Limit on 2 digit items in the search critieria is frustrating


Oct 14, 2004
When searching through the forums, there is a minimum of 3 characters needed to search for a term. In my case I'm searching for a canon s2, s3 or s5 IS camera. When I type in any of those search terms, I'm returned with every single canon listing and have to manually go through each one. This is a similar issue for those looking for P3 or P4 processors. It's great for maintaining page hits, but it doesn't allow for ease of use for the site. I think you should look at allowing searches of strings of just two characters. Thanks.
I think we should allow 2 digit terms but only if paired with another 3+ digits terms. I don't know if this is feasible.

Queries in quotes would be nice, never seen a board do that though.
Sphinx, the new search software, is having issues recognizing the phrase operator. ( " ") In another thread, Kyle promised that he would look into it.
One common VBulletin solution Kyl;e might explore is allowing "*" as a placeholder, as in "P4*" returning anything that starts P4... not perfect but useful
I've run into that problem before, too. When I type in a phrase, so many of the terms are rejected (too common, too small...etc.), I am left with a very generic search that is useless.
Speaking from experience on my company's websites, when a site gets large enough in terms of DB size, etc, effective search tools get very expensive as you scale up the abilities of the search engine.