lighting sugestion


Limp Gawd
Apr 27, 2002
i am getting tired eyes with this setup too often
what kind of lighting is sugested for computer desks and its position

here is my current setup, excuse the mess, i was doing hw but decided to write this thread :eek:

east coast 5 pm, with no overhead light

with flash
uuuh get an overhead light or a floor lamp? -_-

also, that looks like a planar monitor; if so what model is it because im interested in planar myself (212m)
Are you left handed? (Just wondering)

How about putting that lamp on the top shelf and putting a max watt bulb in that lamp too.
correct that is a planar px191 i absolutely love it (wish it had other inputs) but other than that it is perfect compared to other screens i've seen (backlight uniformness mainly)

no, i'm right handed i can be left handed when i want to however for computers only

i'm not too crazy about the halogen lamp i have, book pages are shiny and you can't read for chit.
if i put the lamp so high up itll be in my eyes (i tried anoys me), can i get a florescent tube and attach it to the desk (there is a little lip on the bottom of the top shelf)

my question is : does the type of light matter ? my options are incandescent stand or overhead, or florescent tube. unless i'm missing something,
That's a tough setup...

I'm in the same situation as you with my desk but what I decided to do was bring in a small (cheap, like $20) desk to put beside me. I put all my homework on there with a light above the book (just a cheap desk lamp with a florescent bulb in it) and it works well. I don't get the glare issue that you are dealing with that way.
try one of those fluorescent bulbs that has a cord built on the edge and mount it to the top of your desk above the monitor
What I did on my desk was just buy a cheap adjustable head lamp from Target for like $10. Put a 60W bulb in there and turned it facing up so it shines the whole room. It's just enough light to where I have enough light and then it's dark enough for me. Also If I really needed more light I just adjust the light to give more light onto any homework I have.
thanks a lot guys
i looked at florescent tubes and am looking for a nice mounting one (i don't want a getofab setup here)

zaptoman: my coke mirror because you never know who's looking
Do yourself a favor and pick up a cheap 4 or 6 light halogen set from Ikea or some other mega-modern furniture multi-plex. With even a small fixture, you can aim the lights as you please. Install the thing in the ceiling, and focus a light on your desk. There will be no reflecting glare from your screen, and if you place the fixture correctly, no reflecting glare from your shiny new textbooks. Also a much more comfortable color temperature than horrible flourescent tubes.
good luck