longshot - WTB/WFD: Mobile XPs (25W/35W), 2.5" ATA HDD, PC100/133 SODIMMs


May 2, 2001
I know this is a helluva long shot, but I have 4 Sony FX-210 laptops that are going to charity - 1 to SPCA, 1 to battered women's shelter, and 2 to after school program. Problem is they each need *fixing*. I am trying to do this as inexpensive as possible (or free if you can spare the parts) b/c these groups are tight on funds. I basically need CPU, HDD, and memory parts - here are the specs of the pieces:

- AMD mobile Athlon XP or Athlon 4 CPUs (1600+ - 2400+)
- Either 25W or 35W (anything hotter will die b/c of cooling & power issues)
- 100/200 or 133/266FSB
- Socket A

- 2.5" formfactor
- ATA interface
- 20, 30, 40, 60GB

- PC100 or PC133 SODIMMs
- 128mb or 256mb (preferred)
- Example specs: http://tinyurl.com/99apd

Again, these parts are for old laptops being downated to charities. If you can see you way to donating parts that would be awesome! If not, let me know how much you want for them and I will see what I can come-up with - hell, I might just have dig into my own darn pocket!!!

If you can help and need to get in touch with me, please contact as follows:
- Email: forums [AT] copperdog {dot} org
- Forum: Post in thread or PM
- AIM: sevencarbon

Lastly, yes I do have refs:
- Heatware (JPS): 95-0-0
- eBay (jps404): 66-0-0
- Beerology (JPS): 22-0-0
I have 1 x 256 PC133 on its way - thank you! I still need 3-7 more as well as some HDDs and some mobile XPs.
I am parting out a notebook that has a 10GB HDD that I'm pretty sure still works, along with a 128MB stick of PC133. I've also got a carrying case if you want it. $100 will get you the whole notebook (it doesn't post) but it should be good for the parts. LMK, look [thread=934808]here[/thread]
Just picked up another 256mb SODIMM - thanks! THing I really need are some 25W or 35W Mobile Athlon XPs - anyone have some they are willing to donate or sell *cheap*? These are, afterall, for charity use by needy groups.

Thanks, but that is more than I need right now.
Bump for busiest time of night in the forums and hoping someone sees this and can help out!!!!
THe did indeed make 25W XP-Ms
AMD Athlon 4 Standard 25W  	
AMD Athlon 4 Desktop Replacement 35W 	
AMD Athlon XP-M Low-Power 16W 	
AMD Athlon XP-M Low-Power 25W 	
AMD Athlon XP-M Mainstream 35W
source: http://cbid.amdclub.ru/html/sysinfo.html

Schweet about the frontpage - thanks Kyle & Steve!