Lion Expected to Roar to Life Next Week


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
Speculation about the awaited release of Apple’s next version operating system named simply Lion, could possibly be ready for release as early as next Thursday from the Apple AppStore. The OS was released last week as a Gold Master to developers and has not been updated since then which has been interpreted as a candidate for a quicker release.

Apple has said only that it will release Lion this month, but it has not yet specified a date.
Its interesting how this OS is being deployed through the app store only.
Its interesting how this OS is being deployed through the app store only.
New systems will have it installed and get OS X 10.7/preinstalled application media.

It's a little disappointing that I can't buy it in store on launch day and get a physical disc. It will take forever to download the huge file on my ghetto Internet and an extra hassle to build bootable disc or flash drive if I want to do a clean installation now or in the future. :(
This is the one that is supposed to allow VMware virtualization. I wonder how long it will be before that is hacked to the PC version of VMware. Maybe a few days?
This is the one that is supposed to allow VMware virtualization. I wonder how long it will be before that is hacked to the PC version of VMware. Maybe a few days?

Few hours.
New systems will have it installed and get OS X 10.7/preinstalled application media.

It's a little disappointing that I can't buy it in store on launch day and get a physical disc. It will take forever to download the huge file on my ghetto Internet and an extra hassle to build bootable disc or flash drive if I want to do a clean installation now or in the future. :(

Lies! All apple users are hipsters with loads of dispensable income to spend on silly things like 100mb internets!

In all seriousness, i despise digital only download things as well. Sometimes I like DD, but most of the time I want a physical disc.
I like using Steam to download my games.. But how the shit am I supposed to install on a new hard drive or if i have to reinstall the OS from scratch? Install an older OS from DVD and then upgrade? That's fucking weak.

That being said. Given the changes they've made in this version i'll probably buy it anyway. I just hope there's a way to toss it on a bootable USB drive or make a DVD from an image or something.
Well for one I am disappointed. I come here for the snide remarks in Apple posts. If I wanted to hear nothing but Apple praise I would go to Ars.
If I wanted to hear nothing but Apple praise I would go to Ars.

Ars does a really weird thing when a new iDevice comes out that nearly every staff writer gets a section of the "review" to write glowing praise of the childlike sense of wonder and magic the new iDevice provides. I wonder who eats that iPizza afterwards.
Why do we get a news every week about the rumor of a release? What is the actual purpose? And why only about Mac OS, and not for instance FreeBSD? (especially since the for later it will be more than a paid service pack).
Yay, I can't wait to find out the new info about the their new OS!

I can't believe you are stuck in 2003.

Stuck is correct!:eek:

I hated steam back then and even a few years later, but this is 2011 and steam has been rockin since 2007 for me. :D

Valve\Steam does it right, everyone else should be coping them;)
Why do we get a news every week about the rumor of a release? What is the actual purpose? And why only about Mac OS, and not for instance FreeBSD? (especially since the for later it will be more than a paid service pack).

It only seems that way because Apple has a release every week of some new OS or updated version of a device. Pretty soon they will be on a 6 week timeframe for OSX just like firefox. But it isn't only Apple that Steve and them post about, it is Apple and Microsoft. I'm guessing that not enough people care about FreeBSD to want them to post every update for that.

10.7 here is the same as 10.6, they are releasing it just to release something. nothing major or really new being put out. But they need something to toss out since its been X amount of time and they need to get a few more $$$ from their users.
I can't believe anyone actually likes steam.

I can't believe people still like to install from media and deal with trying to find one DVD out of a few hundred in binders then installing who knows how many patches. I literally have folders filled with CD and DVD games from when I first got a CD drive in the early 90s through today. Thankfully, I buy 90% of my new stuff from Steam so I don't have all that crap cluttering up my house still (and never paying retail for anything is a huge +).
I can't believe people still like to install from media and deal with trying to find one DVD out of a few hundred in binders then installing who knows how many patches. I literally have folders filled with CD and DVD games from when I first got a CD drive in the early 90s through today. Thankfully, I buy 90% of my new stuff from Steam so I don't have all that crap cluttering up my house still (and never paying retail for anything is a huge +).

I can't believe people enjoy spending hours redownloading all their crap after a computer format when they could of slapped the disc in and been up and running in less then an hour. Not to mention slamming into data caps, prime time speed throttling and a bunch of other crap.

See what i did there?

Point is, there is a viable reason for BOTH methods. I will personally never give up physical media if given a choice. I won't shun digital, but I with few exceptions want a physical copy.
That's what cheap external hard drives are for. None of my big games have ever been downloaded more than once.

Also, I do wish they'd have a physical copy of Lion or at least make it so you could burn the DMG to disc for a backup since the OS is quite a bit different from a game.
That's what cheap external hard drives are for. None of my big games have ever been downloaded more than once.

Also, I do wish they'd have a physical copy of Lion or at least make it so you could burn the DMG to disc for a backup since the OS is quite a bit different from a game.

You clearly have never had to experience trying to recover a client that both the machine and externals got blasted with lightning. Again, I generally agree with you and obviously everything is backed up to an external.

But the phrase is..shit happens and downloading 200gb worth of stuff after said shit happens sucks. :D
Also, I do wish they'd have a physical copy of Lion or at least make it so you could burn the DMG to disc for a backup since the OS is quite a bit different from a game.

Google it, its possible from the download file. Open package contents, yatta yatta yatta