Logitech G7 laggy


Limp Gawd
Sep 9, 2006
My Logitech G7 mouse becomes laggy whenever I am downloading at high speeds. I have a belkin wireless router, but I had the same problem when I was using a linksys router too. I have tried switching channels on the router but it doesnt really seem to help. I have also tried putting the router, mouse receiver, and wireless receiver as far apart as I can...but I still have the same problem. What can I do to fix this issue? This is my second G7, the first one was insanely laggy at all times, and at the time I thought it was a problem with the mouse so I exchanged it. This one only does it while i download, so I'm guessing its interference. Any solutions? I really like the mouse and want to keep it.
I get this too when I transfer files through the wireless connection, don't really know how to fix it without disconnecting the router.
That's really odd. Where is your router in relation to your mouse? My router is sitting on top of my computer which is on my desk and I seem to have no issues.
if i recall, both the G7 and all wireless G routers use 2.4GHz frequency so they interfere with each other in some way or not.
I really hope I find a fix for this. Other than the battery life and this problem, this mouse is amazing.
Move the mouse docking station. You'll find a spot where it doesn't interfere.