life before games?


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 22, 2001
I'm a game addict. I got problems.... I'm just trying to think what life was like before the time of the computer the game. Like when old people where young lol. Scares me cuse I'm getting older now and playing games isn't like it was it was 6 years ago. I dunno. I'm just insane. But what would people do back in the day? Like tv? Listen to there ozzy osubure or something? Go to the arcade and play pac man? Watch holk hogan wrestle rowdy rodney piper on the WWF? lol So this is for the old folks. What was it like before games?
Haha, they found something else to fill the void of boredom like going to clubs, finding prostitutes, growing mullets, snorting cocaine, over eating, chain smoking....

I've been unable to game online the last 4 weeks due issues with my ISP it has actually put me a little on edge, I've bought 2 single player games and pulled out Rome: Total War, and still feel like something is missing. I'm better these days about it though, I take a break after every hour of gaming, and play slowly. Everything in moderation right?
I started gaming on my NES at age 4 so to awnser the question, I got diaper changes, ate stale cereal and played with crappy wooden blocks
Kids without video games either played sports, legos, or annoyed their parents.
SpeedRunner said:
I started gaming on my NES at age 4 so to awnser the question, I got diaper changes, ate stale cereal and played with crappy wooden blocks

I concur and agree whole-heartedly with this statement.
Yeah i played with Knex and Lego's
When i was like 5 than got NES and Zelda
Was hooked sence
PCJ said:
Kids without video games either played sports, legos, or annoyed their parents.

Kids with video games should be doing those things too.

Hell, I'm 25 and I still play with legos... only now, instead of annoying my parents, they annoy me when they call to see how I'm doing. I need to move farther away from them :D
All you young whipper-snappers. I grew up on Coleco, Atari 2800 and Commodore Vic 20's. When 300 baud modems we paving the way for the future!! When having an 8 meg, yes I said EIGHT MEG,1481 drive for my Commodore 64 was insane.. :eek:
mate, loading games off cassette tape, 300 baud acoustic coupler modems (back when phones where these big heavy things you could club your sister with)

I remember my acorn with the amazing colour palette of 2 (green and not green)

typing in basic games that I got from magazines....

ah the fun.

That, and rugby.
I think they played with guns. When I was growing up, not to long ago, but on a farm in NE we actually went outside and did stuff, like shoot the sparrows in the front yard with high powered rifles and 12 guages. We would also go fishing and when dad would pick us up we would drag bull frogs home behind his pickup with our fishing poles.

Those are a few things that you can do without video games, but you cityboys pry can't get away with that stuff!!
SpeedRunner said:
I started gaming on my NES at age 4 so to awnser the question, I got diaper changes, ate stale cereal and played with crappy wooden blocks

Did your parents not love you?
I don't consider myself old. I'm only 33 and yet I remember the days before gaming.

I remember hopping on my bike and riding all over the city all day. I remember the really cool lego sets with working engines and transmissions. I remember Tinker Toys, Lincoln Logs and Erector sets. I remember water guns in the afternoon heat. Hell, I remember army toys in the dirt. Oh, and lets not forget the electric racing track that I would fill my room with, spending hours cleaning the contacts with pencil erasers.

I also remember typing in games from magazines onto my old TRS-80 Model 1 and saving, with the use of my tape deck, onto a freshly bulk erased tape. All of this going on while my dad was at the living room table working on reports from the office using his brand new Compaq Portable computer. You know, the one that the keyboard folded up into the bottom and was the size of a luggage case?

Oh yeah, those were the days!
kelbear said:
Heh, how about exercise?...

RL excercise? Isn't that one of those things that requires excessive movements? Like, most notably removing oneself from ones chair? Or were you just joking and meant like jogging from Stranglethorn Vale to Ironforge?
i remeber..................hell i was PC gamin with wheel of fortune on 5.5 floppys in an Apple II in 84
drugs+ playin with other peopleses
i fucked around with marbles for a little bit, did the whole transformer, toy collectin shit, sport card collectin.
then nintendo came out with the italian dude mario and everything got pushed aside for gaming.
machwireless said:
i remeber..................hell i was PC gamin with wheel of fortune on 5.5 floppys in an Apple II in 84
That's a bad acid trip memory there. To play a PC game that didn't come out until '88 on a Apple on a disk that's 1/4 inch too big. I want what you're currently on.
I used to go outside and play in the woods. Then one day when I was about nine years old, I was driving into town in the Poconos with my dad and a ginormous bear walked across the road (one of the woodland area roads not far from the house). I have not been outside since....thank god for the Atari 2600 then Coleco Vision :D
Shadowspawn said:
I don't consider myself old. I'm only 33 and yet I remember the days before gaming.

