Logitech G500 vs G9x

The G500 is a really nice mouse. I got it for Christmas and I haven't been using my G7 for over 2 weeks and when i used this mouse i instantly had a good feel for it. Also, the laser is in the front of the mouse. This may seem like it would mess you up and stuff since most mice have it in the middle. I noticed no difference between mice with the laser in the center or the front. This mouse is amazing and really smooth and never locks up when quickly moving it across the mouse pad to do a quick 180 in game. The G500 is a really nice mouse and i recommend it.:cool: Plus is has 5700dpi lol.
I too have a g500, the scrollwheel at first, may seem loose. But over time it will grow on you and make other scroll wheels inferior.
Also, the laser is in the front of the mouse. This may seem like it would mess you up and stuff since most mice have it in the middle. I noticed no difference between mice with the laser in the center or the front.

I did notice a difference. Not so much in gaming but definitely in Windows when trying to pinpoint tiny buttons and links. The non-standard sensor position causes it to feel "off," and I find myself having to make tiny adjustments and even work a bit to get the cursor where I want. That's really my ONLY complaint about this mouse. Going back to one of my other mice (with sensors closer to the center) immediately makes the issue disappear, and things feel normal and precise again.

But the G500 does track flawlessly on my cloth pad, unlike the G5 which skips occasionally (especially at low speeds). Laser mice traditionally haven't tracked well on cloth pads, but the G500 handles it without flinching.
If your gonna get a G9x, may as well get a G9, your not going to use 5700dpi for gaming, and it will save you heaps. I've used the G9 before and its really good for really fast paced, quick reacting, recoil controlling fps games, mind you its also good for anyone with a big hand too despite the odd shape. I haven't really used much of the G500 before, and judging from using it once, I'd say you will enjoy the G500 a bit more then the G9 if you liked your G5, the shape is similar and you'd probably not like the shape and feel of the G9 if you've grown dearly accustomed to your G5.


Far Right is G9 and G5

G500 and G5
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I got the G500 since my MX518's scroll wheel doesn't work anymore and I've got to say the improvements are fantastice. Having the scroll wheel from my MX & VX Revolution is also a huge plus.
I don't like the scroll wheels that of on the G9, Mx and Vx Rev. and by looking at the diagram i posted above the G500 too. I'd still prefer the oldschool scroll wheel like the G5's. More comfortable less sensitive and grippy too.
I have had my G9 since the DAY it was released. However, I just bought a G500 today. While I prefer the way the G9 slides on my Steelpad S&S to the way the G500 slides (idk if it is because of the shape of the feet or their age), I much prefer the ergonomics of the G500. I do design at work all day with a MX500 and my wrist has become accustomed to the shape of it; to the point of where a few hours of gaming on the G9 became painful. I have only had a few hours with the G500 in Borderlands, but I got used to the tracking quickly. I did notice that Borderlands does not correctly recognise any of the buttons other than mouse1 and mouse2. The forward and back side buttons register as a left and right keystroke and the middle side button does not register. I'll have to look into this further, but so far my wrist is happy and maybe that is what matters most. Guess that's the beauty of return policies...
I picked up a G500 at Best Buy Monday, and I returned it today. (and I used a G5 and a OEM MX518 before) Utterly disliked it.

Whoever thought putting the sensitivity increase/decrease buttons right_next_to_the_LEFT_button needs to be sentenced to using a gunked up roller ball mouse for a month. That feature was a showstopper for me. (having sensitivity change if I hit the left button too hard.)
Must have been a problem with your particular mouse; mine has exhibited no such problem and I even intentionally tried to make it happen after reading your post, and couldn't.

