LG L246W

Im looking for a 24" strictly PC use, mainly good for video purposes. How is the LG in twinkling, black levels contrast and color areas, comparing with the Dell 2407 or the BenQ fp241w ?
@Senakun: which of both monitors that you have, LG y NEC, is the winner for films and videos?
I hope that his panel P-MVA smooths better than the others the artifacts in my collection of low resolution divx, and of course plays superbe my new HD videos...
Thanks for any advice
Im looking for a 24" strictly PC use, mainly good for video purposes. How is the LG in twinkling, black levels contrast and color areas, comparing with the Dell 2407 or the BenQ fp241w ?
@Senakun: which of both monitors that you have, LG y NEC, is the winner for films and videos?
I hope that his panel P-MVA smooths better than the others the artifacts in my collection of low resolution divx, and of course plays superbe my new HD videos...
Thanks for any advice


I don't notice any twinkling whatsoever. I don't know what you've seen that has done this on other monitors, but it sounds like it would drive me nuts.

Black level contrast is excellent, and I haven't seen any black levels "crushed" as they have been described on other displays.

Color areas are great, defined, and I haven't seen any problems when watching movies.

I CAN say that when I watch low-res Divx episodes AND I have my brightness at a high level (I keep it at 63, with contrast at 100), I sometimes notice slight block-areas in the divx compression that show up. When I lower my brightness to around 40 or 50, those aren't visible. I compared this on my CRT and I think my CRT isn't as bright - the blocks still show up on my CRT if I go into super-bright modes. That makes me think that it's more the brightness levels than anything else and not the LCD.

HD 1080 movies look freaking incredible, though... I didn't know that this much detail could show. Who knew that all this time I was missing out on actors' pores on their faces?? =P

I absolutely vouch for the LG. I use the DVI -> HDMI cable to connect it to my PC. The Benq 241W has the same panel I believe, and has more inputs on the back. For me, I'm totally satisfied as a graphic designer, gamer, movie-watcher with my wife (forget the TV... detail on this thing is amazing... until I can afford to buy a nice huge LCD TV).
Well, went to take back the dead pixel LG and saw the Samsung 24 that BB just got. I realize it probably a TN panel, but it was $100 less. So, I got it and it looks pretty good to me. Text is just amazing, colors look good, no dead pixels, a tad of back light, but hardly any.

So, I may just keep this one. I'll try it a few days and we'll see how it goes.
I absolutely vouch for the LG
Everything what you have said sounds really well… probably this is the monitor that I am looking for. Thank you very much, XeeN. Very good mini-review.
Well, went to take back the dead pixel LG and saw the Samsung 24 that BB just got. I realize it probably a TN panel, but it was $100 less. So, I got it and it looks pretty good to me. Text is just amazing, colors look good, no dead pixels, a tad of back light, but hardly any.

So, I may just keep this one. I'll try it a few days and we'll see how it goes.

I was saddened to hear about your 3rd bad experience there gman. That's really disappointing, but hopefully this Samsung 24 will be great. It'd be interesting to see what type of panel hardware it uses. Keep us updated on how that works out.

just picked up a pair.. enjoy:

AthlonXP, what do you do for a living? Can you send me some money so I can get a second? I'm jealous. =P
Xeen, man I'm going back to the LG. The Samsung is very nice I believe it's using a TN panel. Text is amazingly clear and color a good as well, but when I went to play Falcon 4, yes there are those out here who still play that, it wouldn't scale to play it. So in other words the Sammy doesn't auto scale like the LG. I also like the fact that the LG has the USB ports, though that's not a big deal. I really thought that the Sammy would scale at that price.

Anywhoo, hopefully BB doesn't have my mug shot up saying he's returned too many monitors. Keep your fingers and toes crossed that there are no dead pixels on this one.:eek:
As with all Samsung monitors that end in B or BW, it's a TN panel.

You'd think they'd use a 'T' wouldn't you, but NNNNOOOOO it's gotta be a 'B' to confuse the hell out of everyone.

Ya know my wife's 2nd cousin is the President of House Hold Products for Samsung America. Not that it's has anything to do with this topic, but it was interesting to know that. I was hoping for some free stuff when I met him, but I met him at the airport. So, kinda hard to carry anything too large with him.:p
ok, new question :)

I have the dell 2407 and it drives me nuts becasue as i shift left or right in my seating position a few inches the monitor color shifts and i HATE it. Does this monitor do that also.

What i found out this weekend is that the lg tn panel for the 22 does not and now has me revaluating how imporatant panal type actually is.

because it seems that it depends on how the manufaturer builds that panel.

anywya thanks in advance
ok, new question :)

I have the dell 2407 and it drives me nuts becasue as i shift left or right in my seating position a few inches the monitor color shifts and i HATE it. Does this monitor do that also.

