Logitech Unveils $250 Guitar Hero Controller

i wont be upgrading my rockband setup until there's a worthy e-drum set which is compatible with drum brains and rythym games.

guitar upgrade? pfft, friends can bring their own damn guitar if they don't like the fender plasticators.

i have 3 real guitars, 2 real keyboards, a mixing board and a real drum machine already in my little apartment. there's no room for all this other 6-month-cycle, plastic toy junk.
pretty cool, but I hate to say it like this: When the cost is that high for a controller that looks like a guitar, I rather just get a real guitar and put the effort to learn a real one at that point.

The $60 ones are understandable to play with. $250..whew!
Wow, that is nice, almost a waste lol.
ps I love guitar hero :)
Seriously....:rolleyes: 250 bucks? As Mike Tyson would say, "That's ludicrous!" (I can't type a lisp so you'll have to imagine it.)

If you are willing to pay as much or more for a freakin' game-specific controller as you do for the console, either you either have a ridiculous amount of expendable income or you really need to get a grasp on the concept of money.
pretty cool, but I hate to say it like this: When the cost is that high for a controller that looks like a guitar, I rather just get a real guitar and put the effort to learn a real one at that point.

The $60 ones are understandable to play with. $250..whew!

My thoughts exactly... you could get a pretty decent acoustic for that price...