Oh well, it's not for everyone but if that was the only reason you didn't like it you should try another as I'm sure they all don't have that problem (your account is the first I've seen).
G500 all the way. I got the G500 cause it was cheaper than replacing my broken G9. I was EXTREMELY pleased with the G500. I hated how uncomfortable the G9 could get during long gaming sessions. The G500 is much better for me.
What I like about the claw grip is when gaming, you can make smaller adjustments without moving your wrist, just by extending / retracting your fingers... I never tried do to a certain grip, I just have always done the claw..

I had a G9, and went to a G500 and prefer it... I liked the MX510 style since it came out and have had 6-7 variations since then...
I finally got my version of the G-500 and must say it's definitely impressive. Took a little getting used to since I had the G-5 for about 3 years but a simple edit of the DPI and I was set. A good friend of mine said it was like G5 on steroids and was right.
When I started my Logitech mouse gaming, I started with the MX510, then the MX518, then the G5 (didn't like it b/c it was ROUGH and my skin is sensitive), then the G9. I've been using the G9 for over 2 years and I use the MX518 on my secondary gaming machine.

The closer thumb button on my G9 is BARELY responding and I use it to DUCK, so it's very important. I can get the G9x for $51.99 AR @ NewEgg with a promo code, or the G500 for $34.99 AR after promo.

I'm having a rough time deciding!! :( I know this thread is old, but maybe someone will chime in.
I used an MX518 for quite a few years. Recently got a G9x and a Razer Destructor mousepad to go with it. There is no going back. So far I love it.

Might buy a G500 at some point, but I kind of doubt it now.

g0dm@n, I would recommend talking to Logitech and seeing if they can't help you. Otherwise, get whatever mouse you think would be more comfortable to you. If you had a G9 for years and had no comfort problems with it, then maybe that. Though it is more expensive.
Gosh, do you ever get sore fingers in that claw position?

I have been a claw gamer from birth. I dunno how, but I picked it up from just playing standard FPS games back in my youth. I didn't know anything about claw grip gaming until I bought the G9 and realized what the smaller grip surface is for. I can hold this position for hours without effort. Even at work I use my mouse claw style for photoshop 6 hours a day. And when I get home, another 3-4 hours. I just find it so much easier to make twitch movements and percise movements. Although one side effect is, I can crack my wrist at will an unlimited amount of times. Grosses people out but has absolutely no effect on me.
Well I have the G500 on the way to me... I'm going to compare it with my G9 and see which I like best. I have to RMA my G9 (hopefully they'll take it... been a lil over 2 yrs and i think warranty is 3 yrs - one of the thumb buttons had it)...
Regarding the G9, I think what should be mentioned to people who haven't tried it, is that you dont have to consciously make the switch to claw grip. I borrowed my buddy's G9 last night for a while, and I normally use a dell 5-button mouse and palm it, and when I put my hand on the precision grip of the G9 it just went into a claw grip without me thinking about it. It was different, and indeed slightly more fatiguing than normal, but I do quite like the G9 for its features and ruggedness.
If you have a G5 already you are almost certainly a palm grip. Unless you have been using the 'wrong' type this whole time like a left-hander forced to write with his right hand. ;)

Fingertip/claw grip is pretty distinct. Literally, holding the mouse in your fingertips, palm arched above and not touching the mouse body.


Is there something wrong with clawing the g5?

I use the same grip for everything.
I always thought the G5 would be a little more comfy since I have large hands and play WoW more than anything, but I've been using a G9x for the past year or so.

Never paid attention but upon trying the G5 found I actually prefer the claw grip on the G9 (well, it's somewhat inbetween claw and palm, it's a claw but not as pronounced as in the above pic). I feel I can make much easier and minute movements using my finger tips as the guide rather than my entire palm. Not enough finesse in the palm grip. It adds a whole nother dimension since your 2 fingertips and your thumb create a whole extra axis to move it with.

So, my Ratpadz XT came in the mail today. The pad itself is fantastic - love the quality & texture. Much to my dismay, my mouse wasn't working all that well with it. I have a Razer Diamondback. It's hard to explain, but as I would glide the mouse around slowly, there were spots where the pointer would not move for a split second, almost like it couldn't detect the movement or something. I assumed it was something to do with the texture or finish that my mouse didn't like.

