Logitech Setpoint w/ Uberoptions - won't save mouse speed


[H]F Junkie
Apr 13, 2000
So I have a Logitech G5 gaming mouse w/ Windows 7, and another system with Windows XP, both running a G5 and both have Setpoint. Anyways I install Setpoint software control center v. 6.00.84 and Driver Version 4.90.80 on the Win7 machine. Well I set the mouse speed in setpoint, then everytime I reboot the machine and log back in, my mouse is moving fast as hell. I have to go into setpoint, open the window, and then just click the OK button. This restores my previous mouse speed. This also happens on the XP machine. Anyone know why I set the mouse speed to the way I want in setpoint, then click ok, it works well, but when I reboot and log back in, my mouse speeds are too fast.

Power on machine, log into windows 7 or XP, I have to open setpoint, and click OK, to return my mouse speeds to normal. On every reboot.

I even read a thread on the logitech support forums here : http://forums.logitech.com/t5/Mice-Trackballs/SetPoint-Mouse-Speed-changes-after-restart/m-p/204937

The last post says this
mona said:
In SetPoint, under Mouse Game settings, select SetPoint implementation and enable Game Detection. Next, check the Apply Game Settings when a game is detected checkbox. Under Game Mode Settings, uncheck keep mouse acceleration and keep mouse speed.

If you play around with those options, you might be able to get the settings that you desire.
I tried those settings, and walaa, IT DOESN"T WORK.
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