When you say shifting, do you mean brightness/visibility shifting or actual colors changing? From what I've experienced, I don't get any shifting in colors or brightness or contrast when I move side to side on this (LG 24") monitor.
xeen thanks for posting...and yes the backlight bleeds...and the blacks that you cant see straight on are =viable an inch or 2 to one side or the other.

anyway, i bit the bullet and am typing on it right now......

OMG I love it it is 24 inch perfection.

Excellent color and saturation. The shades are right...the dell was way to red in orange and brown

Its sharp as a tack....the blacks are much better and there is no shifting of color of backlight bleed

This monitor is by far the best 24 and i had the gateway for a day and the dell for 6 months.

I now know that there is alot mor to panels than just the tech type because i waited for so long because it wasnt ips type. big mistake...this thing is awesome.
Alright! That's great to hear, serialmike. Post anything else you discover. I'm glad you enjoy the monitor so much.
I got this monitor last thursday at bb
Its a awesome LCD monitor period it has a 178 viewing angle the color never shifts no matter were you sit it has tons of inputs HDMI ! Color and black contrasts are awesome the dot pitch is really good and sharp as my 20inch display which is a LG
no ghosting very fast response times ! I love the base it does anything you want it too

height adjustable base swivels its great product
you know what,

Its kind of funny but on the dell i had i never thought the pics looked that great of this monitor....

but i was just scrolling back and WOW lol the colors on those last 2 pics are mind blowing

the purple is insane.

guess i was looking at the pcs with the wrong glasses so to speak.
i think it is the same panel type, but i can tell you that after owning both and even seeing the lg 22 tn panel that all this talk over screen technolgy doesnt mean all to much unless your a professional grahpic artist and need full professional color gamut.

because this lg exhibits non of the same feature that i despise in the dell.

not only that the n lg 22 is freakin awesome.
I bought an L246W 3 weeks ago. My main use for it is graphics (Photoshop, Maya, CAD) but also programming and just simply loving a big screen to work on. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the display was almost spot on calibration right out the box (using the Spyder color calibration). I measured the color calibration set points at various areas on the display and it is a very respectible response (some variation but all within limits). I do think the sharpness is not entirely what it could be but that is probably because I am using the VGA input. Working with photoshop on this display is an absolute blast.

All that while connected up to my PC through the VGA connector, not even the DVI/HDMI. Impressive! But herein lies my problem, no matter what I do, I cannot seem to get the HDMI connection to work. I have a GeForce 8800GTS, when i connect the display through the HDMI-DVI cable, I hear my PC recognize it makes a connection of some sort (speaker says "ping") but the screen remains blank and the monitor goes into standby (yes yes, I did switch the monitor's input to HDMI). Seeing that all you guys have no problems with this makes me feel kinda dumb but, ah, any recommendations you have to get me going to solve this issue?
Ok, I think I finally have success. Got another LG with a later BB batch # and no dead pixels and the viewing issue isn't quite a noticeable. So, as of this moment I'm hanging on to this one. It its a really good monitor.;)

Oh, if you just recently got it from BB there is an 'Instant Savings' of $50. I'm heading over tomorrow to get mine!!
Hi, please can someone try BF2/BF2142 or something similar with fast moving objects over sky for example, I just want to check the comments from the Polish site about RTA overshoot causing bright shadow/halos

Many thanks.
Hi, please can someone try BF2/BF2142 or something similar with fast moving objects over sky for example, I just want to check the comments from the Polish site about RTA overshoot causing bright shadow/halos

Many thanks.

solaq, was this reported in any game where a dark object would be moving quickly across a light-colored sky? I can check that out in a couple different scenarios.
Hi XeeN, yes this was reported in BF2 for example, I plane flying on/through a blue sky (also happens on some 226BW panels, very annoying)

Thanks forr your help
Well, I just picked up one of these at best buy on the way home. Not hooked up yet, but it will be in a bit. Here's to hoping I got a great one!
Has anyone had any problems with the HDMI port not working on their L246W? Mine is 6 weeks old now, and I've been trying all evening to get the thing hooked up to the DVI port on my video card. My computer is pretty old (Athlon 3000+, MSI 5900U video), so I figured it was a driver error. After installing new MSI drivers, I was able to hook up the monitor with both the DVI/HDMI and the VGA cables, and the card/win2k recognized both the digital and analog connections. But I cannot get the DVI/HDMI input to work. No matter what settings I use, I always have a blank screen on the HDMI input. Something must be broken, and while my money's on my 3.5 year old video card, I can't rule out the monitor.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Has anyone had any problems with the HDMI port not working on their L246W? Mine is 6 weeks old now, and I've been trying all evening to get the thing hooked up to the DVI port on my video card. My computer is pretty old (Athlon 3000+, MSI 5900U video), so I figured it was a driver error. After installing new MSI drivers, I was able to hook up the monitor with both the DVI/HDMI and the VGA cables, and the card/win2k recognized both the digital and analog connections. But I cannot get the DVI/HDMI input to work. No matter what settings I use, I always have a blank screen on the HDMI input. Something must be broken, and while my money's on my 3.5 year old video card, I can't rule out the monitor.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

Do you still have your old monitor? Does your video card have two outputs by any chance or just a single DVI out? If you had two outputs you could use your old monitor to see what was happening... it would be interesting to see if Windows recognized both monitors.

