Linux Hyper-V heartbeat shutdown


Limp Gawd
Jul 1, 2009
WooHoo. Hyper-v heartbeat monitor and guest shutdown are working in Ubuntu maverick alpha 2 (10.10).

Kernel image: 2.6.35-7-server

Edit /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and add:

Run: update-initramfs -u

While Ubuntu 10.04 supported hv_vmbus, hv_storvsc, hv_blkvsc, and hv_netvsc... It's hv_utils that provides the support for heartbeat and shutdown.

I was also able to install the 2.6.35-7-server kernel image into ubuntu 10.04, and get heartbeat and shutdown working there too.
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This is good news.

I tried to install Ubuntu deb 2.6.35.rc6 kernel and also built manual 2.6.35.rc6 kernel for debian, also tried stocked ubuntu 10.10 alpha 2. Running Hyper-V R2.

In all cases I ran into an issue where the boot start up freezes.

Can confirm that CentOS 5.5 with Microsoft Linux Integration Components 2.1 RC is working great.

Can you advise you had any experiences with the virtual machine freezing upon boot.


..In all cases I ran into an issue where the boot start up freezes...

..Can you advise you had any experiences with the virtual machine freezing upon boot...

I've tried the Ubuntu maverick x64 alpha 2 (10.10) server version, with only openshh server selected for install.
The iso hangs up for about 10 seconds on boot, while detection the screen resolution. But then it works ok.

Due to a bug in the hv kconfig file, the hv_blkvsc module isn't available in the initial install. I've built and loaded the blkvsc module, but I don't see much difference, at least on the default ext4. Trying it now, on an ext3 filesystem.
Will make another try but I think I will go and try to compile a custom kernel instead from the stocked, adding manual patches for the hv-drivers. I don't like to use the unstable new kernels (like 2.6.35.rc*).

Right now trying to compile with patched hv-drivers (from the newest submitted from Microsoft).

If you are interested we could try out fixing patching "standard" stocked kernels for Ubuntu and Debian - think many people would like it.

The current Ubuntu 10.04 (lucid) with 2.6.32-21-server would love to be patched by the new hv-drivers. The current version faces drops in the nic's which makes it unusable in production.


You don't need to compile the whole kernel.
Just compile the modules, against the current kernel headers.