Logitech G5 or MX518


Limp Gawd
Jan 9, 2003
I just purchase a G15 and i have to say i love this keyboard. I'm gonna pick up a mouse now since i've been using a logitech scroll ball mouse and i'm gonna switch over to the gaming mouse. But which one G5 or MX518 any suggestions please
i would go with the mx518 just because it has 2 side buttons, like where your thumb rests and the g5 only has 1. i use those side buttons alot, but thats just me.
I kinda miss my forward button from the MX510 I had but when I moved to the G7, I never looked back. G5/7 is a damn good mouse IMO. I just did it because I wanted wireless and my mx700 was a heavy ass mouse though.
G5 is on sale at Best Buy this week for $39.

I am considering picking it up since the wheel died on my MX500
I have had both, and so far I like the g5 the best. The only thing I miss is the forward button.
Heh i've started a 50/50 poll :eek:

I'm trying to get away from wireless i've had a wireless trackball and keyboard and i have to say i hate them for gaming. I almost bought the G5 today because it was on sale at best buy i just wanted to know the main difference with the MX. So decisions decisions
The forward and backward buttons on the side of the MX518 alone make it a better mouse, in my opinion.
I never really liked the MX510/518 for gaming; it doesn't feel as solid, nor does it glide as well, as my G5. Regarding the G5, I've abandoned the weight system for extended periods of time; it is, however, a good "workout" for your wrist...(see below)

I use the weight system the same way baseball players attach donuts to bats in the on-deck circle. The extra weight loosens up my tendons/muscles and when the weights are removed (after 5-10 minutes of gameplay in FPS), the reaction-time "flicking" motion becomes much easier.

Overall, the solid feel and the large (almost oversized) glide surfaces on the mouse's underside make the G5 a winner, in my book. It's not perfect (needs a browser-forward button!), but it's been my favorite ever since I set fingers/palm to it in March of '06. :D
I have to say that having a fwd/back button is a big deal. On my trackball i've been using i don't have one and i miss it dearly. Looks like i'll probably go with the MX for this reason alone. Hopefully its just as functionable gaming/response wise as its said to be.

Thanks for the help all
Yeah, the middle click on my G7 is next to useless. There's a "tilt" wheel which makes you have to push down really hard in order to register a middle click, and sometimes it will register a scroll up instead.

Since I can't use the middle click, and I don't have a forward button, this mouse is really like losing two buttons over the MX518.


I really miss my MX518. I gave it to my brother and he doesn't want to trade back :-p
I disabled the tilt feature of the wheel and now it works fine for me Zinn. Try doing that in the drivers.
I had a mx518, bought a G5, broke it, took it apart, sorta fixed it, bought another G5, then I decided to try the mx518 again, and I'm using it again. From what I have read at http://www.esreality.com/?a=longpost&id=1265679&page=22, and just the way it feels, the 518 actually feels smoother, and the two thumb buttons are best for gaming in my opinion. I use the forward thumb button for vent, and the back for melee in cod2. You can use the tilt buttons on the G5 for forward/back, although I don't use the middle button, its hard to use on the g5 without accidentally either tilting it or rolling the wheel. The G5 slides easier, and has the rougher texture to the grips, but the mx518 grip feels like it sticks better. 2000dpi vs 1600dpi really doesn't make a difference, and when you adjust your usb polling rate to 250hz, the mx518 is great.
Came down to the MX518 and G5 for me, too. I tried both and I didn't like the way the MX518 felt in my hand, and liked how the G5 felt. I got the G5 and haven't looked back. It glides well on my mouse pad and I was able to make it heavy. I've gotten use to how to middle-click. A few times I've gone to press a forward button that wasn't there, but not enough times for me to want one. Overall I'm very happy, now I just need a bigger mouse pad.

Anyone know how much I'm crippling my mouse by not installing the drivers? The back button works in Firefox without them, and I wouldn't use the custom sensitivity feature (I keep mine at 800dpi all the time, its what my old mouse was, so I'm just used to it).
You didn't mention if you play games or not. The first thing you have to ask yourself (if you play games) is
1. Am I a high sensitivity player or a low sensitivity player.
2. Am I a finger pusher or a wrist pusher. (how do you move the mouse)
This more than anything else will steer you toward your mouse.
If you a low sense player then don't waste your time looking at laser mice. Look at either optical or infra-red.
Then if your a finger pusher you'll know the logitech mx 510 or G5 is not gonna work you'll need something with a lower profile like a logitech g3 or razer krait.
If none of this makes any sense, then you don't need a new mouse. : )
I'm definetly a high sense player and a wrist mover. The feel of both of these mice are basically the same to me. However i'm not sure i'll like the tilt wheel or the fact that the g5 has no fwd/back buttons. So by process of elimination i'll be buying the MX518 tommorrow.

Now if i could only get Huxley and Vanguard to come out tommorrow all will be well.
mx518 hands down.. the laser technology is all marketing hype (read the aforementioned ESR article on the subject), and the G5 scrollwheel is just an abomination; couple the G5's clunky scrollwheel with the lack of mouse4/mouse5 buttons and you have a losing combination for a gaming mouse.

I had the thing, had to return it 2 days after, the mouse is just that bad.

Stick with the mx518, but remember, you can never go wrong with the intellimouse explorer 3.0 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16826105018&ATT=26-105-018
G5 rules. I love it, and will never go back to crappy mice again. BTW - it has a back button, just no forward button unless you configure the tilt wheel to do so.

I find the DPI adjuster very handy in BF2 and BF2142. Haven't used it for much else though.
Ive had 2 MX518s and am currently using the G5. Both 518s had scroll wheel problems after about 6 months use. I do miss the forward button but have grown accustomed to not using it. I love the g5 and highly recommend it.
I got the g5 for christmas and I have owned the 518, and I have to say that the g5 feels tons better in my hands than the 518. And it just has that better build quality feel to me... :D
I have the Logitech G15 Keyboard and the MX Revolution, plus I am a hardcore gamer
with no problems at all:)
mx518 by far. No forward button... STUPID. I also don't like the rough feel. The smoothness of the 51x series is much more comfortable.
Thats the one thing I like about the G7 over the G5 (other than the obvious wireless). The G5 has a rough texture to it. My G7 is smooth, just like its performance.