Linksys USB 2.0 802.11g adapter won't get IP


Limp Gawd
Apr 14, 2002
I just tried out the Linksys USB 2.0 802.11g adapter I ordered from eBay -- a new-in-the-box WUSB54GP. I wanted to test the unit on my Dell WinXP SP1 (fully updated sans SP2) laptop at work, so I installed the unit and manually added the drivers. I didn't want to use the WLAN utility from Linksys.

The darned thing WILL NOT take a DHCP IP address over a 128-bit enabled D-Link 802.11b access point. A release/renew via IPCONFIG in the command console returns a variety of errors on the renew.

I decided to install the WLAN utility that comes with the unit (v1.05), and I was able to duplicate the signal and connection that I had with the D-Link 802.11b access point. Same problem -- the WLAN utility says that it can connect to the access point but NOT the Internet (a.k.a. it's not getting an IP from the access point's DHCP pool).

Any ideas? Linksys has piddly on its website about this particular unit, and, although I saw some KB articles on the same problem, I've worked through all the possibly solutions.

I should also mention that I will be using this unit primarily at home with a Netgear M314 802.11b router with either 64-bit or 128-bit WEP enabled, so getting it working with a non-Linksys branded access point/router is important. I should also note that this unit is to be used on my Shuttle XPC SK83G.

Thanks, in advance, for any help you guys can offer.


P.S. - On a side note, this little unit is LITTLE. Tiny -- fits in the palm of my hand without the USB extension cord base attached. It DOES get HOT though.
An update -- I can get this unit working on a 64-bit AND 128-bit WEP setup on my older Netgear MR314 and the SK83G, although it does take a second to accept a DHCP address. Plus, the SK83G is sitting opposite the Netgear router.

Any suggestions on how to test the throughput on the connection? The WinXP wireless icon told me I was at 2.0MBps when I first got it working on my XPC.

Any suggestions regarding the DHCP issue on the D-Link are still welcome and appreciated.

Random thought..
Have mac filtering enabled?

Does it work when you disable the WEP and MAC filtering and enable SSID broadcast and all that fun stuff?
awdark said:
Random thought..
Have mac filtering enabled?

Does it work when you disable the WEP and MAC filtering and enable SSID broadcast and all that fun stuff?

My old Netgear router doesn't have the ability to turn off SSID broadcast. It DOES have MAC filtering on, and I added the USB adapter MAC to the Netgear without any trouble. So, the home use situation is fine with this unit.

I know that SSID broadcast is enabled at my office, where the D-Link router caused problems. Unfortunately, I can't turn off WEP there without screwing up other workers' setups. MAC filtering is NOT turned on at the office.

I have used an older Linksys 802.11b PCMCIA card on my laptop at work and had trouble with random disconnects from the D-Link router, but never anything where I couldn't get a DHCP IP address from the router.
