Long Alt-Tabs


Limp Gawd
Jun 28, 2004
This is more of an annoyance than a problem but I believe it's worth asking. On my computer, when I am in a game and I decide to alt-tab, the delay from game back to desktop is excruciatingly long. My setup is more than sufficient for the games I play (Warcraft 3 & Counter-Strike 1.6) with a AMD Athlon 64 [email protected], 1GB Crucial Ballistix, Samsung RAID-0 Setup and a ATi X800XTPE.

If it is of any resource, on my friend's computer with way lower specs than mine...his alt-tab from game to desktop is almost instantaneous.

Things I've already done: Installed the latest drivers, installed chipset drivers, set AGP on 8x, and disabled FastWrites.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance,
If this is ALT-TABing from a game to the desktop, I've always assumed that took a lot longer anyway. I figured it was due to the fact games chew up a lot of PCU time and memory, so it took longer to unload than a normal app, such as an IE window.
not 100% but it may have something to do with the fact that textures will probably need to reload to the memory on the graffix card whenever you go back from windows, though im not sure on this one