Logitech G15 Keyboard and AoC


Jan 19, 2007
I don't suppose anyone else is using a Logitech G15 Keyboard when playing Age of Conan? My G keys aren't working in Age of Conan, but they used to work. I originally thought the problem was because of Vista 64-bit, because when they worked was on my old computer with Windows XP Pro. But after testing with Notepad, they would work with it, and doing the "Test Profile" also worked. So the G keys are working, just not with Age of Conan. I have an Age of Conan profile set up, along with a Default profile using the same macro keystrokes for the G keys, so at least ONE of them should work. Is it possible for Funcom to actually disable these keys in their software? The LCD on the keyboard works with the G15, because I can see my character's health, mana and stamina on it, so I know AoC is recognizing the keyboard as a G15. Even when I try recording a Quick Macro while playing AoC, it won't work. But if I go into Notepad after exiting AoC, the macro works there with the Default Profile. Also, when I press a G key in the game, the LCD displays the macro name just run. I've named the macros different names between the Default Profile (e.g. DMelee) and the AoC Profile (e.g. Melee), and the macros are being run from the Default Profile. I think this is because the process in Task Manager is "e:\...\AgeOfConan.exe *32" and my AoC Profile is looking for "e:\...\AgeOfConan.exe" (without the *32). But still, the LCD is showing the macro is being run, even if it's from the Default Profile.

All I'm programming into the macros is switching weapons and switching the hotkey bar at the same time. (G1 = Shift-R Shift-1 and G2 = Shift-R Shift-2)

So would anyone know what's going on here? Did Funcom disable the keys somehow?
Try re-recording your macros with delays.
Or, try turning off UAC in Vista.

One of these will work for ya.
Also, are you recording as macros or as an assigned keystroke?
Try re-recording your macros with delays.

I already tried that.

Or, try turning off UAC in Vista.

I'll give that a try, although I don't know why it would matter.

Also, are you recording as macros or as an assigned keystroke?

I have tried both recording a macro, and quick macro recording. Remember, it used to work. The LCD shows the macro when I press a G key, it's just that AoC isn't accepting the input. Other programs, like Notepad, do accept the input.