Logitech Mx1000 mouse problem


Limp Gawd
Apr 8, 2006
I just turned it off from the bottom and then on and now i have one red light on the battery level indicator, i dont think its chargining and its not working.

Please help
Clean the charging station and clean the mouse. "Im talking about the Copper parts" Might have to wiggle it a bit.
ive done that but still no result, still just shows red light and no signs of charging. All because i accidently turned it off from the bottom, i dont understand?
He said he did that.

Try turning the mouse on and off again, and plugging it straight into the charger. Is the charger connected? Does the mouse work?
Throw it against the wall and go buy a new mouse.

Try all the usual crap first like pushing the little button on the bottom, turning it off for a long time, etc. But it sounds like your mouse is dead.

Oh, and a red light does not mean the battery is dead. My MX1000 will go for a couple of hours running on red before it croaks.
This happens with my MX1000 sometimes, turning it off, waiting a few minutes, and then turning it back on again usually fixes it.

Also check the little button next to the switch on the bottom of the mouse, make sure it isn't gunked up and 'stuck' in a depressed state.