If you don't have two outputs, do you have any other hardware that has an HDMI output (a new dvd player or something, even if you could borrow one for a day or two from a friend) so you could try having a different HDMI source?
No worries: it was a PEBCAK error. I was using the PIP mode, but id didn't occur to me until today at work that the PIP was displaying the component input, not the HDMI. I hooked the DVI/HDMI back up this evening and it all works fine now.
Quick question for the owners of this panel.
What widescreen resolutions are you able to select?

Just curious what options are available when scaling down and maintaining aspect ratio.

I actually picked one of these up last week at BB. It is impressive... however.. today i had a black out session. It blacked out 2 or 3 times and hasnt happened again. I am concerned, i saw another person in this thread mention this. Maybe I should order a dell, gdman it. DVI>HDMI, I want to see if it happens again... if it does ill go VGA and see what happens. If it does happen again i will probably return it and get something else... not a BenQ or LG... it would seem, same panel? coincidence?
bah it blacked out again... wtf... Im not even going to bother with it. I just ordered a 24inch Dell.
bah it blacked out again... wtf... Im not even going to bother with it. I just ordered a 24inch Dell.
Sorry to hear that. :( What kind of video card do you have?

I finally picked this panel up last Sunday when Best Buy knocked $50 off the price. I've been meaning to post a review, but I've been absolutely swamped this week. Hopefully I'll get to it soon. I will say now, though, that overall I'm extremely happy with it. A big thank you to XeeN and others who bought this panel earlier and took the time to answer my questions, you guys were very helpful in my decision-making.

I'll try to post a review soon.
Sorry to hear that. :( What kind of video card do you have?

I finally picked this panel up last Sunday when Best Buy knocked $50 off the price. I've been meaning to post a review, but I've been absolutely swamped this week. Hopefully I'll get to it soon. I will say now, though, that overall I'm extremely happy with it. A big thank you to XeeN and others who bought this panel earlier and took the time to answer my questions, you guys were very helpful in my decision-making.

I'll try to post a review soon.

Nvidia 6800 GT... It only started doing it today, have had about a week tho. Its a nice monitor indeed... however this is incredibly annoying. I have changed modes from Video to PC and it still occurs. I just uninstalled Forte Manager which was running for a couple days without issue. Will update shortly if it happens again.
Nvidia 6800 GT... It only started doing it today, have had about a week tho. Its a nice monitor indeed... however this is incredibly annoying. I have changed modes from Video to PC and it still occurs. I just uninstalled Forte Manager which was running for a couple days without issue. Will update shortly if it happens again.

I know that there was an issue with blackouts on the Benq and a few of these, but it doesn't seem to happen very often. I haven't experienced it at all yet on my panel.

It is reason enough for them to replace yours, though. I know that people were saying it was an issue with ATI video cards mostly, but since you have an Nvidia it shows that it's more universal.

I'm wondering if it could be power-related. In other words, I'm wondering if the power to a video card could be weak and could cause a signal-reset on the panel. Either that or what if there was a brown-out or power drop from the wall socket and this particular panel decides to reset itself?

How hard would it be for you to get a replacement?
I know that there was an issue with blackouts on the Benq and a few of these, but it doesn't seem to happen very often. I haven't experienced it at all yet on my panel.

It is reason enough for them to replace yours, though. I know that people were saying it was an issue with ATI video cards mostly, but since you have an Nvidia it shows that it's more universal.

I'm wondering if it could be power-related. In other words, I'm wondering if the power to a video card could be weak and could cause a signal-reset on the panel. Either that or what if there was a brown-out or power drop from the wall socket and this particular panel decides to reset itself?

How hard would it be for you to get a replacement?

Thanks for the recommendations... Replacement is easy... I just bought it last week. Actually i am going to return for a full refund tomorrow or the next day... It happened again after removing forte manager. i wouldnt say its a power issue as it worked fine for a few days.

Honestly for me its a huge turn off... literally... I ordered the Dell 24inch but alas 1-2 weeks for delivery.

LG doesn't have Saturday support. So I sent an email in... We will see what they say tomorrow. I would hope they would reply tomorrow.
So no reply from LG support... I called them on the phone. I got some guy that had more than an attitude. He asked me what my power settings were configured to, i said nothing ever sleeps or shuts down. He asked me the question again with even more attitude. I said "You're trying to help me take this back to BestBuy arent you?" He replied with "well thats your option" with a stink I would never expect from a support team that is supposed to be helping customers with thier $600+ electronics.

Well the monitor is nice... but the minor blackout issue and the customer service rep I spoke with has completely ruined it. Packed up and going back to BB tomorrow.