Lian-Li PC-65USB review?


Limp Gawd
Oct 9, 2004
I'm looking to purchase this case, but I'm finding a hard time searching for an in-depth review for this product. If someone could provide me a link to one, that would be great. I'm looking to buy either this case, the Antec P160 or the Thermaltake Tsunami Dream. I'm steering more toward either the Antec or the Lian-Li though.
go with Lian-Li, they are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better then antec cases. I have the same case and i highly doubt i'll ever need another one this life time. its a great great case.

Only problem now is deciding the color you like :)

I tried googling a review on this case and can't find one, strange. Trust me though, you won't regret
I've returned 3 Antec cases in the last year because I was extremely disappointed. My 4 cases right now are two Lian Lis and 2 CoolerMasters. Nothing better than those two.
In that case, I guess I'll go for the Lan Li. I'm going with the black colour because my monitor and my speakers will be black. It's just that the store I'm purchasing it from has the price increased about 20 dollors...I wonder if I can match prices from online sotres? :rolleyes: .

Just one more question. If I get this Lan li case, I'm pretty sure that I'll want to buy a couple of those Lian Li CD bay covers so that they match the case. But I've been looking around that Lian-Li gallery and I see that some people didn't even buy the Lian Li CD bay cover. It looks like they don't even have a single CD-drive installed! How did they do that? :confused: It looks like they took that stock slot cover and attached it onto the CD-rom drive some how...

Thanks for the info guys!
all cd covers, floppies, zip drives, whatever u can take it off. get some nice spray paint and tape and do it yourself, save the money on fans or something worth the money.

how much is it going for at the store? maybe you can find it cheaper online with shipping
The black case with the window is $210 canadian while at online stores, they're about $170. Talk about a rip-off eh?
I planning on purchasing the Lian li from the store (Memory Express) because I'm building a new rig and I'm hoping they'll offer me a deal since I'm buying all the parts there.

One question about the Sleathing. Do you have to remove the CD-drive front cover?