Logitech 2.1 AudioHUB laptop speakers $20

Those Logitechs even come with a built-in subwoofer...

If it wasn't for that sub i'd recommend these laptop speakers instead:


They are great for mouse and keyboard... but their audio...? Just ask any audiophile and they'll let you know how "good" Logitech's audio is.
The Word Audiophile and Laptop speakers don't mix. If you are buying laptop speakers, let alone for $20 bucks, you aren't looking for audiophile quality. Just good little speakers that don't take up a lot of room to listen to stuff coming from your laptop.

This isn't an audiophile's thread and its not an audiophile's product. So please cease with the manufacturer bias as you make other audiophile's look bad.
Trey, normally I'd agree with you, but this is a $100 speaker set on sale for $20. (probably a new model is being released)

I'm not saying this is going to trump 'true' audiophile speakers, but for $20, you can have a decent laptop speaker setup thats somewhat portable.
You need an AC adapter. That kills it for me. I thought it was USB powered.
djgizmo, I see where you are going, but its still a $20 dollar set of speakers. Even at that not many things that can even carry the torch of audiophile list for $100. Maybe a wire or 2, maybe just maybe some banana plugs.

I know everyone's definition of audiophile is different as it does have to do with budget and experience. However, this product doesn't fall under any of the audiophile pretenses.

Its $100 bucks because its portable, not because it sounds like a 20,000 dollar speaker setup.

Still its a good deal on a good product.
I have to agree with Treyshadow. I have an audiophile friend that was telling me about a $100,000 set of speakers that can reproduce the sound of a butterflies wings. Look its just too much to comprehend the insanity of what audiophile could mean, or does mean. Its a $20 set of speakers. What did you want a lamborghini?
just compare these (or any speaker) to built in laptop speakers im sure these sound MUCH better
pretty sure all the laptops ive owned speakers sucked

these are $20... just buy them :p regift if you dont like them
No, the point was to let people know there are better choices. People who don't know better just think cheapest is best.

EDIT: Not talking about for the money.
And there is nothing wrong with a comparison. I'm all for an intelligent choice. Did you even try these speakers? Could you at least provide a link to a review before you crap on them. ...And a link to something better for the same money?
No, the point was to let people know there are better choices. People who don't know better just think cheapest is best.

EDIT: Not talking about for the money.

please, money no object, recommend me a better set with a similar compact form factor. I actually have these when Circuit City had the same deal and I was able to get it in store. They are louder and a little more bass than the built in speakers, but the volume is a little lacking still. Mine aren't for a laptop, I have it under and LCD in my bedroom for TV and movie watching. so, put your money where your mouth is and show me whats out there...
please, money no object, recommend me a better set with a similar compact form factor. I actually have these when Circuit City had the same deal and I was able to get it in store. They are louder and a little more bass than the built in speakers, but the volume is a little lacking still. Mine aren't for a laptop, I have it under and LCD in my bedroom for TV and movie watching. so, put your money where your mouth is and show me whats out there...

I don't think you understand where I'm coming from. People will look at this and think these are just dirt cheap therefore great. There ARE people who think like that. Look at the General Hardware forums and what parts they first think of using. They won't consider that it's laptop speakers, they won't consider sound quality. They just think cheap is good, period. Sometimes because they don't know about better sound quality. There really are people who just dont know any better. That was what I was pointing out.

They ARE fine for the $20 and for the desk space they take up.
I don't think you understand where I'm coming from. People will look at this and think these are just dirt cheap therefore great. There ARE people who think like that. Look at the General Hardware forums and what parts they first think of using. They won't consider that it's laptop speakers, they won't consider sound quality. They just think cheap is good, period. Sometimes because they don't know about better sound quality. There really are people who just dont know any better. That was what I was pointing out.

They ARE fine for the $20 and for the desk space they take up.

then your point isnt relative to this thread and honestly makes no sense. What would make someone think something is great because it is cheap? if that were the case we would see more people using p3 IBM rigs. Lord knows they are cheap. You hate logitech, we get it. they don't fit your audophile needs. Nothing will for $20. I believe this world would be a better place if people followed every negative comment with an means to improve the situation. otherwise it is just negative shitbirding.
my local compusa had like 20, i picked up 2. Great speakers period. Amazing speakers for the price, thanks OP!!!