Lian Li PC-60 vibration


Aug 8, 2003
Summary: Side panel vibrates. Top fan vibrates against top panel when plugged in. What should I do to fix it?

Hey everyone,

I've got an older "classic" PC-60 Lian Li case (ca 2004). My only complaint is that after installing a GTX 460, the side panel seems to vibrate at times. If I simply press on the side panel, the problem goes away, usually for hours at a time, only to reappear later. Removing/replacing the side panel does not correct the problem.

I've also observed some vibration in the top panel if I plug in the top case fan. I believe the top panel issue stems from the fan itself vibrating against the panel--it's not that the panel is vibrating. Thus, the solution appears to be to remove the fan and install some vibration absorbing material (rubber?). I also need advice on how to reattach the top panel fan once removed, since it appears to be fixed permanently to the case with four plastic attachments of some kind. Probably a one-time snap-in.

My question is simply: what techniques are there for dampening vibration, particularly in a side panel, but also between the top panel and associated fan? I suspect that simply gluing a large mass to the inside of the side panel would do the trick, but that seems inelegant. As for the top panel fan, some kind of rubber gasket would probably do the job.

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Hey man, I have a PC65B, which is more or less the same case, and also had a vibration on my right side panel. Unfortunately I never got around to fixing it, and it's gone away since I installed my watercooled setup. That said I can offer a bit of advice for the top fan. For silencing you could use rubber grommets or washers, like these, or something like this device:, though you probably don't need something that fancy. Any rubber gasket ought to do the trick as well.

Oh, those plastic attachments, those are actually reusable: there's an outer part that has the "head" and it slides into a sheathe, for lack of better words. When its pushed in all the way the barbs on the end of the sheathe bulge out and keep the fan in place. You just push the outer part out with a screwdriver or something, then the whole thing should pull out... hope I explained that OK. That said, if you put grommets or a gasket between the top and the fan, not sure if those fan fasteners will be long enough, but if not, standard fan screws will work in that case too as far as I know.
Thanks a lot for the help. Everything you said makes sense, but just one point of clarification. I think I've seen those plastic fasteners, but I didn't realize that was exactly what I was dealing with here since I can't see them clearly. So, the idea is to insert a screwdriver or other thin object between the fan and the side of the case, and use it to compress the outer "prong" part of the clip. Then while holding the screwdriver on the prong, it should just allow me to slide out the fan since the fastener no longer fills the hole. That is, these fasteners are the kind that you push through the hole compressed, and then return to their original shape once they are in, thus keeping the two things stuck together? That about sum it up?
I think you've got the gist of it, its sort of hard to explain in words. Maybe this will help a bit more.

Pretty much you push the head in, and it forces those bits on the other end outwards, keeping the fan in place. You pull the pin out and they can contract and you can pull the entire pushpin thing out. What I was getting at was that depending how its setup you may need to push on the pin from the end with those barbs (the main pin sticks out a bit in the middle of those 4 barbs) to push it out enough for those pieces to contract. Its a lot simpler when you actually mess with it in person, trust me.
Thanks for your response--that clarifies it. I've not had a chance to fiddle with it yet but will eventually. I'm glad the fasteners are removable and reusable in any case.

Have a good weekend.