Linked Lists Tutorial?


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 22, 2000
In one of my classes (C++ programming) we finally got to linked lists. I knew some C++ prior to entering college so I was pretty good up until this point. I have never used linked lists before and the book we have is horrible. If a more complex program compiles straight out of the book without GCC generating any errors it's a miracle. Visual Studio .NET (what the professor uses, of course) never gives any errors and usually runs on code that doesn't come remotely close to working with GCC.

Are there any good tutorials for linked lists out there? I'm somewhat comfortable with them but there is stuff that I'm very unsure of. 95% of the class has absolutely no idea what's going on. If anyone knows of a great online linked lists tutorial it would be greatly appreciated by a bunch of engineering students.

I searched Google for some and saw a few decent things but they were more or less overviews of the subject matter, not really lessons. The professor is not that great and predates the invention of C by quite a number of years (and it shows).

Thanks in advance.
If your professor is useing .NET then that might explain it not working on gcc. Unless he's useing it in C++ mode :)