linux + LVM server


Limp Gawd
Mar 22, 2006
Hi all,

I want to set up a server with linux (probably ubuntu) with LVM. I am going to use the hardware in my sig, or an older dell gx280. How hard would it be to set up LVM with 4 SATA drives?
Not sure why you would think setting up multiple drives with LVM would be hard :confused: Add each disk as a physical volume, configure the volume groups, then set up logical volumes. The level of difficulty doesn't go up as you add drives. You will probably spend more time planning your storage system than setting it up with LVM.
Are you going to be creating a software RAID array? It can get a little tricky figuring out what order to do things in. Took me several hours before I got 4 1u rack servers set up with 4-drive RAID 0 arrays recently. Nearly all of which was research and head-scratching and trial and error - the actual installs once I figured it out were 15 minutes each. This was with Fedora Core 6.