‘Lizard Squad’ Member Reveals His Face in a TV Interview


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
I would be a good bet that most crooks are nabbed not because of clever police work, personal carelessness or some other influence, but from good old self-inflicted hubris. One of the so-called Lizard Squad agreed to be interviewed and was also on camera during the entire interview. Now It’s only a matter of time before face-recognition software has a positive lock on his identity and is apprehended by the police. Pride goes before the fall, but stupidity rules them all. :D
It might not ever take that. People that recognize him locally might help point law enforcement directly to him.
Did I hear that right, it's only 3-4 people? Both Blizzard and Steam were hit by their attacks and were able to recovery fairly quick. Blizzard mostly dealt with higher latency, compared to PSN and Xbox Live going down for an entire day.
That guy is going to have a rough couple of days. Why reveal your face? Especially after the millions in damages these companies are going to claim these outages caused....
That guy is going to have a rough couple of days. Why reveal your face? Especially after the millions in damages these companies are going to claim these outages caused....

Cause they want even more attention? Why do they have a twitter page if they want to keep themselves a secret? They want that attention, or at least this one guy does.
Cause they want even more attention? Why do they have a twitter page if they want to keep themselves a secret? They want that attention, or at least this one guy does.

Oh, he's gonna get more attention than I think he wants now. Not only from the authorities, but from the people he pissed off by making their new console nigh useless for a couple days. Tough guys play video games too, and this guy just went on a lot of people's shit lists.
Oh, he's gonna get more attention than I think he wants now. Not only from the authorities, but from the people he pissed off by making their new console nigh useless for a couple days. Tough guys play video games too, and this guy just went on a lot of people's shit lists.

Exactly. The claim that this is somehow forcing companies to enhance their security is bullshit, that's not what a DDoS is about. He wants attention, he's going to get more attention than he ever could have imagined, and probably isn't going to like it.
Lol, Yes he should not have done a face2face, but I think his point stands...

Billion dollar companies use FAR security suites. ;)
They press keeps using the word victim but I don't see anyone being harmed here except people that chose to spend their time playing some stupid video game instead of spending it with his/her family during the holidays.

It's ok though, the service will eventually be restored and things will go back to normal. You know like when parents let their kids die of starvation/neglect because they were too busy playing, people shooting/stabbing/killing each other after losing on COD or wasting tax payer money getting S.W.A.T.'ed etc. etc.
Arn't these the same guys that had a plane make an emergency landing for a bomb threat they called in?
They press keeps using the word victim but I don't see anyone being harmed here except people that chose to spend their time playing some stupid video game instead of spending it with his/her family during the holidays.

It's ok though, the service will eventually be restored and things will go back to normal. You know like when parents let their kids die of starvation/neglect because they were too busy playing, people shooting/stabbing/killing each other after losing on COD or wasting tax payer money getting S.W.A.T.'ed etc. etc.

The majority of my family all live within about 3 miles of eachother, and it would be unusual to go more than a week without running into someone for one reason or another. That means our holiday family get togethers might last a couple hours, since beyond eating and a gift exchange it's not as if these are people I haven't seen in months.

But I suppose it's a good thing that we can live in a world where someone can post such self righteous garbage like you did, as the rest of us need someone to point and laugh at on occasion.
i call bullshit. i dont think its any of them.. im sorry but they called in a bomb threat on a plane on a sony exec before. there asses are looking at federal time. i don't think there that dumb to reveal there identity. this is someone wanting the attention.
hmm, i'm not entirely convinced, he says he is attacking PSN and xbox live because of their unsecured systems... by DDOS attacks? LOL
that dude definitely lives in a basement.
not a single ounce of pigment in his skin
If he's indeed part of Lizard Squad, he's a fucking idiot for going on-camera (okay, webcam) and, if not immediately, basically outing himself. If he's not, he's possibly a bigger fucking idiot for trying to leech onto LS's act and get himself flagged as a criminal in the name of getting his fifteen minutes of fame.

Either way: fucking idiot.
They press keeps using the word victim but I don't see anyone being harmed here except people that chose to spend their time playing some stupid video game instead of spending it with his/her family during the holidays.

Newsflash, some families spend time together doing fun things like playing video games.
Newsflash, some families spend time together doing fun things like playing video games.


After visiting my family and my gf's family, we tore it up on call of duty together, at least until the network went down mid match (of course it's that one match you are just rocking it too).

Two families full of nerds, we all play games together either in the same room or online.
These guys may simply realize that they are young enough and in a country where even mass murderers get carted off to luxury resorts where they have access to TV, gaming systems, gyms, studios to make music, can take horseback riding lessons, and more... this isn't America where they would get carted off to a "pound me in the butt" federal prison.

So whats the deterrent? There's no real repercussions.
Newsflash, some families spend time together doing fun things like playing video games.
Some, but that's about as rare as a girl that will date a guy that is shorter than she is and earns less money. ;)

Most of the time I'm sure its the same as people that turn the TV on during a family dinner so they can watch that so they don't have to speak to each other as much. After all, whats the likelihood that everyone getting together there for Christmas will like video games, yet alone decide on Call of Duty or something to gather around and interact with.
Newsflash, some families spend time together doing fun things like playing video games.

