Lian LI V-1000BW or SPCR's Black Antec P180?


Feb 23, 2005
I just got enough money to buy a new case for my X2 build, I bought a new build and housed it in my old case (Aspire X-dreamer2) because I couldn't afford it but now I can after a month!

It's either the Lian Li V-1000B with window or the Silent PC review's Black Antec P180.

heres the pricing breakdown

Lian Li PC-V1000BW - $228.09 [svc]
SPCR Antec Black P180 - $188.82 [endpcnoise]

Noise is a signifigant factor to me but not EVERYTHING
I might be growing out of the whole neon lights windowed case theme, im not quite sure.

this is what im housing

Athlon 64 X2 4400+ Toledo
DFI Lanparty UT nf4 Ultra-D
1GB OCZ EL Platinum Rev.2 PC3200
Maxtor DM10 6B300S0 300GB 16MB Cache SATA HD
eVGA Geforce 7800GT 256MB GDDR3 PCI-E
Sound Blaster Audigy2 ZS
NEC ND-3540A 16X DVD Burner
Antec NeoPower 480W

what do you guys think about this? help me make a decision, thanks
I would say the P180 looks better and cheaper but then im not really a fan of lian li.
im for the p180 i I've been drooling over the reviews for some time now
id go for the lian li as playing with them both i prefer the lian li :)
ill prob be selling my v1100b here pretty soon ...just for another lian li :)
good luck which ever you choose.
yea im sort of leaning towards the p180 as well, I dont really care much about windows and uv lighting that much anymore, I guess im maturing.

the one thing thats important to me is cable management, I heard cabling in a p180 is extremely difficult and the front door is flimsy, can anybody give some insight?

I've also heard that the V-1000BW's build quality is TOP NOTCH
I just bought one of the SPCR P180s. Look for somethings to get your total above $200 then shipping is free. I picked up some AS5 and and V7700 HSF to get over the mark.
brycejones said:
I just bought one of the SPCR P180s. Look for somethings to get your total above $200 then shipping is free. I picked up some AS5 and and V7700 HSF to get over the mark.

good idea, hows the case working out for u? exceeded your expections? or is it just ehhh
I have both the Black V1000 and the P180. I like the looks and size of the V1000 more (it's huge by the way), but it isn't as quiet, which I was able to fix though. The P180 really is pretty quiet, but I don't like the layout as much and it's harder to work in, but it's also smaller. So given the size of the p180 the layout is pretty good. Both have excellent build quality.

aldy402 said:
good idea, hows the case working out for u? exceeded your expections? or is it just ehhh

I just ordered it so I'll let you know next week. ;)
nebruin said:
I like the looks and size of the V1000 more (it's huge by the way), but it isn't as quiet, which I was able to fix though.

What did you do for it?
mikeblas said:
What did you do for it?

yea we wanna know! cuz i was tryin to figure out if i buy sound dampening mats, where i was gonna put em not ot disrupt the good airflow in the case
a P180 over a Lian Li V1000BW? are you guys on crack or what?

thats like comparing a Porsche Cayenne SUV to a Kia Sorrento.

there's simply no comparison. :p
ozziegn said:
a P180 over a Lian Li V1000BW? are you guys on crack or what?

thats like comparing a Porsche Cayenne SUV to a Kia Sorrento.

Hey don't bad mouth the Sorento, I happen to own one and its been a good SUV. I also picked the P180 because I was looking for quiet not just a pretty face.
brycejones said:
Hey don't bad mouth the Sorento, I happen to own one and its been a good SUV.

lol - :D

dont get offended man... its just an SUV.
I'm making the exact same decision! I would love to hear all your opinions on this too.

To Aldy - If you're growing out of the whole window thing, like I am, how come you're interested in the Window version of the V1000?

To Nebruin - Yah I wanna know what you did too! I might sell my PC-65 for the V1000b and if I can silence it, it'll just increase my interest in it!

mickey987 said:
To Aldy - If you're growing out of the whole window thing, like I am, how come you're interested in the Window version of the V1000?

just incase Im not grown out of it, makes no sense in paying for the window later, mine as well get it now. Even if I decide I don't like the window anymore, I jus wont light it up

I think i made my decision though, I will be going with a p180 hands down

I've seemed to come across mixed reviews about the Antec P180... I keep hearing people complain about heat issues and such when its supposed to be a thermally efficient case.

But, I admit, I do dig the sleek clean refrigerator styled look. Don't ask why.

Ouch, $180 for a P180... Shit dude, lol, I can get that in CANADIAN DOLLARS for $170 (the black version).
KrakenGuy said:

I've seemed to come across mixed reviews about the Antec P180... I keep hearing people complain about heat issues and such when its supposed to be a thermally efficient case.

But, I admit, I do dig the sleek clean refrigerator styled look. Don't ask why.

Ouch, $180 for a P180... Shit dude, lol, I can get that in CANADIAN DOLLARS for $170 (the black version).

Dude, where!?!?! :eek:
aldy402 said:
yea im sort of leaning towards the p180 as well, I dont really care much about windows and uv lighting that much anymore, I guess im maturing.

the one thing thats important to me is cable management, I heard cabling in a p180 is extremely difficult and the front door is flimsy, can anybody give some insight?

I've also heard that the V-1000BW's build quality is TOP NOTCH



These are some cable management pics in my P180. I honestly like both cases alot. But I'll say if you want a lightweight case and aren't worried about noise. Then get the Lian Li. Get the P180 if you want silence and don't mind having a heavy case. The quality of both cases is excellent.
ozziegn said:
a P180 over a Lian Li V1000BW? are you guys on crack or what?

thats like comparing a Porsche Cayenne SUV to a Kia Sorrento.

there's simply no comparison. :p

That is a pretty dumb comparison in my opinion. The price difference between the the P180 and the V1000 is like $50. Whats the price difference between a Porsche and a Kia? $50,000? Not to mention the Porsche is going to have wayyy more luxury options than a Kia, and a better engine.