I remember hopping on my bike and riding all over the city all day. I remember the really cool lego sets with working engines and transmissions. I remember Tinker Toys, Lincoln Logs and Erector sets. I remember water guns in the afternoon heat. Hell, I remember army toys in the dirt. Oh, and lets not forget the electric racing track that I would fill my room with, spending hours cleaning the contacts with pencil erasers.

I also remember typing in games from magazines onto my old TRS-80 Model 1 and saving, with the use of my tape deck, onto a freshly bulk erased tape. All of this going on while my dad was at the living room table working on reports from the office using his brand new Compaq Portable computer. You know, the one that the keyboard folded up into the bottom and was the size of a luggage case?

Oh yeah, those were the days!

Firecrackers man, don't forget the firecrackers. And magnifying glasses w00t!
"....smoked a lot of Thai Stick, occupied various adminstration buildings...."

Played electric guitar, went to bars and clubs. Rinse and repeat. A lot of roller blading... blah blah.
SpeedRunner said:
I started gaming on my NES at age 4 so to awnser the question, I got diaper changes, ate stale cereal and played with crappy wooden blocks

Same here.
Oh yea. Im 31 now, I remember when the atari was big news. Then the Apple, Apple IIe, TI99, etc. Big tapes, and MicroAdventure books where you typed in BASIC code and had some stupid game that helped you solve the question in the book. Karateka, Choplifter, Rescue Raiders, Lode Runner, and the video arcade(I so wish there was still an arcade somewhere in the middle of nowhere with ALL the classics stand-ups in it............)
I don't remember a time when I didn't have games.

I started out on Pong. Had every console through the years and even full arcade versions in my room while I was groing up.
Torgo said:
That's a bad acid trip memory there. To play a PC game that didn't come out until '88 on a Apple on a disk that's 1/4 inch too big. I want what you're currently on.
it was a DOS version and u know it might have been 88 and oh yeah it was 5.25

dont mind me. i have been awake for 37 hrs with 5 hrs of battle stress.
I used to build models, play with legos, go outside and skateboard/basketball/hang with friends all day pretty much. Now i just do school, drive and BF2
&quote: "Real human interaction? Is that a new expansion pack?"

I played with legos. Still do. Legos are awesome.
i annoyed the shit out of my parents. but most days on my walks to school id go early and play in the arcade for awhile. then on my walks home id stop in too. it was fun when a new game was out to just sit and watch people play it. those were the days... : sigh :
I um... I cant remember exactly. I was 4 when I started playing games on my Apple.
Football (soccer). My friend and I even played it in a foot and a half of snow at one point. The resulting hypothermia was so worth it.

(and a fair amount of rollerblading / biking, with scars to prove it)
eggrock said:
Firecrackers man, don't forget the firecrackers. And magnifying glasses w00t!


Also played a lot of street football, hockey, wiffle ball.
Fishing a lot.
Camping, hiking, just being outside.

I still get out to go hike/camp, but not like B.G.
Wow surprised no one mentioned D&D, Battletech or Warhammer.... Well I played those along side of computer games. Hell I'd also play old pen and paper wargames like Panzer Blitz and Tobruk. Now that was turned based strategy gaming! LOL
never was a life before games..

guess im young enough to have games introduce to me at an early age...

cant imagine a life WITHOUT games...

ill be ALOT richer though :p
SpeedRunner said:
I started gaming on my NES at age 4 so to awnser the question, I got diaper changes, ate stale cereal and played with crappy wooden blocks

hell yes Lincoln Logs rocked!!!!!!
Seems like a lot of young people here. everyone is like "ya i was playing nintendo when i was like 4 and haven't quit since lol.

Gaming is a liek a drug for me. I don't know what i would do with out it. Cna't play sports.... can't do anythign really lmao
Voidz said:
RL excercise? Isn't that one of those things that requires excessive movements? Like, most notably removing oneself from ones chair? Or were you just joking and meant like jogging from Stranglethorn Vale to Ironforge?
o.k...that was friggin funny. speaking of SV i just got booted and can't log back in.....i'm about to lose it. :mad: