Lian-li PC-A05N?


Aug 23, 2007

I've been eyeing the a05b as a possible case to migrate to, would this one be better to wait for? or can I deal with the airflow issues in the old model :O

or I could not upgrade at all, I'm short on cash T.T

I googled for reviews of the thing, but apparently its newish/not realeased

lmk what u think of it

currently have:
e6600 (stock cooling)
1xdvd burner
1xsoundblaster x-fi
asus p5b deluxe mobo

I was thinking of getting a massive cpu cooler and overclocking, is that easy/possible in this case? (i.e. will a TRUE fit inside?)
almost the exact same case as the A05.

except for some minor tweaks with the OD mounting system and removable top.

Other than that, exact same case.

Whatever issues you will have on the older model, you will have on this model as well.

If you are referring to the warm air being trapped around the PCI area.....its easily solved with the BS-03. This is what I did. :)

TRUE will fit.
The PCI slots are also vented and the PSU exhaust mount now has a bigger opening. So a decent effort to increase airflow.
yes, I was referring to the cooling that you mentioned, and that BS-03 looks like a good solution, all I need now is a small pricedrop on the A05B on newegg and I won't be able to resist. Oh, and a TRUE as well :D
What I did was cut the exhaust vents where the BS-03 blows air out for better air flow.

The BS-03 are easy enough (and cheap) to find used in the FS forums.

The PCI slots on my A05 were vented already, and the PSU exhaust slot looks exactly the same as my A05. I don't have that curved/wedged mount on the PSU exhaust.

I got my A05 from mwave. its $91 ATM.

Good luck!

Wow...$79 at the Egg! shipping @ $20 though. :( so Total is ~ same as mwave