Linux vs Windows for software raid?

matt fury

Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 12, 2001
I've got 3 320gb Maxtor PATA drives and a machine to put them in. I actually installed everything and got the raid array created with mdadm in Ubuntu, but now that I'm dealing with Samba issues, I'm starting to wonder if it isn't a mistake. Are there any big negatives to using a Windows server and dynamic disks in raid 5 vs doing it in Linux? I'm sure I can eventually get through these Samba issues, but is it really worth it? My network is a couple of Windows XP machines and a Mac or two. My use for the array is mostly for media storage. TIA
What kind of Samba issues? The Linux software RAID is very robust, IMO.
Nothing in particular, just the same kind of general install/config shit I run into whenever I setup Samba.
I've never had any issues with SAMBA. Then again, I use share level permissions, set everything to read/write, and chmod to deny access/write.

If that is all way want, then...

cd /etc/samba
mv smb.conf smb.conf.old
nano smb.conf
(now change Terabyte to your prefered hostname, then ctrl+w and search for Terabyte, change the names and paths for the two open shares I have there, save)
/etc/init.d/smb restart