Linksys Wireless...


Dec 29, 2002
Quick and stupid question. I have never really worked with a wireless set up very much except for basic stuff. However, I just moved. I need to power my whole house with wireless and be able to plug my xbox 360 in hard wired to a wireless router. Is this the router I should get?

Also, I believe this one should work perfect from what I have read about if I get this one all I need to do is plug the modem into the wireless router and everything is pretty much set up correct?
You'd want this instead:

I don't know how well the newer design routers perform compared to the old ones (internal vs external antenna) but just make sure the modem and 360 are within range so you can plug them directly into the router and you're good to go. As far as the wireless portion is concerned you'll want to set up some form of encryption to secure your network WPA or WPA2 would be ideal. You can set up the security stuff from the router gui and it's a very painless procedure.