LISTEN UP nVidia! (Fanboys NOT welcome)

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Jul 17, 2003
You see what ATi just did? ATi listened to the people this time and released a fast video card for an extremely reasonable price. This is how it SHOULD be. ATi has just done wonders for PC gaming this year. We just want to have fast systems that make sense to our pocketbooks. Bring us innovation and you are rewarded. Bring us rehashed die shrunk old tech and we respond negatively. Say what you want about bottom lines and what makes sense from a company standpoint, but you can never argue with me that a bad product release is better than a good product release. If ATi can keep this up it may just get nVidia in the competitive mood. This could get REALLY sweet for us enthusiasts come this fall. Fanboys leave your baggage at the door...cause this is where GAMERS come to celebrate the downfall of the $600+ video card. Hallelujah thank the lord!
If ATI could have released a single card that kills a GTX280, they would have priced it similarly. If you think for a second they're pricing model is the way it is because they're listening to their customers, you have a lot to learn. They know they can't beat nVidia on raw performance, so they do it on price. It's all about increasing their market share. Hell, it takes ATI 800 shaders to what nVidia does with 192. If by chance ATI does release a card that puts them on top, then you'd see the same thing happening from them until nVidia countered again.
I just want ATI/AMD to step things up. The new ATI cards have drawn some attention. That's good for everyone.
You label yourself an"enthusiasts"but complain about your pocketbook..:rolleyes:Quit polejocking ATI or any company for that matter..Youre riding ATIs nuts but do you think they would care if you took your rent money to buy one of their cards??Of course not..Enjoy whatever purchase makes you happy..I swear,these xx company zealots are really getting annoying..STFU and game!!

I just want ATI/AMD to step things up. The new ATI cards have drawn some attention. That's good for everyone.

Of course,healthy competition is good!!
If ATI could have released a single card that kills a GTX280, they would have priced it similarly. If you think for a second they're pricing model is the way it is because they're listening to their customers, you have a lot to learn. They know they can't beat nVidia on raw performance, so they do it on price. It's all about increasing their market share. Hell, it takes ATI 800 shaders to what nVidia does with 192. If by chance ATI does release a card that puts them on top, then you'd see the same thing happening from them until nVidia countered again.

Um...they are beating nVidia on raw performance. *shrug*

I am happy that single GPU performance is available back at the $300 level (arguably that happened with the 8800GTX 768MB back in March, but whatever), but ryan does have a point about pricing. If AMD could charge more for top performance, they would. As noted in the several reviews, the GTX280 is faster, but not worth the huge price premium for such modest performance gains.

Even more mainstream users can find better deals too now. $120AR 8800GT or 8800GTS 512MB cards are available, and $150(AR) HD 4850 cards are available. Good times for all. ;)

It's hard to figure out what nvidia was aiming for, but it looks like they got off track trying to cater to GPGPU and content creation users at the expense of the core audience. The GTX 280's problem is the price, partially due to the huge die size. The coming 55nm shrink is only going to be 10-12% smaller, so nvidia better have a plan B in order to compete in the $300 segment.
*I have a prediction*

it all looks good, yes!!
i´m really, really tempted to but a couple of Radeons HD4850 and put them in crossfire... :eek: :)
the downside would be that then i would have to change my handle from leSLIe to leXFIREe or something like that :(
ATI does not have a single that beats out a GTX 280 but Crossfire does and at a lower price. Of course, single card setup is more elegant but NVIDIA has a problem with its current pricing.
ATI does not have a single that beats out a GTX 280 but Crossfire does and at a lower price. Of course, single card setup is more elegant but NVIDIA has a problem with its current pricing.

single card with dual slot cooling solution?
heck, that the same as two single slot HD4850 :eek:

i´m pragmatic here, it all comes down to the price and performance
The 3850 and 3870 were also awesome products when they came out. You were finally able to get 8800GT performance for cheaper.

nVidia so far has released the new fast stuff, and ATi follows with comparable stuff for cheap. ATI was holding their guns for some real competition from nvidia and didn't want to deal with all their rebadged products.

The 4850 is an amazing product... it blows out so much of the existing cards.
Um, they are? Last I checked, it's going to take a 4870X2 to come compete with a GTX280. They still don't have a single card solution that's on top.

In performance, the 4870 can easily compete with the gtx 280. 4870x2 will utterly destroy it.
Seems like ATI has finally caught up with NVIDIA with their 4800 series, and their prices ain't too bad. WTF is NVIDIA thinking pricing their 200 GTX series so high and the performance ain't too great from a 9800 GX2. Hopefully NVIDIA will lower their prices down.
4870? Once the AA is jacked up its min fps beats 280 in many games.

Not to mention that it totally creams 280 in Bioshock.

You don't say?

This round of reviews was very confusing. I'll grant that the 4870 is very close to the GTX 280 and is much superior, but if the GTX 280 and 4870 are close to the same price, AMD looses its thunder. What we have here in single GPU's from both companies is pretty much performance parity.

nVidia will have to response some how sooner rather than later with the price. Is't that what we want? Both companies selling awesome low cost GPU's? I think so.
In performance, the 4870 can easily compete with the gtx 280. 4870x2 will utterly destroy it.

Just remember that 4870x2 is a first gen product with the new interconnects so it might very well overall cream a GTX 280 but also have its own set of issues.
Yes that's why ati wants to fix drivers before releasing the card, since they seem to have it finished.
You see what ATi just did? ATi listened to the people this time and released a fast video card for an extremely reasonable price. This is how it SHOULD be.

