lol have you ever been so addicted...

I haven't felt like that since I was a kid, but that probably had more to do with being a kid and wanting to play my games when I wasn't able to than it being a normal addiction.
When I went to college back in 1997, I was introduced to a low-ping connection and FPS multiplayer gaming for the first time. I would play Quakeworld TF religiously, sometimes until the wee hours of the morning. I finally learned to balance gaming with school, and didn't fail-out.

Today, I have too many responsibilities to game that much. But I still get my fix (just in smaller chunks).
to a game that if you cant get on every single day to play you got nuts. lol my pc crapped on me almsot a week ago and im building a new rig and ive only been away from WoW for a week and i feel like im going NUTS. anyone else feel this way?

Get help.
I haven't felt like that since I was a kid, but that probably had more to do with being a kid and wanting to play my games when I wasn't able to than it being a normal addiction.

Same here, with single player games. Man, I've never felt that way for a looong time. Wanting to know what happens next in the storyline, like an episodic TV series. Only I'm limited by my wakefulness each day, and by how hard the in-game obstacles are.
Yeah, I played Kingdom of Loathing forever until my workplace finally blocked it. I had to log in every day.
I don't think it can be called an addicition but I have played EVE-Online for nearly 4 years now. The good thing is that you can take regular breaks for holidays and such without falling behind as all skilling is time based and not effort based.

I've been playing runescape for about 5 years. When I first started playing it I played quite a bit, but now I don't play it quite as much.

If you play a game too much without doing anything else, such as another game, you wear it out too fast. At least for me. It's like a campfire that goes from being drizzled on, to a downpour :p.

Seriously though, I can't say that going "nuts" after missing a day of WoW is healthy...You sound like a smoker...:p
I can probably say I was addicted to BF2142 to the point that the wife and I would get in very bad fights about it.

Hell, I had spreadsheets tracking things, I wrote my own stat gathering webpage and everything....

talking about at least 2 hours a day and maybe 8 hours a day on the weekends.

I finally stopped playing in any real amounts after I got all the awards.
The only thing that kept me playing WoW for almost 3 years after my first year was the end game raiding, and the feeling of me needing to be there or else I would let down my fellow players. Outside of that, I really didn't like the game anymore. I've stopped playing because eventually my schedule simply wouldn't allow me to raid, and I never even logged in for the 3 months my subscription was active after I quit. I've canceled my subscription, and really have no inclination at all to go back. WoW addiction is clearly overrated.
i saw a post about the Evony couple of months ago, signed in to see what was all the fuss about. been playing it for the last 4 months. and i am pretty sure i am addicted to it.
People can get addicted to anything. I used to be addicted to forums of all You just have to decide what's most important to you and go from there. I play WoW pretty much every day, but I don't consider myself addicted. I can play or not play, depending on if there's anything going on. I still spend time with my family, eat decently, work out on occasion, socialize, read books, watch TV, etc. I also make time to sit and play WoW. It certainly doesn't have to own every minute of your day if you don't let it....
My addiction was to Warcraft DoTA and footies. Just couldn't survive unless I got a fix of it each day. Then my HDD died, reformatted, and decided to myself to not install it. I wonder how many lives will be ruined when Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 is released.
I've been addicted to a few games in the past where I could easily spend 5+ hours each day playing
BUT if a situation took me away from a game, I was never driven nuts waiting to play it again, if anything that would help kill my addiction
I don't think it can be called an addicition but I have played EVE-Online for nearly 4 years now. The good thing is that you can take regular breaks for holidays and such without falling behind as all skilling is time based and not effort based.

I was pretty badly addicted to Team Fortress Classic in 1998-99, was playing 2-12h per day for a year. Whan I finally got fed up with it I didn't touch another game for 18 months.

My god man. You said it. I think I came around after your time in early 2k. Still the best damn multiplayer fps for me. Played STA/TFL and even a euro league.
No, I have never been addicted enough to any game to go nuts about not being able to play it.
I have 2644 hours spent on WoW logged over Xfire, but I stopped using it a long time ago. I think overall I have at least 3500 hours, probably closer to 4000 :( I'm so ashamed, but I had fun with it so I don't care. I quit it about 6 months ago because I was burnt out and found it boring.

But I wasn't "addicted". I could have stopped if I wanted to. Just had nothing better to do and really enjoyed WoW. I consider it time well spent.