Lian Li V600B


Jan 20, 2008
I'm still trying to decide between the v600b and the antec 900...I know they're VERY different cases, but I seem to like certain elements of both. However, I mentioned before that the V series looks very bad from the front because the aluminium is not painted. But in Newegg's picture, it looks very nice compared to the other one. What's going on? Did Egg already paint it or something?


IMO: on the lian li pcv cases - the metalwork behind the front panel is not noticeable unless you have a flash light (or, in this case, camera flash) pointed at it.
yeah I know, but I was just curious on why those 2 pics looked so different.
The v600 is probably the hardest case I've ever worked with. If you go that route, make sure you pick up a low profile HSF as there isn't much clearance between the cpu and the power supply. Everything is extremely cramped and cable routing is a bitch. It's a really nice case once you get everything in and fitting nicely, but getting there is a pain.

I'm still trying to decide between the v600b and the antec 900...I know they're VERY different cases, but I seem to like certain elements of both. However, I mentioned before that the V series looks very bad from the front because the aluminium is not painted. But in Newegg's picture, it looks very nice compared to the other one. What's going on? Did Egg already paint it or something?

As far as what it looks like, in person it really depends on how light is hitting the case and the angle you look at it. If the light is hitting it just right, the silver aluminum shows through like in the silver pc pic. Usually it looks like the one in the Newegg pic. I'll take a pic of ours when I get off work.
Its easy to mod thou.