Well, that obviously wasn't going to last. I immediately came to the forums here looking for info and suggestions. I quickly decided that rather than settle for another mouse pad, this was the perfect excuse I needed to buy a new mouse. LOL :)

I briefly considered buying a new Razer (my kids also have one they like), but the fact my previous mouse wouldn't work well with the pad gave me doubts about buying another. Logitech is another favorite of mine, and I began reading this thread. Once I got to the post pointing out the G500 was on sale for only $40, I announced: "Boys! We're going to Bogus Buy!"

Now that I'm back home and have the G500 setup, I am absolutely in love. This is by far the best mouse I've ever owned (not that I've had many like others in this thread tho). This is a fantastic deal at $40 - quit hesitating and go pick one up!

Thanks to everyone who posted their reviews and suggestions. HardOCP is the best place to get a good variety of unbiased opinions. :)
I recently bought (and returned all but one) an MX518, Deathadder, G9x, MS x8, and the G500. I was strolling around BestBuy today and say one last G500 at $40 and grabbed it (what the hey, right?), and wasn't really expecting much.

Now, because I use a wrist brace while working I'm a finger gripper (not palm and not quite claw), out of those I can easily say that the G500 suits me the best. It is tall, light, responsive, and ergonomic.

I'm almost positive it has the same sensor as the G9x, it tracks identically and is as responsive.

My only complaint is that the left/right clicks are a bit hard (remember I have CTS and I'm very sensitive) but not enough that would cause me to return it, and I noticed that the demo mouse's clicks were very light, I'm guessing they loosen over time.

FYI, the mouse with the most responsive buttons was the G9x, smooth, easy, light, responsive buttons all around. Unfortunately the mouse is too small and flat for my needs.
I just turned in my g5 for an upgrade to the g500. I really hope I like it since I had no problems with the g5 (the blue one). Should be here in a week or two. Logitech is awesome though, as far as companies go, I fully trust them.
If you're a finger gripper, the G500 is designed for you. The sensor is located in the front, so small finger wagging motions is all you need for very precise movements.
I have used a G5 for the past two years or so, and have been searcing to replace it recently. I tried everything in the stores as far as grip testing, and nothing seems as comfortable as the G5 except the G500, which it should. But the G500 has that silly third side button, and just feels like mistakes would be made when trying to use the back and forward buttons.

I picked up a G9x with a $30 rebate from CompUSA (Tigerdirect) today, to see if I can get used to it. I like the DPI settings and general precision compared to the G5, but either grip is wacky feelings so far (maybe an hour or two usage). I like it a lot without any grip, but then you can't use the side buttons, so I'm using the textured grip as of right now. I'm just not digging those sharp lines and angular shape, it seems like it would be useful for picking up the mouse, but I have the DPI set so high I would rarely ever need to pick it up.

I would have to say, the G9x has one of the most stupid design descisions though. Why on earth would they put the selector for the scroll wheel toggle on the bottom of the mouse? The G500 has definetly got the G9x beat there.

Oh, and if you like hard shell mouse pads, Office Depot has the Allsop Accutracks for under $10 right now, they work excellent for gaming surfaces.
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I have used a G5 for the past two years or so, and have been searcing to replace it recently. I tried everything in the stores as far as grip testing, and nothing seems as comfortable as the G5 except the G500, which it should. But the G500 has that silly third side button, and just feels like mistakes would be made when trying to use the back and forward buttons.

I picked up a G9x with a $30 rebate from CompUSA (Tigerdirect) today, to see if I can get used to it. I like the DPI settings and general precision compared to the G5, but either grip is wacky feelings so far (maybe an hour or two usage). I like it a lot without any grip, but then you can't use the side buttons, so I'm using the textured grip as of right now. I'm just not digging those sharp lines and angular shape, it seems like it would be useful for picking up the mouse, but I have the DPI set so high I would rarely ever need to pick it up.

