Lian Li making Power Supplies?

I was just browsing the Lian Li site and I noticed that they are releasing their own line of power supplies. I can't wait to see an [H] review of one of these bad boys.

Sorry if this isn't new to you but I check the Lian Li site like every week and I don't remember seeing this last week.

No Lian-Li doesn't make power supplies. Sirtec makes Lian-Li power supplies previously and these track back to Sirfa who used to be part of Sirtec.

We reviewed a previous Lian-Li branded unit here:
I was excited to see the lian li power supplies. Hopefully they perform quite a bit better this time around. I guess we will have to wait and see when testing and reviews come out for this batch
I'm wary until the OEM becomes known. Lian-Li make great cases, but they seemed to go kinda wrong with PSU OEM last time.
Yes, but I was unsure of whether they were going with Sirtec again. I might have overlooked something though. I've had a coupla Sirtec made PSUs from Thermaltake, and frankly, I was less than pleased with them (one even took out my mobo when it keeled over and died).
And I posted it was Sirtec now Sirfa again just above you ;)