What makes the Lian Li so much better? Because it has aluminum vs steel that the P180 uses? The whole point of a P180 is to be silent. Thats the reason why they decided to use heavy steel, and not aluminum which allows alot of vibrations and noise to get through the case since it is thinner material. Antec is an excellent company, and they always produce quality products. If a P180 isn't your thing because of the steal and plastic, it doesn't mean it wasn't built well. Cause believe me, its an excellent case with superb build quality.
The Lian-Li is a quiet and cool case. The build is top-notch and it is great for cable mgmt.
Sorry guys, I used the expensive method of quieting down the computer and got the Zalman Reserator 1 and use it for both Video and CPU, then I have 3 120mm fans running super slow, my computer now puts out less than ambient noise. It's great, but if you are running regular fan components, then you are going to have a hard time of it. The V1100 though has nice door that is supposed to kill a lot of the sound. Although truthfully the V1000 is still pretty quiet if you set it up right, since you have so much open air and you can set your fans pretty slow.

Nice case dynamiks! I can tell by looking at the fans and coolers you've chosen, that you have a really quiet system!

Are you running your winny at 2.6GHz passive? :eek:

To Nebruin - Do you have a picture of your case? It'd be really appreciated if I could have a look at how your set up your fans. Thanks!
dynamiks said:

These are some cable management pics in my P180. I honestly like both cases alot. But I'll say if you want a lightweight case and aren't worried about noise. Then get the Lian Li. Get the P180 if you want silence and don't mind having a heavy case. The quality of both cases is excellent.[/QUOTE]

very nice, what kind of hsf is that?
mickey987 said:
Nice case dynamiks! I can tell by looking at the fans and coolers you've chosen, that you have a really quiet system!

Are you running your winny at 2.6GHz passive? :eek:

To Nebruin - Do you have a picture of your case? It'd be really appreciated if I could have a look at how your set up your fans. Thanks!

Yea my system is very quiet. Thats how I designed it to be. On top of that I have all the fans hooked up to a fan controller, which I put on low when I'm not gaming.

And yes I am running 2.6Ghz Passive, with 1.55v vcore. And I get around 52C load CPU temps, sometimes lower if the ambient temp in my room is cooler.

EDIT: My load temp right now, while running prime95 is 49C cpu.
dynamiks said:
That is a pretty dumb comparison in my opinion. The price difference between the the P180 and the V1000 is like $50. Whats the price difference between a Porsche and a Kia? $50,000? Not to mention the Porsche is going to have wayyy more luxury options than a Kia, and a better engine.

The Sorento starts at $19,665. The Cayenne base model starts at $42,200. The difference is $22,545, less than half your guess of $50,000.

The difference between the P180 ( $159.95) and the V1000BW (not the V1000, $205.00 ) That's $45.05.

The proportional difference between the Kia Sorento (note correct spelling, not "Sorrento") and the Cayenne is about 114%. The difference between the cases is only 28%.
mikeblas said:
The Sorento starts at $19,665. The Cayenne base model starts at $42,200. The difference is $22,545, less than half your guess of $50,000.

The difference between the P180 ( $159.95) and the V1000BW (not the V1000, $205.00 ) That's $45.05.

The proportional difference between the Kia Sorento (note correct spelling, not "Sorrento") and the Cayenne is about 114%. The difference between the cases is only 28%.

LOL, well thank you for going out and doing research based on something I just came up with off the top of my head. I coulda went and did the math also, but it really wasn't that serious. My point is proven though that the difference between both cases is much different than comparing the two cars. :D
Where does the PSU, in the P180 get the air to breathe? I noticed that there wasn't any hole on the bottom of the case, and it seems like the PSU cage is pretty compact. Where does the PSU get the fresh air from? The narrow compartments?
mickey987 said:
Where does the PSU, in the P180 get the air to breathe? I noticed that there wasn't any hole on the bottom of the case, and it seems like the PSU cage is pretty compact. Where does the PSU get the fresh air from? The narrow compartments?

The bottom part of the case contains the PSU and 4 of the hard drive bays. There are openings in front of the hard drives and the air is drawn accross the hard drives and exuasted out of the back by the PSU. In other words it is a tunnel.
dynamiks said:
I coulda went and did the math also, but it really wasn't that serious. My point is proven though that the difference between both cases is much different than comparing the two cars. :D

<shrug> I'd think you'd take calling someone else's post "stupid" is serious, but that's just me. I can't see anything in your post which explains why comparing the two SUVs is different than comparing the two cases. Funny thing is, I don't think anybody has done so in this thread -- there's been emotional response about the issue, but nothing that rationally compares the two cases that aldy is interested in buying.
Lucky dog you!

I like both cases very much. I like how the V1000 isn't a rectangular box, yet I like how the P180 IS a rectangular box... this is one tough decision... :rolleyes:
I like the V1000b myself. (Hate doors on PC' Have to keep the case under the desk so i was banging my leg on the door constantly).The V1000b just has a "More" solid feel to it to me if you can understand...hehe
Going to be installing a scythe ninja myself pretty soon on my 4800 X2 so hopefully will drop the temps down 5-10 degrees.
I will never, EVER pay $190 for anything with the Antec logo on it unless its a stripper. And then, she'd better be hot.

It's still an Antec at day's end. It's like Kia trying to move up into the high end segment, yea its a good product, but for 25k I'll take my bimmer thank you very much.