
1st Sgt. Burke

Limp Gawd
Nov 1, 2004
Hey, as a new modder I got a question for an upcomign mod Im doing..itll be my first...

Anyway as a non electrician I hope what i want to do is possible and perhaps someone knows of an incredibly easy way to do it.

I just got 2 CC Lights with dual red, one green. For the mod Im doing I want to beable to switch the colors from red to green. I was hopping to do this with an external toggle switch. (Ican get those at my work - Hardware store)

How would i go about hooking them up with the one switch choosing which ligth will run at the moment?
well im a noobie too, and i might be wrong, but im just thinking about it, and i think a toggle switch works on, or off, so if u used a toggle switch, it would either be red, or green, but there wouldnt be an off switch, unless u turn off the computer, im just saying, maybe if u didnt think about that, but other than that, i think u would just have to get one of those switches with the three thingies on the back, and i think u would put the power in the big center one, and the two colors on each side.
Heh...yeah I didnt think about the on-off thing. I was thinking..just would be fine to auto boot which every color is flipped at the time (which would be red unless I left it on green) The thign is I dont know how to wire anyhting...Thats where i need help. Itll be easier when they get ehre and I can look at the molex connectors and everyhtign and see where I have to splice in the toggle switch. The thign is I want it to be i want to do it right...not half-arsed and guesstimation ;)
You need a SPDT(single pole, double through) switch. Put your 12VDC line into the switch, then put an inverter on each of the poles. There are on-off-on switches, where the middle is off, but I don't know if you'd be able to find those at a hardware store.
Cool. Anyway you could whip up a diagram? like an quick Paint made one? I have never done elctronics wiring so I dont know where to start.....Im just gonna stick with a simple on off switch to switch the colors....
Just use 2 switches, one to turn the red on/off and one to turn the green on/off

Done... :D
Radio shack has a push button on-on switch, it has three terminals on the back, center one goes to 12V, one of the outer would go to your red lights, one would go to your green lights. then to change colors all you have to do is push the button. this will not turn off the lights via that switch, just change the colors.

The other way is to get a on-off-on toggle switch. wired the same way it will be red-off-green. talk to the sales person and they can get you the wiring diagram for the switch, the FAQ section on this forum does have some of the switch diagrams and how to hook up basically what you are trying to do.
yay! i'd be delighted to make a diagram for you, but dont forget that im a noobie as well. the only custom wiring i have done was in my car, and i know that there are CCFL's at Fry's that come with molex's and stuff, i guess its your power source or something, but anyways, so this diagram shows you a switch, center thingie is power, and then depending on how you flick the switch, it directs the power in that direction, and turns on the light, u can wait for someone to either correct me or back me up, but im bored, so i did it anyways...
