost all of their phones.
It'll probably clear out -- persistence, not burn-in. Though... very odd it happened in the first place.

Yes. I have an LG G5 and I've seen this on other G5's. Mine does it really bad. There's something wrong with the chipset or screen they used. It's screen retention, where the previous image isn't being cleared correctly and lingers for a while until it eventually disappears.
no way to prevent it

Well there is...don't keep static GUI elements on the screen long term.

If you don't exercise a muscle, it atrophies. Same with a computer screen. Every pixel needs worked not infrequently. Screens that get pixel-permanence or burn in are usually running OSes with locked or semi-permanent GUI elements...like the Android navbar or signal icons, or the Windows task bar or the Apple toolbar etc.
Well there is...don't keep static GUI elements on the screen long term.

If you don't exercise a muscle, it atrophies. Same with a computer screen. Every pixel needs worked not infrequently. Screens that get pixel-permanence or burn in are usually running OSes with locked or semi-permanent GUI elements...like the Android navbar or signal icons, or the Windows task bar or the Apple toolbar etc.

true, but everyone does it... even app icons, clock, google search bar, you can't really prevent it.
Yes. I have an LG G5 and I've seen this on other G5's. Mine does it really bad. There's something wrong with the chipset or screen they used. It's screen retention, where the previous image isn't being cleared correctly and lingers for a while until it eventually disappears.

Pretty sure this was an issue on the G4 as well. Either way, besides LG's clusterfuck, I find most people with retention problems leave their phone at max brightness, and don't use auto.
true, but everyone does it... even app icons, clock, google search bar, you can't really prevent it.
That's why I like the customization of Android. Removed the Nav bar completely and use LMT pie controls, and allow some apps, like Chrome, to go fullscreen so there is no status bar unless you drag it down.
lg g5 only last 3 secs on burn test, because of the thin gg4 glass, high brightness cause the screen to heat up and the thin glass cant hold enough heat thats why the screen ghosts up easily. the app blue light filter at 5% can prevent all screen ghosting and not drain battery at all.
from http://forum.xda-developers.com/lg-g5/help/screen-burn-t3364676/post69242263#post69242263

Sounds terrible but at least there's a workaround maybe? I know my phone's LCD has no such issues.
Chrono, that fucktard is talking about the "JerryRigEverything" tests, where he actually burns the screen with a lighter. That's neither the cause, nor the starting point to find any solutions.
I'm pretty sure he's just stupid. He's talking about taking a lighter to the screen (3 seconds on the burn test), and bullshit "evidence" about blue light filters, which does nothing as well. Next he'll say vaccinations caused autis... I mean burn in.
Idk but my phone never uesed to do this till about a month ago and now i can get image retention if i leave a static image up for a few minutes that takes hours to go away.

Are there any full screen apps i could run over night while it charges?
Did you ever find a solution? I bought one but have not opened it yet.
Sadly LG's displays are known for this, just like they're known to bootloop on more than a few models. LG looked like the next up & comer with the G2/G3/G4, but I wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot pole these days.