I would have to say, the G9x has one of the most stupid design descisions though. Why on earth would they put the selector for the scroll wheel toggle on the bottom of the mouse? The G500 has definetly got the G9x beat there.

Oh, and if you like hard shell mouse pads, Office Depot has the Allsop Accutracks for under $10 right now, they work excellent for gaming surfaces.

I feel exactly the same about the G9x. It has very high build quality, and is a pleasure to use, but unfortunately they went with such awkward ergonomics. Before I sold mine I was using it without the grips. I almost kept it using it this way, but it was still too small for me. I didn't like the DPI setting buttons, nor the side buttons, hell, I didn't like any of its ergonomics. Sad. Extremely high quality mouse, horrible ergonomics.
I feel exactly the same about the G9x. It has very high build quality, and is a pleasure to use, but unfortunately they went with such awkward ergonomics. Before I sold mine I was using it without the grips. I almost kept it using it this way, but it was still too small for me. I didn't like the DPI setting buttons, nor the side buttons, hell, I didn't like any of its ergonomics. Sad. Extremely high quality mouse, horrible ergonomics.

I like the ergonomics of the grips. The thing about the G9 that used to get to me was when after a long period of time the grips would loosen and wobble a tiny bit. It bugged the shit out of me.
I just turned in my g5 for an upgrade to the g500. I really hope I like it since I had no problems with the g5 (the blue one). Should be here in a week or two. Logitech is awesome though, as far as companies go, I fully trust them.


I freaking ditched Razer because their build quality is absolute SHIT. I've had my Lycosa keyboard die on me, Barracuda's headset break after 3 months, and their mouse drivers are junk compared to Logitech, been through one Lachesis and Death Adder and finally got tired of them.

I now own a G110, MX518, G500 and G9 and they are GREAT products and I got them all dirt cheap because unlike Razer they have REAL sales. Only thing I have from razer is my Goliathus mouse pad which is awesome, maybe they should just stick to mouse pads? :D
AdvanSuper - IMHO Razer makes garbage. Mice, keyboards, I haven't liked any of their products, its all marketing.

I really love Steelseries mice and mousepads, but that whole thing goes into personal preference in terms of ergonomics, feel, etc etc. The only way you know for sure is my test driving it yourself, but even then I feel pretty safe persuading people away from Razer's stuff. :)
AdvanSuper - IMHO Razer makes garbage. Mice, keyboards, I haven't liked any of their products, its all marketing.

Yeah you should see their Facebook page and all the stupid crap they have going... What they don't show you is the other mice or headsets their Pro gamers have tucked away in the background when it's photo time :p
I'm taking the G9x back and exchanging it for the G500. I just can't get used to the G9x geometry, it's ludicrous really why they designed it as such a blocky/ edgy piece.

Update: OK, the G500 is vastly superior ergonomically to the G9x in my opinion. Plus the scroll whell toggle is actually accessable instead of on the bottom of the mouse. The precision feels identicle to the G9x and the third side button does not seem to be a problem for me. All that remains to be seen is the durability of the finish compared to the indestructable G5 blue lava finish.
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I don't have any problems pressing any of the buttons on the G500 'cept the middle click. It's too stiff and takes a little too much effort. That alone bugs me to no end and I might have to go back to my G5 blue.
I don't have any problems pressing any of the buttons on the G500 'cept the middle click. It's too stiff and takes a little too much effort. That alone bugs me to no end and I might have to go back to my G5 blue.

i have the g9 and find the middle button too stiff and difficult to press also. Is the g5 much easier to press? i like my old intellimouse 1.1 middle button.. for reference
After using the G500 for a few days, the middle button seems to have become less rigid to me. At first there was a major difference between it and the G5, but my G5 was also very old.