He is just grumpy because he has spent thousands of dollars on a game that will more than likely never be released in this lifetime and he is just realizing it and is taking it out on others.
Oh, he's gonna get more attention than I think he wants now. Not only from the authorities, but from the people he pissed off by making their new console nigh useless for a couple days. Tough guys play video games too, and this guy just went on a lot of people's shit lists.

Hahahaha eventually someones going to find out who he is, where he lives and eventually he's going to have to leave his house and when that happens there's going to be someone waiting to give him a beat-down.
The guy at the end of the interview posted beforehand on HF. I have a hard time believing that DDOSing MS and Sony is going to be taken lightly. And what about the locals recognizing the guy who supposedly shut down video games for a day? The guys showing their faces appear to be morons.

Would groups decades ago have been so in your face about what they were doing with current tech? Seemed really private back then.
It occurs to me that controlling Tor exit nodes is probably quite a good way to ensure the NSA/FBI/whoever doesn't use it against you.

I wish him the best of luck and look forward to their next exploits.
These guys may simply realize that they are young enough and in a country where even mass murderers get carted off to luxury resorts where they have access to TV, gaming systems, gyms, studios to make music, can take horseback riding lessons, and more... this isn't America where they would get carted off to a "pound me in the butt" federal prison.

So whats the deterrent? There's no real repercussions.

Some, but that's about as rare as a girl that will date a guy that is shorter than she is and earns less money. ;)

Most of the time I'm sure its the same as people that turn the TV on during a family dinner so they can watch that so they don't have to speak to each other as much. After all, whats the likelihood that everyone getting together there for Christmas will like video games, yet alone decide on Call of Duty or something to gather around and interact with.

Hmm then I guess my friend found the holy grail.
I'm not even convinced that the people behind the "Lizard Squad" posts are even the people doing the attacks. At this point they haven't proven anything.
I had some minor, as in 5-10 minute disconnects in xbox live on christmas day. It did it maybe 3 times at most... Psn was a far different story. A friend still couldn't get on yesterday afternoon.

regardless, they are a bunch idiots.. I'm not seeing the security issues exposed my DDOS attacks.
Something makes me think if he was actually one of them, he would not be speaking in public..
They just couldn't resist the publicity, constantly being glorified by the media as some kind of expert "hacker".
i call bullshit. i dont think its any of them.. im sorry but they called in a bomb threat on a plane on a sony exec before. there asses are looking at federal time. i don't think there that dumb to reveal there identity. this is someone wanting the attention.

Um in the US DDoS attack is a felony. The damages are in the millions given what services were taken down for a time. I doubt the claim of "taking down a country" if they are ones that took NK offline, anyone will care about that.
dude is probably a decoy, troll, or fake.

imma lmao if they catch him and dont find a single ounce of anything.
I got my boys an XBOX One for Christmas. It was working fine until we got back from my brother's house. They had to wait until the morning to play. They were not very upset about it, they had plenty of other things to do.

Also, at the beginning of the video the "Briton" of the year was putting down some dark ale. I would like to be the "Briton of the Decade".
I hope that little faggot son of a bitch gets landed in jail, little script kiddies should also get the harshest punishment as well since they think they are so "leet", he was stupid enough to show his face might be his biggest downfall.
Option 2 -

He's knows he has been IDed. He's just trying to live it up before he actually gets shoved in a cage for the rest of his life. The only reason he's not in custody yet is because, they are monitoring him to catch his life partners.
Can we please stop using the term "Hackers" for these brainless "Script Kiddies". Hackers have knowledge and skills that they have learnt. These idiot Script Kiddies just download open source DDoS \ MailBomb scripts and run them from their own computers and\or compromised servers. All of this being far to simple to trace back to them.

They'll also have lots of fun with the Police as they are pretty out of date on this stuff. So this means they take it much more serious that expected. He'll get done under the Computer Misuse Act 1990 and spend a year or so with bail terms that include "Not to use any device capable of connecting to the internet". He also won't enjoy spending time in the local prison as kiddies like that just won't be prepared for life inside. LoL!!

Random example: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/12/17/london_teen_pleads_guilty_to_spamhaus_ddos/
These guys may simply realize that they are young enough and in a country where even mass murderers get carted off to luxury resorts where they have access to TV, gaming systems, gyms, studios to make music, can take horseback riding lessons, and more... this isn't America where they would get carted off to a "pound me in the butt" federal prison.
Looking at the kid in that video he is far too much of a privileged mummies boy to survive even a few weeks inside the local prison. He may well get access to TVs and the Gym, but you can be sure that there will still be plenty of people inside making sure he'll get the butt pounding he deserves. Little prema-donnas like that kid will certainly get a shock introduction into the RealWorld outside of his safe little bedroom.
This guy lol =) Hey I'm Lizard squad unless he dropped out of school at a early age he's fucked.