Before the 4800-series from ATi, it was nVidia with cards like the 8800GT and 9600GT that were some of the best bang-for-the-buck options for high-performance gaming.
You should give nVidia credit for making high-performance gaming with sub-$300 cards possible, because they did it before ATi did.
And nVidia will now release the 9800GTX+ to get back in line with ATi's price/performance levels.
I don't see what you're getting all worked up about.
You don't say?

This round of reviews was very confusing. I'll grant that the 4870 is very close to the GTX 280 and is much superior, but if the GTX 280 and 4870 are close to the same price, AMD looses its thunder. What we have here in single GPU's from both companies is pretty much performance parity.

nVidia will have to response some how sooner rather than later with the price. Is't that what we want? Both companies selling awesome low cost GPU's? I think so.

At twice the VRAM either NV really fucked up their texture handling or ATI sacrificed goats GoW2 style and pulled some weird vodoo.

Even at same performance and price I would pick ATI. When it boils down to personal preference you should not support NV' UMAP crap in any way.

At twice the VRAM either NV really fucked up their texture handling or ATI sacrificed goats GoW2 style and pulled some weird vodoo.

Even at same performance and price I would pick ATI. When it boils down to personal preference you should not support NV' UMAP crap in any way.

And I've seem these and so I guess three reviews are better than one!:p Plus there's been a couple a driver revisions since these benchmarks were run so I don't know which is faster in BioShock, plus since the frame rates are so high, its not going to matter in the real world anyway.
Now if AMD can just rinse and repeat with their CPU pricing.
Wrapping a $20 bill around each CPU sold on average doesn't leave much room for cutting prices. ;) High overhead and low prices are causing AMD's financial woes.
Even at same performance and price I would pick ATI. When it boils down to personal preference you should not support NV' UMAP crap in any way.

Agreed. I also get annoyed with their efforts to leverage SLI into market-share for their sub-par mobo business.

Let's be honest, people. NV mobos suck. And they usually suck at a price-premium, relative to Intel mobos. Nobody would ever have bothered with NV mobos in the past year or more if they weren't necessary for SLI, which was necessary for the highest graphics performance (until recently).

ATI has under-promised and over-delivered this time, in a big way. Just what we need to counter the crap NV has been pulling in the last year or so. :rolleyes: :D

In performance, the 4870 can easily compete with the gtx 280. 4870x2 will utterly destroy it.

I think you're thinking of the GTX260. Two 4870's in crossfire fall just short of the GTX280 and is only $50 less. I doubt the 4870x2 will "cream" a GTX280.
I checked a bunch of reviews the other night. You just cannot beat the 4870 and 4850 for the performance it gives at the cost. I would definitely spend the extra $50 or so on a 4850 over an 8800GT or whatever.
I checked a bunch of reviews the other night. You just cannot beat the 4870 and 4850 for the performance it gives at the cost. I would definitely spend the extra $50 or so on a 4850 over an 8800GT or whatever.

The 4850 and the 9800GTX offer very similar performance for the same price. ATI had the price/perfomance win until Nvidia slashed the prices on their cards. Of course, when you account for unreliable instant and mail-in rebates, ATI still wins sometimes.
Doesn't the GTX need 2 power plugs over one with 4850? Huge win for people that don't want to buy new PSU.
The 4850 and the 9800GTX offer very similar performance for the same price. ATI had the price/perfomance win until Nvidia slashed the prices on their cards. Of course, when you account for unreliable instant and mail-in rebates, ATI still wins sometimes.

In most of the reviews the ATI won.

If two cards are the same price, wouldn't you want the one that has better peformance?
Before the 4800-series from ATi, it was nVidia with cards like the 8800GT and 9600GT that were some of the best bang-for-the-buck options for high-performance gaming.
You should give nVidia credit for making high-performance gaming with sub-$300 cards possible, because they did it before ATi did.
And nVidia will now release the 9800GTX+ to get back in line with ATi's price/performance levels.
I don't see what you're getting all worked up about.
This is PC gaming we are talking about here. High performance parts at low prices is where its at. Anyone who says different is a fanboy or just doesn't appreciate money.

Edit: BTW I asked for fanboys to stay out of this convo. This thread is for people who appreciate getting what they pay for.
This is PC gaming we are talking about here. High performance parts at low prices is where its at. Anyone who says different is a fanboy or just doesn't appreciate money.

Yes but you pretend that ATi is the only one doing this.
Doesn't the new price point of the 9800GTX and the new 9800GTX+ put nVidia's products right in line with the 4850 again?
Various reviewers have already called the 4850 the 'new 8800GT', indicating that it used to be the 8800GT that was THE card to get, in terms of high performance at low prices.
Ati had to come out with a card that has good performance and a low price.They have completed that task.Ati/amd needs to get on the ball before there is a monopoly on cpu/gpu.I can't imagine if it was only nvidia and intel.You would spend $500 on a cpu and $800 on a video card.
I like the competition and I have always liked the underdog.I bought and amd cpu but a 8800gt since ati didn't have what I wanted in graphics.
Needless to say I am about done with the underdog unless they can get me a good cpu.They released the video card now it's cpu time amd!
Yes but you pretend that ATi is the only one doing this.
Doesn't the new price point of the 9800GTX and the new 9800GTX+ put nVidia's products right in line with the 4850 again?
Various reviewers have already called the 4850 the 'new 8800GT', indicating that it used to be the 8800GT that was THE card to get, in terms of high performance at low prices.
That is awesome that nVidia is dropping prices! We need to get people excited about gaming on PC again. We have SO MUCH to look forward to and the only obstacle is the steep prices. Lowering prices is literally going to bring PC gaming back. Don't believe me? Check back to this thread in 6 months from now. PC gaming is gonna make a full comeback to the glory days. We need both ATi and nVidia to be on board for it though.
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