linux Nforce Lan drivers


Limp Gawd
Jun 2, 2003
is there a distro that has the nforce2 lan drivers built in? I've found it very difficult to get them installed. I first tried mandrake 9.1, which nvidia didn't make an rpm for.. so i tried to "rpm -rebuild the source rpm, but that only came back with rpmb not installed, which i can't download to install since i have no network, so i'm stuck.

I actually got it working under knoppix, but i have to jump through hoops every time to make the lan actually work (it won't save my settings, and i'd have to re-master the cd, which seems entirely too difficult.

so all that to say, is there a distro out there that automatically supports nforce2 lan/audio. It's nearly impossible for me to install this crap since i have no floppy to use on that machine, and have to keep burning cd's with a single 100k file on them in order to transfer the files...

Also, is there a decent program that will allow me to play DVD's easily? Maybee even something like windows auto-play?
Xine and ogle(you'll also need xine-ui and oglegui) play DVDs great!!

As far as the ethernet driver. Install a 2.6 kernel with the mm patchset or the love patchset. They have a reversed engineered Nforce ethernet driver. I've been using it for months, and th eonly weirdness I've noticed is it is a little slower pulling an IP address when coming up on DHCP. Gentoo will boot, and recognize the card, and all you have to do on a 2.4 kernel is "emerge nforce-net" .
yes, the gentoo livecds support nforce's ethernet. if you want to keep your current distrobution, you can load up the gentoo livecd, and download the tar "source" package. mount your current distrobution's hard drive, cp the nvidia file to it, chroot into it, and install it (unpack it, cd nforce, make, su <enter your password for root access>, make install).

or, you could use the 2.6 kernel w/ the forcedeth opensource driver (as mentioned above). this is what i do - it works the best imo. As for audio, ALSA supports it fine. you can use alsa-drivers for 2.4.X kernels, or the built in ALSA for 2.6.X kernels. if you can't tell, i'm a big fan of the 2.6 kernel ;).

as for the dvd player. there are programs to autoplay dvds, but i've never used them. my dvd player is /dev/hda. so i do ln -s /dev/hda /dev/dvd, and then use mplayer (mplayer dvd://1)
My nForce2 onboard NIC hasn't worked that well with the new 2.6 kernel and nforce-net drivers. My motherboard has 2 onboard nics tho, so i'm not horrible concerned.
i guess i'll be learning how to install a new kernel... only have 15 mins now, and company is coming for 2 days, so I won't get a chance to "play" with this again for a couple of days.