Logitech G7 problem..


Feb 27, 2007
cursor is jumping or jittering (don't know how to explain it) when i try to move it. did uninstall and re install and same thing.. called logitech and found out they discontinue the G7. bummer! and i ask the tech if there is any fix to it and he said no.. so he said he'll just send me a new G9.. anyone have experience this with their G7? i'm gonna miss that cordless mice..:mad:
Wait, so if I have an issue with my G7 I can't get a replacement?

CRAP! I've got something similar, in that every once in a while it just stop working for a few seconds. When it's really acting up, every few minutes it'll stop working for about 10 to 20 seconds. It really sucks when you're playing a game and have to pause every minute or two because the mouse stops.
Wait, so if I have an issue with my G7 I can't get a replacement?

CRAP! I've got something similar, in that every once in a while it just stop working for a few seconds. When it's really acting up, every few minutes it'll stop working for about 10 to 20 seconds. It really sucks when you're playing a game and have to pause every minute or two because the mouse stops.

yap, G7 is discontinued. so Logitech is replacing mine with the G9.
dude that is a sweet upgrade though you lose the ability to have it done wirelessly. Logitech seriously needs to release a wireless version of g9 if my g7 ever dies i would rather get a g9, but a wireless g9 would be sweet since i've only had the same tracking problem like you did and once logitech replaced it i was scott free. G7 was truly the only gaming grade mouse on the market that was wireless and logitech has to hit that home to everybody and not just get rid of such an amazing piece of hardware they created.
Just had the same issue and YES they are replacing them with the G9..I was upset at first because I loved the G7 and wanted another but..holy cow the G9 is SWEEET!!..Best mouse I ever used and the way the cord is made(stiff corded plastic)it doesnt get in the way like most corded mice do..
i have two g7s and one of them has the jumpy problem also and it also has some clicking issue. how did u get warranty done on it?