Locking 6800 Overclock.


Limp Gawd
Apr 30, 2003
I'm having difficulty in keeping my 6800 GT using 400/1100 it sometimes jumps back 350/1000 after a reboot or when I'm playing with settings. I'm just using the coolbits 2. Is there anything to lock the overclock?
Roach said:
I'm having difficulty in keeping my 6800 GT using 400/1100 it sometimes jumps back 350/1000 after a reboot or when I'm playing with settings. I'm just using the coolbits 2. Is there anything to lock the overclock?
Use rivatuner.
Just use Coolbits2 and check the little "manual overclocking" box, hit apply and leave it alone. Download Rivatuner and dial in your overclock and lock the settings for starting at that speed "on startup".
Under the driver settings in Rivatuner, what does "Use alternate startup daemon" mean?
Roach said:
Under the driver settings in Rivatuner, what does "Use alternate startup daemon" mean?

I think it either uses services or startup from ini. Just leave it as is if it works fine... :) If not try alternate. Didn't have problem with it ever really.