Looking for a 24" TN monitor

Aug 10, 2008
I've been trying to research monitors recently, but all it's done is confuse me more. Can you guys give me some recommendations I can look through? It'll be for general PC use, gaming, and movies (no photo editing or anything like that). I guess I'm looking for a well-rounded monitor with both good color and response time/input lag. I don't have any real budget, but I'm looking toward monitors <$500.

I looked through most of the 24" TN monitors at http://www.digitalversus.com/duels.php?ty=6
The BenQ G2400WD seemed to be solid, but I'm concerned about its low brightness (250 cd/m2) and smaller color gamut compared to similarly priced TNs. What other solid monitors are there?

Thanks :)
The lower brightness and smaller gamut are actually positives imho. Wide gamut = oversaturated, incorrect colors (skin tones, especially look horrible on wide gamut displays). http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/read.asp?forum=1019&message=4778608

And the non eye scorching brightness means you don't have to turn brightness down really low (possibly reducing contrast in the process) to get a comfortable brightness level. I actually wish I'd know about the g2400wd when I bought my monitor (samsung 245bw), because I would have definitely chosen it over the samsung.
How about the Gateway FHD2401; not the 2400. I myself haven't seen it in person (yet!), but from the specs it seems nice. It does however lack most of the inputs the 2400 had. There's no component, composite, S-video, or usb hubs.
I would recommend the BenQ V2400W or G2400WD. If you do a little research you'll see how fantastic they are for gaming, and 1080p over HDMI with 1:1
The only reason why I don't buy a BenQ is that they aren't available locally... And I am really tired of sending stuff back to NewEgg.
if you are in the US, Bestbuy has the Dell E248WFP for 289 on sale today, not sure how long for though. I picked one up. It's really nice for the money.
if you are in the US, Bestbuy has the Dell E248WFP for 289 on sale today, not sure how long for though. I picked one up. It's really nice for the money.

THANK YOU! I took your suggestion and decided to take a look at Best Buy. That sale ends tonight, it was only for this weekend. The BB I visited was sold out of the Dell, but in looking around I found a Gateway FHD2400. Recognizing that this was a discontinued model I had the sales associate price it for me. It was $289!

Earlier today I was pricing and considering an FHD2401. At Circuit City, and Best Buy it was selling for $469. Someone in another thread was of the opinion that the FHD2400 was a better display. So I had to try it! Also the return policy at Best Buy is better than the one at Circuit City. So if the backlight bleed is bad I'll return it ASAP.
Lower max brightness is actually a plus :) Some monitors are too bright even at 0 brightness.