Linux modds


Aug 10, 2006
ok so i havent seen many linux mods so i thought id do one for everyone
so far i started with a basic foxconn case black. I didnt like the matted pattren of black they used so i sanded it all down to bare metal and cut out my linux shapes and words, then repainted with a enamal gloss black.


also picked up some plexi today have to hit crappy tire tommorow to get some hex nuts

HAHA, thats awesome! I was looking for some sort of design for the side of my new case that im getting, i think i may do something along the same lines, but i think ill do the intel logo that says "linux inside" instead of the "Linux" you did. Very nice mod!
ya i probly could get my hands on one, but i dont know how well that would work with plexi glass? might blow through it lol never done it before. anyone use any like spread on gel type etcher, just what iam etching is going to be the out line of the peng. so i need somthing to follow a stencile.
Nice cutting job, that side panel looks awesome! Keep up the good work. ;)
If you have a dremel you can actually buy etching bits for it. That will be your best bet, and make sure to practice before you actually do it to see how you want it to turn out.
killerwolf said:
ya i probly could get my hands on one, but i dont know how well that would work with plexi glass? might blow through it lol never done it before. anyone use any like spread on gel type etcher, just what iam etching is going to be the out line of the peng. so i need somthing to follow a stencile.
Cover the area you don't want etched with a few layers of duct tape and then blast away. Be gentle though. I think they also make a sandblasting compound for airbrushes, that may be an easier way to go.
I've used a sandblaster on plexi's pretty tough stuff, really. The key is to start with the blaster nozzle really far away from the plexi (like more than a foot) and work your way in SLOWLY. It's almost like painting...slow sweeping motions as you move the nozzle in to achieve the desired amount of etching.
thx for the input ill have to see now what way would be the best way, probly be able to do more percise curves with the dremel bits, hmmm decistions dicistions.