looking for a "crystalfontz-like" lcd display...


Jul 28, 2003
I'm looking for a crystalfontz style lcd display in a reverse amber color. This color is necessary for my next project, and ive been having bad luck searching for one.

whats wrong with an actual crystalfontz display, and what do you mean "style"?
by style I meant a small display, much like the crystalfontz. Mostly to keep people from thinking I meant a desktop LCD monitor.

Nothing's wrong with crystalfontz except they didn't have the color I was looking for. Actually a crystalfontz would be ideal since the chassis I plan on using is designed around their product.

I just know very little on LCD displays, so I have no clue on how to make one that color.
Originally posted by mustang_steve
by style I meant a small display, much like the crystalfontz. Mostly to keep people from thinking I meant a desktop LCD monitor.

Nothing's wrong with crystalfontz except they didn't have the color I was looking for. Actually a crystalfontz would be ideal since the chassis I plan on using is designed around their product.
If you are designing the chassis around one of their LCDs, could you tell us how large (heightxwidth) and how many lines you need (1x16, 2x20, 2x40, 4x16, 4x20, 4x40, etc)?

-special [k]
Originally posted by mustang_steve
Nothing's wrong with crystalfontz except they didn't have the color I was looking for. Actually a crystalfontz would be ideal since the chassis I plan on using is designed around their product.
Just use a filter to get the color you want. The sources for filters are limitless. Parts Express has a variety of colors, for one. Just get a amber colored filter, cut it to size, and then you get a convincingly amber colored LCD output.
Originally posted by specialk
If you are designing the chassis around one of their LCDs, could you tell us how large (heightxwidth) and how many lines you need (1x16, 2x20, 2x40, 4x16, 4x20, 4x40, etc)?

-special [k]

2x16. Looking for preferably a USB interface.

I guess I'll just try a 632 USB display and add in a filter. http://www.crystalfontz.com/products/632usb/index.html

If your wondering about the tint of amber, think Yamaha Recievers. I'm mostly trying to have this unit look like it belongs in my audio rack (making that after the PC :) )
Originally posted by mustang_steve
If your wondering about the tint of amber, think Yamaha Recievers. I'm mostly trying to have this unit look like it belongs in my audio rack (making that after the PC :) )
Go for a VFD then. LCDs do not tint well and you have to make sure to avoid any polarized films. VFDs tint great and would probably look more audio-esque, mainly because they have often been used in audio equipment for their high visibility.

-special [k]

Is there a place to get this tinting film? I tried parts express like mentioned above, but had no luck.
I have a 4x20 I might be able to part with, it's serial/parallel, however you may be hard-pressed to find a driver. The only program I have found that officially supports it is http://www.vfdworld.com/index.php?page=usingyourvfd (It is the Noritake CU20045SCPB-T23A 4x20 VFD and it seems like they want it wired up parallel). It's not hard to program for, however, if you can write our own programs (which I have...)

[edit]And I can definately sell it for less than the $107.10 Matrix-Orbital wants for one of their simple VFDs (http://www.matrixorbital.com/pages/product_view.asp?CatID=2&ProductID=6)[/edit]

-special [k]
wanna shoot me an email with action pics special[k]? might be interested. is this graphical btw?

4x20 means its character. If it was 128x64 then it would be graphical (something of that format for future reference)
ah thanks, but so does anyone have any links for those graphical ones i could take a look at?

Originally posted by jeska

You fancy actually *adding* something to the threads you post in? As far as I can tell, all you've done so far is post meaningless one-liners to artificially boost your post count.

And sorry mustang_steve - I don't mean to hijack your thread with flames, but this sort of thing really pisses me off.
hehe, don't worry bout it.

To me its not a hijack until there are at least 5 off topics in a row :)